To L, From Shan ♥

Jul 16, 2008 08:23

Title: The Tale of the Ox Herder and the Heavenly Maiden
Author: Shan aka aoyagi
Recipient: measuringlife
Series: TRC
Characters/Pairing: Touya/Yukito
Rating: PG
Author's Notes/Warnings [if any]: Genderswitch. This is loosely based on the Chinese love story. VERY loosely -.-

A long, long time ago, beyond seven seas, seven forests and seven mountains, there was a small village in a beautiful valley where peaceful people happily lived their simple lives. In that village there was a young, handsome orphan who lived with his older brother and sister-in-law on a small but wealthy plot of land. The orphan’s name was Touya and the only thing his father had left him was an old ox that required constant care. Every day Touya would get up bright and early to take the ox out to pasture.

One day as Touya was sitting under a tree and pondering the woe of his miserable life, the ox approached him and looked at him with old and sad eyes.

“Your life is most unpleasant. Would you like me to help you change it?”

Touya turned to the ox and stared at it for a moment.

“And how exactly do you plan to do that?” he asked.

The ox raised an eyebrow.

“You didn’t scream in surprise. That’s interesting.”

Touya glared. “I’m not dumb. I could tell you weren’t a real ox. Besides, I caught you mumbling to yourself a couple of times.”

This time the ox stared at Touya. “Oh.”

“Yes, oh.” Touya shook his head in visible exasperation. “So what’s your name again?”

“Doesn’t matter, that’s not important,” the ox said tersely. “You may call me Ox.”

“Can I call you Bob?” Touya asked.

“I insist you don’t,” Ox said pointedly. “After all, I will lead you to eternal happiness if you listen to my directions.”

Touya cocked his head and looked at the ox with a bored expression. “I guess anything would be better than being stuck in this God-forsaken village,” he said. “There is nothing worse than sitting on the pasture every single day, no thanks to you.”

The ox made an expression that could pass for a smile.

“It does sound mundane, indeed,” ox agreed. “If you wish to change your fate, go to the brook just beyond the valley, hide in the bushes by the waterfall and wait for midnight. You will see something that will grant your wish.”

The young lad agreed to go.

When night fell, Touya packed a humble piece of bread as his provision and departed without telling anyone. He followed Ox’s directions as he looked for the brook and then hid in the bushes.

As midnight approached, nature fell silent. Then suddenly seven beautiful maidens appeared out of thin air and walked majestically towards the brook, chatting merrily and dancing, while the orphan boy stared in awe. One maiden in particular drew his attention, the youngest and fairest of them, all white in her beauty. She flowed rather than walked on grass as she approached the brook, sat down and reached out her hands to weave a thick mist around them.

These were the Seven Daughters of Heavenly Empress, Touya realized.

Afraid and enthralled at the same time, he sat in the bushes and watched as the maidens played in the moonlight, gently stepping on the air as if it was solid ground. Then they shed their outer robes and walked into the brook, splashing water everywhere, laughing and singing in their bell-like voices.

Touya knew he should leave and not watch the maidens frolic about, but he could not move a muscle. His eyes were stuck on the white-haired beauty that swam in the brook, her flawless skin smooth and radiant, her slim fingers passing through water in a gentle caress.

Before he could stop himself, he jumped towards the various robes, took the snow-white ones and ran back to his hiding spot. He found a large rock, dug a hole under it, carefully placed the robes inside and went back to watching the heavenly maidens.

When they were done bathing in the brook, they came out of the water, dressed and departed one by one. The only one unable to leave was the white-haired maiden. While she kept looking around for her robes, Touya came closer and closer, mesmerized by the view and did not pay attention to the stray stones lying on the ground. He tripped and fell face first.

“Umm... hello? Are you all right?” she asked in the most melodic voice Touya has ever heard.

His face red like a beet, Touya lifted his head and smiled a crooked smile.

“Yes, I’m perfectly fine, thanks for asking... er, what is your name?”

“I’m Yuki,” she said in a cheerful tone of voice. “What’s yours?”

“I’m Touya.”

Yuki kept smiling at Touya and he felt strange warmth spreading through his body. He couldn’t move and he could swear she had put a charm on him.

