It has been waaaaaaay too long to try to catch up on reading or recapitulate stuff since the last State Of The Andrew, so I'm just gonna jump right in with what's on my mind right now.
Happy birthday,
I've been on sertraline (Zoloft) for a few months. It's been working pretty well in terms of emotional evenness and regularity of sleep. But today I confirmed one major negative side effect ... it's been making me exhausted. No wonder I've been sleeping so well! Yesterday I forgot to take my dose, and today I feel able to do SO MUCH STUFF, unlike the last two weeks running. I'm not all boingie boingie wheee but I'm able to act about as fully as I ever have.
Still no wonder drug for me. Everything I've tried has had major problems. I'm glad I found the book Willpower's Not Enough; it introduced me to the idea that expecting to find a magic pill (in the "fixes everything immediately" sense) is a large part of the problem. Gotta be willing to accept that there's no easy answer, or else I'm going to keep expecting perfection of myself and therefore keep being depressed/anxious/NotOK for having failed to achieve same.
The thoughts in that paragraph are shorthand for concepts quite familiar to me. They're not grand leaps of reasoning -- I'm just leaving out the little steps in between.
Yesterday's newspaper had an article about an Israeli judge ruling on an American protester's death. The content of the case doesn't matter to me. The way the decision was expressed made me incensed. Basically, the judge said, "The woman knew she was in a dangerous situation and chose not to get out of it, so it's her own fault she died." The repercussions of that are mind-boggling, idiotic, ridiculous. Setting aside the huge human rights issues and assuming you only care about citizens of Israel who are not Palestinian ... imagine you're an Isaeli construction worker, or factory employee, or soldier, or politician. Your job exposes you to danger. But since you choose to retain your job, if you get maimed in an industrial accident or you're shot by a guerilla or your face gets melted off by a suicide bomber's attack, oh well too bad, nobody's liable because you didn't get out of the dangerous situation. Good Gaia, that's dumb.
Last and yeah it actually is least -- Firefox has been changing in ways I don't like, recently, and I never enjoyed Internet Explorer. Anyone care to enthuse about their favorite browser? If you do, please specify the source(s) of your joy.
I have about eight billion other things to talk about, but time's up. Gotta go get a shower and do other Useful Things since I finally have the wherewithal to do 'em. =)