May 30, 2004 12:51
although i'm tired, today is a good day. Sunny and warm, but still at work. Catching some rays, watching the cars drive by enjoying their day. I should be at the lake, or on the med right now.
my little girl rocks. In a matter of a week she has mastered riding a bicycle with training wheels. She even shows off and hotdogs now. She only just turned 2. How can somebody so little be so independent? I thought her mobility increased once she started walking, but lately she bounds to these unbelievable levels of ability. I think shortly she'll start taking swimming lessons, maybe in the fall. However, this summer will be full of day trips to the pool and beach. I'm glad she's fearless. It's good to be fearless if your'e able to incorporate good judgment and caution (which she has). She knows the cause and effect, what will make her bust her butt and cry.
Needless to say, I'm so proud of my baby girl. Hard to believe she was a premie. haha premie. She's in the 90th percentile of height, 85th in weight, and 95th in head circumfrence (sic). What's that all about? I guess she has a large head to fit all of her brains which she inherited from her genius daddy. haha truth hurts.
We are constantly trying to find new ways to sap her of all her energy. She runs from sunrise till midnight. Swimming soon, gymnastics, and full contact ass kicking. Seriously, i think she'll be the class bully of sorts. However, she'll modify her actions to protect the little kids who get picked on by bullies. Maybe i'll take her to some asian zen master martial artist to help her stay calm and help her.
By the way, this particular entry isn't meant to entertain, more of a personal notation. Not like any of my entries are entertaining. I'm afraid to let loose and write too much, then the internet paddy wagon will come and collect me.
Rock on Melany, you little lady bug. Keep being the sweetie pie that you are. I love you bunches. tanto cosi
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