To Morgif-kun, from Rekall ♥

Nov 21, 2008 10:45

Title: And Then the Music Stopped
Author: Rekall//rekallthegreat
Recipient: morgif_kun
Series: RG Veda
Characters/Pairing: Kendappa/Souma
Rating: PG
Author's Notes/Warnings [if any]: none

Kendappa’s hands stilled on the harp, causing the music to come to a halt. It wasn’t often that she became distracted while playing but the song brought back distant memories, of a time that was so long ago. It was the first song that Souma had ever heard her play, back when Souma had only been staying with her for a short time and was still unsure of what to make of her new home, wondering if it was safe, wondering if she could trust Kendappa-ou.

It had been late at night and being in new surroundings, Souma couldn’t sleep, especially since she should have been killed with the rest of her clan. Kendappa also couldn’t sleep that night, wondering what she had done, wondering why she betrayed her orders. To calm herself, she had sought comfort in her music, unaware that anyone else would be awake to hear it.

She had been surprised when she noticed that Souma had been listening, but not unhappy. After some coaxing, she managed to convince Souma to take a seat near her while she continued to play. They stayed that way until dawn, enjoying each other’s company, even though there had been a few lingering moments of awkwardness between them in the beginning due to not completely knowing the other.

Even after so many years she didn’t know why she didn’t kill Souma when she had found the girl. It was her duty to carry out the will of Taishakuten; he was the strongest after-all and Kendappa vowed long ago to only serve the most powerful warrior. But even back then there was something about Souma that pulled at Kendappa’s heart which caused her to spare the girl’s life.

Slight tears began falling from her eyes and Kendappa angrily wiped them away, mad at herself for being so weak and glad that she was currently alone. She wished that Souma had stayed, wished that Souma did not want to avenge the death of her clan. She didn’t understand it, she had lost her family too, yet she was content with her life, playing her music and serving her Emperor. She didn’t understand why Souma also couldn’t also be happy. She would have kept Souma safe, forever if necessary and they would have always been together.

Trying to shake off the past, Kendappa began playing once more, picking a different song to play but there weren’t many that she hadn’t played in Souma’s company. After that night, Souma was a welcoming presence whenever Kendappa couldn’t sleep and decided to play at night. The music would draw Souma in and calm her whenever she was feeling anxious over her situation, and even after Souma had gotten use to living with Kendappa, she continued on with the tradition, not wanting to stop.

“It’s relaxing,” she would say as she’d close her eyes and listen to the sweet sounds.

Kendappa had no complaints; she enjoyed Souma’s company far too much to turn her away. Souma might have found the music relaxing but her presence was what relaxed Kendappa the most.

Sometimes Kendappa would halt her playing and playfully lean over, planting small kisses to Souma’s forehead. There would never be any protests, even when Kendappa would take things further, gently kissing Souma’s lips.

“Kendappa-ou… why…?” Souma once questioned her. She didn’t dislike it, but was merely confused.

“Because it feels nice,” Kendappa had cheerfully replied and that had been the end of that conversation.

For so long Kendappa had tried to deny that there was nothing between them. She had convinced herself that it was just harmless fun, that no real emotions had been exchanged. It was only afterwards, when Souma left to travel with Yasha and Ashura, did Kendappa realize how important Souma was to her.

The music stopped again as Kendappa didn’t have the heart to continue. She knew that she would eventually have to face Souma on the battlefield; there was no way that she would betray her master and then the sweet and kind Kendappa who spent all those late nights with Souma would be replaced by the ruthless warrior.

“Souma…” Kendappa said, whispering her name, the tears flowing freely now. She knew that Souma was heading towards her doom, yet there was nothing she could do. Nothing… except to make sure that Souma had a quick death at her own hands. That way Souma wouldn’t have to suffer, she could have a quick death, as painless as possible. And Kendappa would know that she ended the life of the person she cared about the most; it was better than having someone kill Souma who didn’t even know her name, who didn’t know how special she was.

“Kendappa-ou?” a servant girl said, entering the room. Quickly wiping away the rest of her tears so that she wouldn’t get caught, Kendappa firmly nodded her head in response. She knew why the servant was there, Taishakuten had ordered her presence.

Picking up the harp, Kendappa followed the servant girl. She hoped he only wanted to listen to music and wasn’t already making preparations for the final battle against Yasha and Ashura. Because that way Souma would be able to live for just a little bit longer.

round 4, author: rekallthegreat, series: rg veda

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