To Kyatara, From Angelogdarknes ♥

Dec 08, 2007 10:56

Title: The Little Details
Author: angelogdarknes
Recipient: Kyatara
Series: xxxHolic/Tsubasa crossover
Characters/Pairing: Syaoran/Watanuki
Rating: PG
Author Notes/Warnings: First time writing this pairing, hope you enjoy ^^

Watanuki, who always seemed to spend his time either swooning over Himawari or fighting with Doumeki, always seemed to notice the smallest detail, be they earthly or supernatural. Still, this same boy who could see small wings on a girl’s back, often seemed oblivious to the most obvious of details.

Syaoran was one such detail.

The brown-haired boy had transferred to the school not long after the semester had begun, smiling kindly at the class as he told them his name, bowing and thanking the teacher before going off to his offered sit. It was four rows back, besides the window. It was also behind Watanuki’s.

He didn’t talk much, though always happy to help others, that same kind smile always present. During lunch, he would always sit quietly, be it at his desk or under a tree in the courtyard, reading a book or studying. He wasn’t hard to approach or converse with, but he always seemed content enough to simply engross himself in the pages of a book, so the others students allowed him his moments of peace.

And though Syaoran always seemed attentive enough during class, he seemed to spend a lot of time staring at the window, eyes just out of focus. Only those observant enough noticed that what he would be staring at would not be the outside world, but Watanuki’s reflection on the glass, the latter completely oblivious.

It wasn’t until two months after Syaoran had transferred that the two finally spoke.

They were paired up for an art project, drawing landscapes and scenery, and while they did spend the afternoon drawing, they also spent it talking. The more they spoke, the more Watanuki realized they had in common, and the more he grew to like the brown-haired teen.

Eventually, the subject of family came up. Watanuki explained how he lived by himself, both parents having passed away a number of years ago. With only a slight hesitation, Syaoran admitted to doing the same.

He didn’t remember anything about his actual parents, the boy’s memory going only as far back as when he’d been adopted by Fujitaka. He was an archeologist who spent all his time studying the ruins in the nearby dessert, happiest when something new was uncovered. He was also very kind; not only for having picked up Syaoran, but for the way he treated the boy after doing so. The most vivid memories Syaoran had of Fujitaka always were him smiling warmly, or ruffling his hair affectionately.

“It sounds like he’s a great person. I’d love to be able to meet him” The second Watanuki’s words had escaped his mouth, a saddened look passed over Syaoran’s eyes, even as he tried to hide it behind a smile.

“He passed away a couple of months ago. He left a large sum of money behind under my name, but nobodies sure what to do with it or me, though. That’s why they sent me to study overseas; keep me busy while they figure something out….”

“I’m sorry, I had no idea that-“ A shake of the brunette’s head caused him to pause mid-sentence . “It’s not your fault, so you have nothing to apologize for. I’ll miss him, but I know he wouldn’t want me to brood over his death. Besides, it’s thanks to me getting sent to study here that I met you, Watanuki-san.”

The smile seemed a bit more real now, so Watanuki nodded, smiling back. “You should come visit me some time; it’ll be nice having company over” The day came sooner than either expected.

It was June, so rain was to be expected. Most students brought one with them every day to class, the forgetful ones occasionally sharing one with a close friend. By now, Watanuki and Syaoran had formed a habit of walking home together, or in Watanuki’s case, walking to Yuuko’s shop. And while the shop was closer to school than Syaoran’s house, his own apartment was about ten minutes closer than the other boy’s.

On one of those rare days when he didn’t have to go to Yuuko’s shop, Watanuki and Syaoran were saying goodbye before going on their respective ways when the rain suddenly grew harder, water coming down in sheets as the wind picked up at an alarmingly fast rate.

“It’s still a long way to your house, right?” Watanuki had to scream to get his voice to carry over, the wind seeming to carry his words far off course. “Come to my place, it’s right around the corner!” Syaoran opened his mouth to decline, but was interrupted as thunder flashed in the distance, followed by what almost sounded like a loud explosion. Instead he nodded his head, quickly following behind the other.

Moment later they arrived at the apartment, school uniforms soaked through, hair matted sloppily against their faces. Watanuki grabbed two towels, handing one to Syaoran as he used the other to dry his hair. Wiping the water from his eyes, beads of it still dripping down from tips of soaked hair, he took a look around the apartment.

It was smaller than most apartments, but not cramped. There was just enough furniture in the room; a small table set to one side with four places to sit, a dresser at the other corner with a bed besides it, and a shelf filled with what seemed like everything from school books and supplies to small trinkets. A small TV occupied a corner, a two-person couch in front of it.

Syaoran could see the kitchen from where he was standing, as well as a small hallway which lead to what he assumed was the bathroom. All in all, it looked like a cozy place to live….

He was interrupted from his musings by the sound of water dripping unto the floor. Looking down, he finally noticed the small puddle that had been forming around his feet, apologizing profoundly as he kneeled down to wipe it up. A slight chuckle escaped Watanuki, and he shook his head, handing him a pair of shorts and a plain shirt. “It doesn’t look like the rain will let up any time soon, and it’ll be bad for your health if you stay in those wet clothes too long”

Blushing slightly, Syaoran thanked him, making his way to what Watanuki pointed out as indeed being the bathroom. Moments later he emerged, wet uniform in hand. The shorts fit fined, thought the shirt seemed to be one or two sizes too big for him. “I’m sorry, it’s the smallest thing I had. I guess my shirts are a little too big for you” The other quickly shook his head. “It’s not a problem. I should be thanking you, for letting me stay here while the rain let’s up, and even lending me a change of clothes”

“It’s nothing, really” Taking the uniform from him, Watanuki hung it back in the bathroom to dry, changing into clothes similar to what he had given the other. Heading to the kitchen, he began to work on dinner, Syaoran offering to help in whatever he could. Dinner came and went, and the rain continued to show no signs of letting up. It was suggested that younger boy stay the night, Watanuki explaining that it be no problem, he had an extra futon in the closet. Syaoran thanked him again profusely.

Both worked on cleaning after dinner, a task made trickier by the small kitchen. Occasionally, their hands would brush, or their bodies bump into one another. When it happened, one would quickly apologize, while the other would tell him not to worry and insist it was their fault.

As afternoon turned into night, they decided to watch a movie, settling into the couch and playing an old action movie. Time passed, and Syaoran found himself drifting off. Soon he was asleep, body resting against Syaoran, head placed comfortably on his shoulder.

As the movie ended, Watanuki was about to wake the other, but found himself instead staring at Syaoran’s sleeping form, eyes taking in his calm expression. Somehow, he seemed more peaceful than Watanuki had ever seen him, and instead of shaking him slightly, his hand lifted the other’s chin, lips pressing against his in a soft kiss. It wasn’t until he pulled away that what he’d just done fully dawned on him, and while his face blushed furiously, he kept his body as still as possible.

Syaoran seemed to not have awakened, but instead continued to doze, chest rising and falling in soft, even breaths. As quickly and carefully as possible, Watanuki stood, laying the other boy down on the sofa and reaching for a blanket, pulling it over the body. He made his way back to his futon, knowing that a sleepless night awaited him, one that he would spend trying to figure out not only what he’d just done, but why he had done it. Even from the beginning, though, there was no feeling of regret.

On the opposite side of the room, illuminated by moonlight, Syaoran smiled.

series: xxxholic, author: angelogdarknes, series: tsubasa reservoir chronicles, round one

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