“Are you the one that took my robes, Touya?” she asked suddenly. “I need them to get back home.”

Touya suddenly realized he didn’t want the maiden to leave.

“No!” he exclaimed. “Please don’t leave. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. Marry me! I promise I’ll make you happy!”

She laughed and her voice sounded like silver bells in the crisp morning air.

“I like you, Touya, but don’t you think this is a bit too much to ask of me?” she said.

“I will take care of you and work hard every day to give you everything you want, just stay with me,” he pleaded. “If I ever make you unhappy, I’ll give you the robes back.”

The maiden looked long into Touya’s eyes, searching, and then gave her serene smile one more time.

“You are sincere,” she said. “I will keep you to that word and go with you, but beware: if my mother ever finds me, she will take me away.”

Touya nodded. He took Yuki’s fragile hand, lifted it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss there. “You will not regret your choice.”

As Touya gently pulled at Yuki, she stepped closer and comfortably fell into his embrace. The kiss they shared was chaste and full of tenderness.

Two years passed in comfort and bliss. Touya worked hard to keep his promise to Yuki and she never once asked to have her magical robes back. They had two children, Kamui and Subaru, who were bright and energetic boys that inherited their amazing good looks from both of the parents.

Mean while, the old ox lived with them, but he soon fell ill from an unknown disease. As he was on his deathbed, he called for Touya and on his dying breath he made the young man promise that once he died, Touya would keep his skin. The ox would repeatedly talk about good luck and skin’s usefulness, so Touya finally agreed to the request. He was sad when the ox died, but he fulfilled his promise. After that, nothing seemed to disturb their peace.

One evening though, while Yuki was out enjoying the sunset, a fog quickly crawled over the ground and surrounded the quiet household. Before Touya could do anything, two dark-clad young men appeared out of nowhere, grabbed Yuki by the arms and dragged her away into the mist. He cried out for her, but no matter what he did, she was gone.

Touya grieved his loss for one full day, but then he decided he would reclaim the love of his life. He took his children, packed the ox’s skin and using Yuki’s fairy clothing, he followed the kidnappers.

When he arrived at the Empress’ palace in the sky, he boldly went through all the richly decorated halls, ignoring all the looks from the creatures gathered there. He approached the throne and without looking into the Empress’ face, he bowed down.

“I came to beg your mercy,” he proclaimed.

The hall fell silent.

“State your wish, stranger,” a deceptively sultry voice said, “and be careful what you wish for, because if you cannot pay the equivalent price, you might find yourself out of luck.”

Touya looked up and into the red eyes of the most mysterious yet radiant woman he had ever seen, who sat on a luxurious throne surrounded with servants and wealth. Where Yuki was pure and innocent, the Empress was dark and sultry. He could not believe she could be the one that gave birth to his beloved.

“I come to reclaim my beloved, Yuki,” he said loudly and an explosion of whispers echoed his words.

“Silence!” the Empress exclaimed. “Boy, you ask for my beloved daughter who lightens my days with colorful rainbows and soothing clouds. Let’s hope what you have in return is something equally worthy of my attention.”

Thinking quickly, Touya reached into his pouch and presented the Empress with the ox’s skin.

“I was told once by the ox, whose skin this is, that he would bring me good luck. I never knew his real name, but I believed him and kept it in best regard. I offer it to you, Your Majesty, as the most valuable thing I possess.”

The hall once more filled with hushed voices, yet Empress didn’t silence them this time. She stared at the skin for a long while, wordlessly, her eyes tinted with both regret and resentment.

“This is truly a valuable gift you present me with,” she said slowly. “His name was Clow and he committed crimes against Heaven and me after which he was exiled onto Earth in the form of an ox. With his skin I will allow you to see Yuki every day, but only for the hour when sun and the moon are sharing the same sky. This is my verdict and it shall be the law.”

After that she rose from her throne and left stunned Touya to ponder both his luck and misery.

And while Yuki and Touya could only see each other for an hour a day, they were grateful for Empress’ decision and lived happily ever after.

round three, author: aoyagi, series: tsubasa reservoir chronicles

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