To Mefiant, from Rekall ♥

Jul 12, 2008 17:13

Title: Skin Deep
Author: Rekall//rekallthegreat
Recipient: Mefiant//mefiant
Series: X
Characters/Pairing: Fuuma/Kamui
Rating: PG - 13 despite Fuuma’s best efforts
Author's Notes/Warnings [if any]: n/a

Making his way home from school, an annoyed frown appeared on Kamui’s face. Tourists flocked to the beaches which did nothing but foul Kamui’s mood. He hated it whenever the area would become overrun by beachgoers and other travellers who wanted visit the area and taste the local cuisine. They were annoying; always had been, but even more so now that earthquakes were plaguing the Tokyo area. They should have been at home with their families instead of on vacation.

Reaching home, Kamui was surprised to find that his mother wasn’t there like normal. Although she was a single mother, his father long out of the picture, she always made sure that she would be home when Kamui arrived home from school. Once she knew he was safe, she’d be off again, working hard to support them.

Walking from room to room, wondering where she could be, Kamui eventually found a small note on a counter in the kitchen.

Gone to pick up Saya, Fuuma and Kotori, was all it read and Kamui remembered back to what she had told him the week before. Her long time friend, Saya, had lost her husband during the first wave of earthquakes that had hit Tokyo and she could no longer maintain the shrine they owned. Wanting to help, Tohru offered Saya and her children a place to stay until they got back on their feet.

Kamui didn’t know how to feel about the situation. He hadn’t seen Kotori and Fuuma in six years since he and his mother moved away from Tokyo. Back then he had been a sweet, innocent child, ready to marry Kotori in an instant; now he was a moody teenager. Since he had changed so much, surely they did too.

Finding himself a snack, Kamui thought about it some more as he munched on his food; it could be nice having them around again since he had few friends these days; in fact no one, they were all too annoying. He preferred spending him time alone, especially when he was at school, but perhaps it was time for a change.

Kamui however had little time to ponder the situation. Barely had he finished his snack when the front door opened indicating the arrival of the new roommates.

Before Kamui could even welcome them, he found himself being tightly hugged by Kotori who had flung herself into his arms. In bewilderment and not knowing how to react, he stared past her at Fuuma who was calmly standing back with a gentle smile on his face.

The rest of the afternoon and evening went by quickly as the three newcomers settled in, unpacking their things. Because of the limited space, Saya would be moving into Tohru’s room while Kotori took over the guest room; that left Fuuma and Kamui to share Kamui’s old room. Surprising himself, Kamui found himself satisfied with the arrangement. Fuuma was exactly the way he remembered, model student with excellent grades, a gentle nature and someone you could trust to the very end. After being alone for so many years it was nice having his best friend back.

Unfortunately for Kamui his opinion of Fuuma was about to change. That night everyone settled into their new sleeping arrangements and things should have been all right with Fuuma and Kamui alone together; only they weren’t.

Moments after Kamui closed the door behind him, he found himself being pushed up against it and Fuuma loomed over him, pressing their bodies together. Light fingers were felt on the back of Kamui’s neck as they gently stroked the delicate skin and Fuuma’s breath was next to his ear.

“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to get you alone to myself,” he whispered.

“Fuuma?” Kamui managed to reply; frozen in fear but a small part of himself wanting to see what the older teen would do.

Fuuma took a step backwards and Kamui could see his grinning face. ‘He’s toying with me!’, he thought to himself, his emotions a mixture of anger and confusion.

“Just go to bed,” he grumbled and was surprised when Fuuma relented. He didn’t know if he should be happy or sad about that. It had been annoying but at the same time felt good.

After that night a pattern began emerging between the two. Around others, Fuuma would act like his old, perfect self, but when alone with Kamui he would waste little time to grope and molest the shorter teen.

It seemed to amuse him, but for Kamui it only created strange emotions. Not knowing how to react to the fact that his childhood best friend was hitting on him, Kamui would merely stand there and allow it; he was beginning to grow increasingly angry with both himself and Fuuma for secretly enjoying it.

For weeks it went on until one morning when Kamui woke to find himself Fuuma-free. He frowned at this; Fuuma’s presence in the morning was a cross between annoyance and comfort.

Getting up, Kamui quickly realized that it was later than normal and he realized how much over the past few weeks he relied on Fuuma to get him up on time. After all it was hard sleeping in when someone licked your neck every morning. Fortunately it was Sunday, which meant he didn’t have to worry about school; not that Kamui cared much for school anyway. Before Fuuma lived with him, to make sure he got up in time, it didn’t bother him at all if he arrived late.

A rumble in Kamui’s stomach told him that he should eat which itself created a new problem. He knew from yesterday that the girls had a shopping trip planned for all day and Kamui wasn’t the greatest chef in the world. Knowing that a simple snack wouldn’t do, Kamui decided that rice was his best bet; after all it seemed simple enough to cook.

Finding a pot, Kamui filled it with water, set it on the stove and waited… and waited some more…

“You know it helps if you turn it up off of ‘low’,” a voice spoke up from behind Kamui, causing him to jump. Spinning around he was met with Fuuma’s grinning face.

“Where were you?” he accused, feeling slightly neglected. Fuuma shouldn’t be allowed to disappear on him without notice.

“Your mom left her purse here and I had to track them down so she’d have money today,” Fuuma casually replied before his grin grew even brighter. “Why? Were you lonely?”

“No,” he grumbled; it was an obvious lie.

Taking a seat at the table, Kamui watched in annoyance as Fuuma cooked for them; it was a necessity he had learned when his parents were busy with the shrine and Kotori was too sick to cook.

“Why do you do it?” Kamui grumbled as he picked at his food when it was ready.

“Do what?” he asked acting all too innocent but meanwhile, under the table, he was massaging Kamui’s thigh with his foot.

In response Kamui simply silently stared at Fuuma and fortunately for him the older teen got the message; or at the very least bothered to be serious for a change.

“Perhaps… I feel I can be myself around you.”

Kamui had nothing to say in response to that so he decided to eat his meal in silence. It seemed odd that Fuuma would want to hide his real self, although Kamui could see why he’d want to do it. Kamui supposed that if he was a perverted freak, he’d want to hide it too.

“…Of course it’s also a lot of fun to see your reactions.”

Kamui felt like crying. Fuuma could be so nice one minute and mean the next. It really wasn’t fair.

“Come on, lets go get ice cream,” Fuuma offered and Kamui perked up. Ice cream wasn’t normally his thing but in public Fuuma would have to behave and not do weird stuff to him.

In the upcoming months the earthquakes around Tokyo gradually stopped but much to Kamui’s dismay he continued to live with Fuuma. He supposed it wasn’t too bad though; after-all Fuuma certainly knew how to make his body feel good.

author: rekallthegreat, series: x, round three

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