To Doumeki, From Rufus ♥

Mar 12, 2008 22:09

Title: Winter Wonderland
Author: rufustehshinra
Recipient: doumeki
Series: Legal Drug
Characters/Pairing: SaigaxKakei
Rating: G
Author Notes/Warnings: Fluffy. Seasonal-ish? I tried use the prompt for "firsts." Title sucks. >> But I suck at titles. Many thanks to dragon_gypsy for the lovely job she did.

The snow and cold wind had driven most of the population indoors for the evening. The hour was late and the few people who had been out getting last-minute presents were gone, off to the comfort of their own warm homes and families. The world was blanketed in a quiet, blissful white-snowflakes swirled excitedly down from the black sky and were illuminated by the street lights.

Kakei pulled his coat tighter, burying himself further into his scarf and Saiga's warm side. His companion had pulled him out of the store early, begging quietly into the ear that he was nibbling on that they finally had a night alone together, so couldn't they please go do something and leave the boys at home?

It hadn't taken much more "convincing" to get him to cave in as Saiga slid his arms around Kakei's waist and pressed him close. An hour later found them wandering the streets; Kakei snuggled close to Saiga's warmth as they headed for wherever it was that the taller male intended to take him. “Where are we going?” he asked, voice trembling a little as he shivered from the chill.

“You’ll see,” Saiga told him. His voice had a cheerful lit to it, a refreshing counterpoint to the harshness of the wind. “We’re almost there.”

“Oh, all right.” In the near distance, Kakei could barely make out the gates of the park from around the snow drifts. Was that where they were going? He looked up at Saiga questioningly but the man merely smiled mysteriously-eyes hidden behind the typical pair of sunglasses even at night-and used the heavy, warm arm draped around the smaller male’s shoulders to urge him forward.

A soft glow was coming from the park, and as they entered, Kakei was amazed to see where the glow was coming from. Snowmen had been built all around the playground. The trees were decorated with variety of colored lights that reflected off the snow and made it sparkle like thousands of little red, blue, green, and yellow stars amid the endless sea of white and the park.

It was breathtakingly beautiful. This was the first time he’d ever come out to the park to watch the snow fall-generally preferring the warmth of indoors to the chill that accompanied the white flakes. The wind had slowed and the snow fell gently to the ground, moved more by gravity than Mother Nature.

Kakei stared in amazement. The park was relatively empty-save for one or two couples ice-skating on the lake and a group of teenagers throwing snowballs at each other. Saiga was watching him with a look of amusement and a soft, gentle smile. “You like it?” he murmured in Kakei’s ear.

Kakei nodded, tipping his head back to smile up at Saiga. “It’s beautiful.” Saiga smiled, grabbing a mitten-clad hand with his own gloved one to pull his companion along a pathway towards the trees.

They walked in silence for awhile, the lights and snow surrounding them bringing an other-worldly feel to the night. The path went through the trees, away from the main section of the park and lead to a clearing in the back. It was decorated like the main entrance to the park, but there were no snowmen-just a few benches and a field of white. It was undisturbed and considerably quieter. When the couple brushed the snow off the bench and sat down, they could hear the sound of the snow hitting the ground if they listened hard enough.

A soft sigh escaped Kakei’s lips as he curled up next to Saiga on the bench. The other man’s arm was warm and comforting across his shoulders as he rested against his taller lover.

There was silence as they watched the snow fall together. Soon, though, the cold made its presence known as the winds began to pick up once again. Rising to their feet, they returned along the path and made their way back to the store. Once inside, Kakei was doubly grateful for the heat that had been blasting all day. The sudden warmth of the air against his cold skin felt amazing and he never wanted to be without it again. After hanging up their coats and putting away their hats, gloves, and scarves, they settled onto the couch to watch the snow through the slightly fogged windows. Saiga draped his arm around Kakei’s shoulder and pulled him close.

As far as Kakei was concerned, it was a perfect way to end the day.

series: lawful drug, round two, author: rufustehshinra

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