To Hungrybookworm, From Doumeki ♥

Mar 18, 2008 00:23

Title: 20 Faces VS Duklyon: Round Two
Author: doumeki
Recipient: hungrybookworm
Series: 20 Mensou ni Onegai, CLAMP Gakuen Tokkei DUKLYON
Characters/Pairings: Akira, Akira's mothers, Takeshi, Kentarou, Erii, Nokoru, Sukibayashi, Suoh
Rating: G
Author's Notes/Warnings: Enjoy! I tried to work in the 'fight scene' prompt, and got this. ^^;; Hope you like it!

He was making breakfast when they popped up on either side of him, grinning from ear to ear.

“Akira-san!” they chorused cheerfully.

Looking to either side, Akira smiled uncertainly. “Good morning, Mothers. Breakfast is almost ready, if you’d like to wait a few more moments.”

“We want to borrow Duklyon, again!” they announced.

“What?” he replied, falling off the stool he had been standing on. They smiled as he picked himself up off the ground.

“We’ve already set it up and sent out the notice,” they informed him happily.

Akira hung his head, and said, “Yes, Mothers,” like the obedient son he was.


“What do you mean, he’s going to steal us?” Takeshi yelled. “We’re not things! He can’t steal us!”

“He already has,” Kentarou pointed out cheerfully, eating his bentou.

Erii sighed. “You two are bigger than him. Clearly,” she said, “you can take him in a fight?”

Takeshi looked at her skeptically.

“Of course we can, Erii-san!” Kentarou exclaimed. “After all, we’re the great CLAMP campus defenders, Duklyon!”

Takeshi shook his head in despair, pushing away the bentou Kentarou had made for him. Inevitable doom always made him lose his appetite.


He stood across from them and smile nervously. It had been easy to sweep them into the dust pan the last time they had squared off, but this time they seemed a bit more prepared. He frowned, wondering why his mothers would want them again. After all, he’d only have to return them.

You can’t keep people as pets.

Duklyon stood across from him, hands on their hips, as if daring him to start. With a sigh, he leapt into the air, grabbing the branch of a nearby tree and disappearing into the foliage.


“He’s running away!” Takeshi cried.

“You can’t escape!” Kentarou cried righteously. “After all, we’re the brave CLAMP campus defenders, Duklyon!”

“Will you stop with that, already?” Takeshi snapped. “He knows who we are.”

“But,” Kentarou whined, “the audience might not know who we are.”

Takeshi stopped abruptly and looked around. Sure enough, there was a group of people surrounding them. Erii and Sukibayashi were standing together, watching them. The General sat beside them in a lounge chair, with the two ever-present women behind him, holding a sign that read ‘Good Luck, Duklyon!’ in neatly printed English. There was a boy that Takeshi vaguely remembered seeing during the meeting when the junior high division and the high school division had teamed up for the festival, but couldn’t recall his name.

Suddenly, there was a net around him, and he was being lifted off the ground.

“What the?” he screamed.

Kentarou was watching him, head tilted to the side.

“For crying out loud!” he heard Erii yell. “Don’t just stand there! Do something!”

Takeshi rolled his eyes inside his helmet. The chances of Kentarou doing something that would free him were slim to none.


This one was light, Akira thought as he tied the rope to the branch, effectively keeping the man in the net off the ground and unable to find any purchase with which to escape.

He jumped to the ground and found himself face to face with the last member of Duklyon.

“Hello,” the Duklyon member greeted him.

“Hello,” Akira replied politely.

“Why are you kidnapping us?”

“I only wish to borrow you. My mothers insist, you see.”


“Ah, if such beautiful women insist, then surely it’s fine if they play along for a while,” a voice behind him said.

He turned around to find Imonoyama and Takamura. Akira backpedaled, hands thrown up to hide his face.

“Sempai!” he said before he could stop himself.

“Sempai?” Imonoyama repeated. “Are you an underclassmen of ours?”

Akira squeaked in reply, inching backwards. He looked behind him to find that the other half of Duklyon was still standing there, watching them.

“I do apologize,” Akira said hastily, “but I do have business to finish.” He turned around, grabbed the last Duklyon member by the wrist, and ran.


“We get to share a net, Take-pon!” Kentarou exclaimed happily.

Takeshi stared at the idiot beside him. “Why,” he started calmly, “didn’t you set me free when you had the chance?”

Kentarou shrugged. “It would have been rude to interrupt 20 Faces-san and the General,” he replied matter-of-factly.

“Erii-san is going to kill us,” he moaned pitifully. “She’s going to take her hammer and beat us to death.”

“No, she won’t,” Kentarou said confidently. “She likes us.”

“When we bleed,” Takeshi muttered darkly.


Balloons really were handy in transporting things, Akira thought. One by one, he popped the balloons as he neared his house until they were on the ground.

His mothers were waiting for him, hands linked and excitement barely contained. “Akira-san is such a good son!” they cried as soon as Akira had untied the net.

Akira smiled a little as they approached. Duklyon were staring up at his mothers, and, even though he couldn’t see their faces beneath the masks, he could sense the fear.

He bid his mothers good night and walked toward the house. His mothers wouldn’t hurt them, and they’d bore of Duklyon soon enough. With that thought running through his head, he went upstairs and went to sleep.

series: clamp gakuen tokkei duklyon, round two, series: 20 mensou in onegai, author: doumeki

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