To Rhap-chan, from Grasshopper ♥

Jul 17, 2008 16:38

Title: Lucky Coincidences
Author: Grasshopper aka umarekawareru
Recipient: rhap_chan
Series: Card Captor Sakura, xxxHOLiC
Characters/Pairing: Sakura, Eriol, Yuuko, Watanuki, Mokona, Syaoran
Rating: G
Author's Notes/Warnings [if any]: Teashop AU. I tried to include as many of your kinks as I could, hopefully you’ll enjoy reading this, rhap_chan!

Kinomoto Sakura ran down the street, blushing fiercely and feeling utterly mortified. “Stupid Touya!” she thought sourly, feeling steam come out of her ears at the memory of what had just happened. She had only fallen down a couple of steps while going down from her room; why did he have to tease her? “And in front of Yukito-san, too!” she added with a mental whimper.

She was so busy trying to get away from her embarrassment that she ran straight into someone. She was pushed back by the sheer force of the impact (such was the speed at which she’d been going) and fell down for the second time in an hour. “I’m sorry!” Sakura apologized immediately, brushing off her skirt and blushing an even deeper shade of red if that was possible. The person she had collided with was a boy with glasses, probably around the same age as she was, and she felt even worse about having crashed into him when she saw the almost-empty polystyrene glass in his hand and the large brown stain on his white shirt. “I’m so sorry!” she repeated, bowing. “Your shirt -”

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it,” the boy replied kindly, smiling at her with incredible warmth. “It’ll come out when I put it in the wash.”

“It’s not okay!” she retorted with a frown. The boy’s eyes widened in slight surprise at her insistence, but he didn’t say anything.

Sakura looked around thoughtfully; there had to be something she could do to repay the boy for making him drop his coffee. After a moment, her eyes stopped on a small café on the corner. It had a small, dark red awning, and there was a sign by the door with equally red letters carved into its wooden surface. The place looked somewhat old, which was odd, since she had never even noticed it was there before today. She didn’t give it much thought, though, figuring that maybe that old aura about the place was manufactured. She smiled at the boy. “I know!” she exclaimed, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the café. “I’ll buy you another coffee to make up for it! What’s your name?”

“Hiiragizawa Eriol,” the boy (Hiiragizawa-kun) smiled, following her. “Yours?”

“It’s Kinomoto Sakura!” Sakura replied cheerfully, shooting him another smile over her shoulder.

There was a woman leaning on the wooden sign just outside the door of the café, Sakura noticed when they got closer. This woman was extremely beautiful; she had long, straight black hair and was smoking from a long pipe, the kind that Sakura had only seen in old black and white films. Her eyes were as red as the letters on the sign, which Sakura could now read: The Dimension Witch.

“Good afternoon,” the woman (probably the owner of the place) told them with a smile when they stopped under the awning. “Since you’re here, why don’t you come in? I’ll make you something good,” she winked, and led them into the café.

There were beautiful gothic-style tables and chairs lined along the walls, some of which had large windows. The bar (and what was probably the access to the kitchens) was located in across from the door; it seemed to be made of some sort of black wood, with red patterns carved into it. There was a young boy standing behind it, wiping some dishes, and he put down the rag he was using and looked at them as they entered. Festival-style lanterns hung from the rather high ceiling, providing all necessary light. “Wow,” Sakura gasped, looking around in awe.

Hiiragizawa smiled at her and pointed at the nearest table. “Why don’t we sit?”

Sakura looked at him and grinned back. “Okay!”

The owner smiled at them briefly and then ran towards one of the waiters, skipping slightly as she went. “Watanuki, love~!” she crooned, wearing the same kind of devilish grin Sakura had seen her brother use countless times. “We have customers!”

“How old are you, Hiiragizawa-kun?” Sakura asked Hiiragizawa as she took off her jacket and left it on the empty chair next to hers. “I’m eleven!”

Hiiragizawa smiled. Sakura decided she liked this boy; he was very nice. “Then you’re my age,” he replied, smiling, and caught the waiter’s eye. “What are you going to have, then?”

Sakura shook her head and took out her wallet. “Leave it to me, Hiiragizawa-kun! I said I would invite you.”

“Then I want iced coffee,” Hiiragizawa told the waiter (Watanuki?), who was standing by their table waiting to take their order.

“I want something cold to drink, too,” Sakura nodded, drumming her fingers on the table. “Do you have lemonade?” she asked, peering up at the waiter.

“Yup!” Watanuki replied with a smile, bowing briefly at them. “I’ll be back with your drinks in a bit,” he told them as he walked off.

“Bring the sake while you’re at it!” Sakura heard the owner tell Watanuki when he got behind the bar. There was a black rabbit-like animal perched on her shoulder, and it gave a little jump at the owner’s words. “Mokona will want some too!” the woman added, grinning at the creature.

“This place is very nice,” Sakura told Hiiragizawa, watching as the waiter called Watanuki started protesting and telling the owner off for drinking. “Don’t you think so too?”

Hiiragizawa smiled. “Yes, I like it a lot,” he replied, and nodded at the bar. “I think he’s looking at you, Kinomoto-san.”

Sakura followed his gaze. The waiter who had been doing the dishes when they had entered was indeed looking in their direction, but he looked away and started scrubbing the plate in his hands harder when Sakura smiled at him. Hiiragizawa chuckled lightly.

“Maybe he likes Kinomoto-san’s smile?” he suggested with a laugh, and Sakura felt her cheeks redden slightly at the implicit compliment.

“Let Syaoran carry the drinks to their table!” they heard the owner say happily, snatching a bottle of clear liquid from Watanuki’s hands.

Syaoran shook his head and blushed, protesting something like, “I have to do the dishes, Yuuko-san!” He was probably shy, Sakura thought with a smile.

“Do you live here in Tomoeda, Kinomoto-san?” Eriol asked her. The way he smiled made her feel warm inside; it was the same way his father smiled at her.

“I do!” She told him happily, thinking what a lucky coincidence their meeting had been, even if the circumstances in which it had happened had been somewhat unfortunate. “What about you?”

“I just moved here from England,” he replied, and glanced out of the window, looking very lonely.

So Sakura leaned across the table and told him, “Let’s be friends, then!” He looked a bit surprised at the suggestion at first, but then he smiled and nodded. “But there’s one condition,” Sakura added seriously, holding out her pinky finger. “You have to call me Sakura. Promise?”

Hiiragizawa seemed shocked for a second, but then he smiled and laced his finger with hers. “I’d love that, Sakura,” he replied, his face lighting up like he really meant that. “As long as you call me Eriol!”

Sakura smiled. “Okay!” she said, laughing and turning to look at Watanuki and Yuuko-san, who were still bickering at the bar.

author: umarekawareru, series: xxxholic, round three, series: card captor sakura

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