To Rufustehshinra, From Iambic ♥

Mar 18, 2008 16:57

Title: Hold Steady
Author: iambickilometer
Recipient: rufustehshinra
Series: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Characters/Pairings: Fuuma/Mokona
Rating: G
Author's Notes/Warnings: So this came out way too serious. Also way too short. I'm sorry, Maddie, but I hope you still enjoy it.

There's a conundrum here - a catch-22, as Fuuma calls it. You think you understand; you have to leave once the aftermath of the horrors here has scabbed over. And even if you wanted to stay, you cannot. As a creation of a force of will more powerful than your own, one you love as you love all the others, you cannot cease to perform the task for which you exist. But it is this same love, this same sense of duty that makes you reluctant to leave for the first time in your travelling days. And Fuuma holds you and tells you that everything's gonna work out, it's all gonna be fine, Mokona. Kurogane's strong enough to pull Fai out of himself eventually, and Sakura can support herself now. And the new Syaoran will do what he can. And the old Syaoran is not lost forever.

That's why you love Fuuma so much - he knows how deeply you hope, because he hopes so deeply too. You're free with your love, as free as he is miserly with his, but he provides a safe shoulder to cling to when Fai's is shaking and Syaoran's is pained and Sakura's is too rigid and Kurogane's is already carrying enough weight. And Fuuma is there with offers of friendship and a smile that isn't feigned but offered like a gift. He talks to you about good things that aren't over yet and how things can get better. He isn't making the best of it. He believes in the things he says, believes them in the very marrow of his bones.

You'd known from the beginning that this couldn't last, that you would leave soon and then he would be gone like Fai's eye and the other Syaoran and all the innocence that they had lost; perhaps able to be found again someday, but not until much pain had passed. And the sun is trying to shine on the day you leave, and he smiles like he knows something even Yuuko doesn't. He wishes you good luck, and you in turn wish him safety. And you wonder if Yuuko is listening to the wishes of her creation as well as her customers, but not for long. You have a task to fulfil, a purpose that you were created for. This is it.

This is it.

round two, series: tsubasa reservoir chronicles, author: iambickilometer

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