How can people be so irritating and not realize it

May 29, 2004 18:18

What does a person have to do (other than being brutally honest) to get somebody to stop trying to converse with you. Most people from eastern euro countries are just insane. I guess that's why they're from there, kinda sequestered in the arpit of europe. not being prejud, just speaking from experience.

french people are starting to piss me off more and more. i still give them the benefit of the doubt when i run across them (unfortunately not with my car). However, they continue to leave that bad feeling in the air.

Germans got a big A+ the other night. Young group of guys (p.s not gay) at the lake eurocamp were partying, having a good time. after several beers and an 'apperitive', they busted out the charcoal and grill. Proceeded to accelerate the burn process of the coals with a large high powered torch. Fuckin americans, big dummies, waiting all that time for the coals to turn white.

Anyway, kick ass steaks, sausages, GOLDEN TOAST (long inside story/joke) and Becks Gold which i never knew existed. I think men consider/compare discovering a great new beer like finding a new marine species 30,000 ft underwater.

All the while, the english lady yelling in her cort shrill voice, QUIET....actually, maybe she was german too, sounded like one of those SS Youth Counselors, not that i would know about that bad bad stuff.

It's funny to hear the Germans talk smack about the Dutch. The Dutch dislike the germans, but it's funnier when germans dis on the dutch, more flair.

things are happy happy happy with the family. finally. I think we were in a winter depression or something. sun comes out, people get happy. so, come on and get happy mr. mike. don't be a sleeping ahole downer all the time. just say fuck it, suck it up and proceed to have a good time in life.

tuo ecaep
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