storybook endings, fairytales coming true

Jan 04, 2008 22:54

Holy crap, they are making Ender's Game into a movie. That... is the greatest thing ever. Actually, no. It might be the worst thing ever. I'm becoming disillusioned with movie adaptations of books. Mostly because of the disastrous The Dark is Rising movie ... and Beowulf as well, now that I think of it. But I still go see them. Ender's Game might be good, though... Who knows?
It doesn't look like it's coming out any time soon, though... Not much info on imdb... Oh well! If I could wait for The Hobbit I can wait for this!

In OTHER other news.... I turn nineteen in a few hours! I'm almost old. Bleh. Somebody called me "Ma'am" the other day, when I went to Panera Bread with Derek Cooper and Anna. Also, I had my Second Annual Jane Austen Birthday Tea with Elissa, Anna, and Clare! It was great. We watched Emma this year, since Becoming Jane isn't out on DVD yet. My mom and I spent all yesterday baking. It was ridiculous. But tasty!

Poor Anna has to go back to school on Sunday! Hopefully I can see Clare and Elissa at least once more next week, though, before I go back to VJC and Clare goes back to VT... Elissa's still off for a week after we are, so I'm going to make her visit me at school...

This post is way too long... I'm finally going to get to use the lj-cut tag! WHOO!

In other news, Inkheart and The City of Ember are also supposed to be coming out this year, along with the next CoN: Prince Caspian, and, of course, HP:HBP. I feel like I saw some other books listed on IMDB... hm... I haven't even finished looking through the list yet....

Hm... There's also this interesting movie called Changeling coming out eventually. I've always enjoyed stories of the changeling child... Totally gotta go see that one... Doesn't seem to be based on a book in particular, just the concept in general... sweet....

HOLY F! They're making Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, TOO?! I don't know whether to be utterly delighted or annoyed that these people can't come up with ideas for movies on their own...

Elissa said that Ted Dekker's Blink was rewritten so it could be made into a movie, but he took all the religious aspects out, and it's stupid now... Gah. She STILL hasn't read the new Alex Rider book!

Oh, you have got to be kidding me... The Lies of Locke Lamora as well?! Dangit, IMDB won't let me see the page without a paid account... Time to go to Wikipedia.... IS EVERY BOOK I'VE EVER READ IN MY LIFE BEING MADE INTO A MOVIE?!?! This is insane!

I want to see some Diana Wynne Jones books made into movies... I'd like to see the Chrestomanci ones, especially. And a Howl's Moving Castle live-action remake. The Miyazaki version was okay, but it wasn't what I was hoping for.

More books into movies...
The Lions of Al-Rassan... never read it, but I recognize the name....
Oh, yeah, there's one based on the Bronte sisters, and an adaptation of Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2...
Maximum Ride... Never read those, either...
Ooh, Memoirs of Hadrian, I forgot about that one! Another one I'm looking forward to... They should totally do Mary Renault's The Persian Boy, as well.. I think I read that parts of the movie Alexander were drawn from it, but still....
Holy crap, The Dragonriders of Pern! Been waiting for that for years!
Once and Future King. THE Once and Future King?! I hope so!
Some other ones that I never read as books....
You are not serious... Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief?! That one will be either really well done or it'll totally suck... It depends on what age group they aim it towards...
*ENORMOUS GASP!* Point Blanc?! As in the second Alex Rider book Point Blanc?! WHOO! Now if only they cut Sabina out and got better actors.... They should totally just skip to Scorpia, though... It's a much better story... Or any of the others, really. Point Blanc is my least favorite....
Richard III? I assume a Shakespeare adaptation.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms? That's obscure.
Ooh, The Screwtape Letters! I probably won't see it, but a lot of people I know will...
Not to mention they're apparently remaking The Seven Samurai and The Day the Earth Stood Still...
Skellig... I think I started that and never finished it...
Sleeper Code?! Dude, I just read that, like, a few weeks ago! I should recommend it to Elissa...
Jerry Spinelli's Stargirl. Never finished reading that one either.
The Tale of Despereaux...
The Thief of Always... That sounds really familiar... Might need to go look that one up...
Ah! A remake of that "Time Tunnel" show on Sci Fi! Gotta tell Dad...
The Time-Traveler's Wife... Never read.
That Stephanie Meyer novel, Twilight, one of many books I will not read simply because the main character is a girl...
Aw, Where the Wild Things Are!

Seriously... Doesn't Hollywood pay writers to come up with ORIGINAL screenplays?!
But still, hopefully (some of) the movie adaptations will be good!!!!!

college, clare, anna, birthday, movies, jane austen, elissa, party, books

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