To Jeanette, From Rekall ♥

May 07, 2009 23:17

Title: Meetings in the Street
Author: rekallthegreat
Recipient: von_questenberg
Series: TRC
Characters/Pairing: Fuuma/Kamui, Seishirou/Subaru
Rating: PG
Author's Notes/Warnings [if any]: none

The market was full of life; it was a simple world, most of the people made their living selling goods that they made or grew themselves. They were happy though, even the overcrowded street didn’t seem to faze the populace as they went about their daily lives. But their happiness did nothing to satisfy Kamui’s bad mood. He was agitated but he wasn’t sure why. He could sense that the hunter wasn’t hiding somewhere in the world but that still did nothing to ease his feelings.

As he passed a selling who was trying to a bag of apples into his arms, Kamui’s thoughts drifted to Subaru who was sleeping back in their hotel room. It was a normal sleep, not like the one experienced back in Tokyo, but Kamui still had been reluctant to leave his brother’s side. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone but he had been scared at times in Tokyo, wondering if Subaru would ever wake up.

The wind rustled and suddenly a sense of dread came over Kamui. He simply knew that something was going to happen and that he should hurry back to Subaru before it was too late. As he turned though, to head back to the hotel, a strong hand grabbed his wrist, twisting his arm, and Kamui found his back being pressed tightly up against a man’s chest.

Alarm ran through Kamui and he was ready to fight himself free when a familiar voice whispered into his ear. “How nice it is to see you again, Kamui.”

“Fuuma,” Kamui growled, the alarm dissolving and instead being replaced by annoyance. Silently he cursed his luck of running into his nemesis. In all the worlds that existed, he had hoped he had seen the last of Fuuma when they had departed in Tokyo.

“Can’t you be nicer towards an old friend?” Fuuma asked and Kamui felt the man’s tongue against the back of his neck. It oddly felt nice, not that Kamui would ever admit it; instead he roughly pulled away from Fuuma and turned around to glare at him.

“The brother of that hunter is no friend of mine.”

“Don’t be that way; it’s been so long since we’ve seen each other and I didn’t tell my brother a thing about you two.”

Kamui doubted that Fuuma was telling the complete truth but he wasn’t concerned about that it was the underlined subtext that bothered Kamui. “You saw him? When?”

“A while ago, in a place called Nihon. He caused quite a disturbance, especially towards that group of travellers that we met in Tokyo.”

That information did nothing to relax Kamui. They had never visited a place called Nihon but knowing that Seishirou was still determined to find them made him restless. He wanted to get back to Subaru, wake him and get out of there quick. Staying even a day in a world was becoming dangerous.

Lost in thought, Kamui didn’t notice that Fuuma was sliding close to him once more. “Don’t worry, I’m sure my brother is far away from here,” Fuuma said as he slipped an arm around Kamui’s shoulders. “Besides he means no harm, he simply has a weird habit of tormenting people, especially ones he loves or tries to help”

“That sounds like someone I know,” Kamui grumbled, finally realizing how close Fuuma was but not bothering to move away. He wasn’t trapped this time which made the difference and although Fuuma was often annoying, he wasn’t all bad.

“That hurts Kamui.”

“I somehow doubt that.” Moving away from Fuuma once again, Kamui turned his back to him and started walking away. “I need to go. Subaru and I will no longer stay here.”

“Shouldn’t you let him rest a little longer? You don’t look like you’ve been gone very long.”

“How did you know?” Kamui sharply asked while turning back to face Fuuma. He had been annoyed before but now he was mad. He didn’t like the idea of Fuuma spying on him and Subaru.

“Because you’re apart,” came the relaxed reply. Fuuma didn’t seem phased at all over Kamui’s anger. “I can’t see you getting into a fight with him so you wouldn’t storm off in a rage, which means that Subaru wanted to rest and you, being the kind brother that you are, are giving him space so that you don’t disturb him.”

Kamui scowled, hating that Fuuma could read him so easily. “Subaru can rest later, in the next world, he’d understand.”

“Or how about letting Subaru rest here and spent the day looking around with me?” Fuuma offered. “I’m free right now, but Yuuko-san likes it when I send her souvenirs of the places I visit. This place looks like it has plenty of goodies that I can send to her.”

Kamui stared at Fuuma as he mulled over his options. He really did want to get back to Subaru and get out of there. But the chances that Seishirou would arrive in the next few hours were slim. Besides they had lasted for a long time on Tokyo without any trouble and he could sense that Subaru was still safe. Besides he might be able to get more information out of Fuuma about Seishirou’s current whereabouts. “Fine! But not for long!”

