To Artemisgoddess, from Youkohiei Fan ♥

Jul 11, 2008 14:57

Title: Summer Heat
Author: youkohiei_fan
Recipient: artemisgoddess
Series: Legal Drug
Characters/Pairing: Rikou/Kazahaya, Kakei/Saiga, Doumeki/Watanuki
Rating: PG-15
Author's Notes/Warnings [if any]: hope you like it, and sorry it's not NC-17 ^^;;

"Tell me again why I have to hang out with you?" Kazahaya said as he and Rikou sat under a tree. The blonde fanned himself with his hand as he panted in what little shade the tree provided them in the summer heat.

"Because you're an idiot and would probably get lost without me." He could feel his anger boiling beneath the surface, but decided it was too hot to start swinging at the taller teen, so instead Kazahaya opted for growling and a 'jerk'.

They had been practicing for graduation for two weeks now and like most teenagers, Kazahaya hated it, the weather didn't help to ease his temper either.

"Mom and dad are supposed to pick us up today after practice."

"As long as it's not a repeat of parent's night I'll be fine." Both teens winced at thoughts of that night, Their parents had went around practically making out when anyone had their backs turned to creeping out every other parent in the school. It was the next day, when the blonde had cried and refused to go back to school, that Kazahaya had learned how scary his mother could be even while smiling.

"I thought it was funny until they started acting like teenagers and tried to suffocate each other using their tongues."

"Stop saying stuff like that!" Several students turned at the yelling, but lost interest at seeing Kazahaya ranting again.

"It seems our kids are involved with each other." Kazahaya froze as heard his familiar voice behind him. Rikou glared as he stood up.

"Saiga, don't scare Kudo-kun, you know how bashful he is."

"Mom, don't say something like that!" It still sounded weird to call his dad that, even after he had been married to Saiga for over a year.

"But the two of you went out on that date the other night, with Yuuko-san's nephew and his boyfriend." Kazahaya gave up and walked towards the car as Kakei smiled at his son. Rikuou dodged the hug aimed at him by Saiga and followed the shorter teen to the car.

"Buckle up kiddies," Saiga said as he looked at them from the rear view mirror, the dark hard man then turned to Kakei and cupped the blonde's face. "You too gorgeous wouldn't want to hurt you." Just before their parents were about to kiss, Rikou spoke up.

"Can we go now?"

"You can kiss your little boyfriend if you want."

"I'll wait until we're alone." Both parents stopped to look in mild surprise at the teens, before Saiga burst out laughing and turned began the drive home.

"Idiot, don't say something like that!"


"Don't talk to me." Kazahaya buried his face into his pillow as Rikou stood beside him. He blushed as he felt the bed shift and Rikou moving him to lie on his back.

"I wasn't lying, Kaza-chan." He kicked feebly at Rikou for the stupid nickname. The taller teen only smirked before capturing the blonde's lips with his own.

"Stop, I don't want mom or dad walking in on us again."

"I made sure to lock the door this time, they won't bother us." Kazahaya's cheeks brightened even more as he remembered the whistling and jokes that had accompanied that incident for weeks; he still had barely managed to live it down.

"You're just a big pervert."

"Only with you." Kazahaya rolled his eyes; he really couldn't expect more from Saiga's son.

"It's too hot, get off of me, you brute!" Rikou smirked before standing and leaving the room. The blonde sat up and looked curiously at the other leaving. It wasn't long after until Rikou came back inside the bed room with an electric fan. Kazahaya watched silently as the other boy plugged the fan in and turned it on.

"Problem solved." Was all Rikou said before he moved over Kazahaya again. Rough hands from archery practice at school moved under Kazahaya's shirt.


"You like it." Kazahaya shut his eyes as his hands found their way in Rikou's hair, pulling the other boy even closer. The fan buzzed behind them, cool air washing over them every few seconds as the fan rotated. Rikou rose up to unbutton his pants while his boyfriend tried to tackle getting his shirt off.

The shorter teen grinned triumphantly as he pulled the other teen's shirt off and threw it haphazardly over his shoulder. He yelped as he was pinned back to the bed, his wrists caught in Rikou's grip. Both boys were about to kiss when a loud crash caught them off guard and Kazahaya yelled.

Looking over his shoulder Rikou saw the electric fan still buzzing as it lay on the floor. The sound of footsteps and knocking on the door put a further damper on the quickly fading mood as the silent teen moved off of the now blushing blonde.

"Look's like we'll have to stop for tonight."

"Idiot, pick up the fan or at least turn it off before the house burns down." Rikou stared at the other teen for a moment before shaking his head and putting his clothes back on, he had known better than to be half dressed around Kazahaya when either of their parents were about to see them.

"You should get dressed, or does Kaza-chan want to have another talk about the birds and the bees?" The blonde fell and scrambled out of the bed, all the while the fan still buzzed helplessly on the floor and Saiga and Kakei laughed on the other side of the door.

series: xxxholic, series: lawful drug, round three, author: youkohiei_fan

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