Kamui hated the dumb, pleased look that Fuuma gave him; being nice to Fuuma made him feel weird. Nevertheless he behaved as they wandered the market and Kamui actually found himself joining the time they spent together. He wrote it off though, figuring it was just because Fuuma was one of the few people who knew his and Subaru’s past. He could be himself around Fuuma without worrying about too much trouble.

“How about this?” Fuuma asked picking up a frog toy. They were standing in front of stand for handmade, sewn children’s toys and it was the frog that caught Fuuma’s eye.

“You’re buying that for a witch?” Kamui asked in return, only to have Fuuma place the frog upon his head while the taller man paid for it.

“She’ll like it! Trust me!”

“I’m sure,” Kamui dryly replied as he took the frog off his head and hugged it tightly. It was uncharacteristic of him but he was happy. He could sense that Subaru was now awake and was tempted to head back to the hotel but something kept him from doing that. Perhaps, he supposed, it was because he didn’t know when he’d see Fuuma again.

“Come on,” Fuuma cheerfully said as he began moving along and Kamui continued to go with him. It would be all right, every thing would be fine.

* * *

Back at the hotel, Subaru woke to find that Kamui was still out. He didn’t really mind though, Kamui had a tendency to be overbearing at times, forgetting that Subaru held the same powers that he had and that Subaru could take care of himself when necessary.

Seeking out Kamui’s presence, Subaru found him nearby but distracted, yet he couldn’t sense any hostility from his twin. That was good; it was rare for Kamui to relax.

Not wanting to stick around the hotel, Subaru decided to take a walk. It was nice day and it was a peaceful world, there was no telling what the next world would be like and Subaru wanted to enjoy it while he could.

The busy crowd of the market didn’t appeal to Subaru so instead he decided head for a more quiet area. He didn’t have to walk far before finding an empty park and at the center of the park was a type of tree that Subaru recognized from other worlds. It was a sakura tree, its cherry blossoms flowering strongly and Subaru was surprised that no one else was around viewing it but suspected that the busy market was the reason why people stayed away.

It was while staring at the tree when he first felt the arrival of a new presence. Kamui definitely would have been upset but Subaru didn’t feel the same level of alarm when Seishirou was around.

“I finally found you,” came the familiar voice and Subaru turned around to find him standing a short distance away.

Subaru could do nothing except stare at him. It had been so long since he had last seen Seishirou yet the man hadn’t changed one bit. “Why do you continue to chase me? You know that Kamui doesn’t like it.”

“Because you’re mine,” Seishirou replied with a smiling face but Subaru knew that he couldn’t trust the hunter. It was odd to explain their relationship, one built on both hate and love. “And your brother is being annoying trying to keep us apart.”

“Don’t you dare,” Subaru dangerously warn, extending his fingers. He would do anything to protect Kamui, even if it meant going against Seishirou.

“I mean no harm,” Seishirou replied, his smile growing but at the same time doing nothing to comfort Subaru. Subaru did however return his hand to normal; he could tell that there wasn’t going to be a fight; at least not between them.

Suddenly Subaru felt very tired, it was draining dealing with Seishirou, but it was better than the alternative of never seeing him again. Their lives were bound together whether Kamui liked it or not. “Just go, before Kamui arrives.”

“All we’re doing is talking politely. Surely Kamui can’t get angry over that?”

Wind rustled their clothing as they continued to stare at each other. There was a deadly silence between them, which neither wanted to break.

Subaru didn’t know how long it lasted; all he would remember later was Kamui’s swift arrival, his fingers extended as he took a swipe at Seishirou who easily dodged the blow, not looking concerned in the process that he was being attacked.

It was Fuuma’s involvement that stopped a full blown fight between the two. Subaru barely noticed him until he grabbed his brother, giving Kamui time to grab Subaru. The next thing that Subaru knew was that they were travelling to another world leaving the two brothers far behind.

* * *

“You’re supposed to be on my side,” Seishirou said once the twins were gone. He wasn’t mad; he wasn’t even surprised to see Fuuma there. In contrast he was slightly amused,

“Kamui would have gotten mad at me again if I didn’t help him,” Fuuma replied with the same cheerful attitude that both brothers shared. “I want him to speak to me the next time I see him.”

“Ah, but that means my pray escaped again.”

“The hunt is the best part though.”

“You have a point,” Seishirou said, agreeing with his brother. It was fun, in an odd way, of constantly trying to track down Subaru. “I should get going myself since there’s no reason to stay here any longer.”

“Take care until next time!” Fuuma replied before looking around and patting his clothing with a bewildered look on his face. “I think Kamui stole my frog.”

round 5, author: rekallthegreat, series: tsubasa reservoir chronicles

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