To Maaya, From Meledea ♥

Mar 11, 2008 21:07

Title: Stuck
Author: meledea
Recipient: chaineddove
Series: Gohou Drug
Characters/Pairing: Kazahaya/Rikuo
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes/Warnings [if any]: none

Kazahaya swore. He didn't normally swear, even in the most appropriate situations, because he didn't think it was a very nice thing to do. Kei always agreed with him - in fact, it was probably her that he got the opinion from anyway. But even though he didn't like swearing, it didn't stop him this time. Not in this situation.

A snore sounded.

Casting a sidelong glance at his apparently sleeping companion, he wondered how the other could be so relaxed at a time like this. They were stuck in an abandoned kindergarten, unable to leave for several reasons - first and foremost being the raging thunderstorm outside. With a howling gale, drumming of heavy rain on the iron roof, booming thunder, and that softer, yet somehow louder sound of the wind blowing across the top of a metal pipe, Kazahaya was wide awake from frustration. There was no chance of relaxing, so how could anyone sleep?

Folding his arms tighter, he stared into the gloom. That was another reason they were stuck there. It was too dark in this derelict building to find a safe route out, as the door they had come in through was now blocked by a fallen beam, and neither of them wanted to attempt shifting it.

A flash of lightning granted a moment of stark white vision, and Kazahaya shivered as the light caught the glasses they had been sent to retrieve that lay on the floor between them. He clenched his fists, remembering what he saw when he touched them… the screams, the fire - trapped, they're all trapped!... It wasn't just the glasses, either. It was the walls, the floor, the windows… Those screams echoed in his head, more frightening than the ghost of the small boy standing over there in the corner watching them.

The two stared at each other, silent. Then Kazahaya looked back down at the floor. He didn't normally see spirits - most of the time they appeared as an afterimage of memories, and this one was no different, really, except that it lingered longer and Rikuo had seen it too. He could feel the turmoil the spirit was feeling, and wished he had some ability to help the spirit, but he was afraid that if he spoke to it then it would vanish.

He only felt a little bad about swearing in its presence. After all, the kid was dead, so what bad habits could it learn?

The wind blew loud and more rhythmically across the pipe, again reminding Kazahaya of those southern American musicians that somehow decided that a large empty bottle made a good instrument. He never understood that idea, and his ears hurt, dammit. Stupid wind.

Kazahaya swore again. Elaborately.

"You've a pretty good knowledge of cussing, for an innocent guy like you."

Kazahaya shrieked, leaping up in fright and almost touching the wall in the process. "WHAA!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE SLEEPING!?!"

One eye opened. "I was. Then you started swearing."

"YOU CAN SLEEP THROUGH ALL THAT," the smaller boy gestured skyward, "BUT NOT MY VOICE??"

"It's distracting."

Bristling, Kazahaya raised his fists. "WHAT'S DISTRACTING ABOUT MY VOICE???"

Rikuo looked at the other boy and grinned. Kazahaya went quiet and blushed. "Oh." He sat down again, carefully avoiding touching anything.

Both were silent for a moment.

"What's the time?" Kazahaya asked.

"Still five hours till dawn."

Another swear word sounded, and Rikuo looked over at his boyfriend. "That's becoming a bad habit."


"Should I be insulted?"

Kazahaya opened his mouth to retort, then paused for lack of a good comeback. He was too tired to think. With a grumble he shut his mouth and turned away. Seconds later he felt fingers creep up his arm and tug on the collar of his sweater. A mouth followed, a breath away from touching skin. "Want to make time go faster?"

The smaller boy swallowed thickly. "H-Here?"


"In front of the boy?"

A pause. "Kazahaya, he's gone."

"Huh?" Sure enough, the apparition had dissipated. "Oh!" Teeth nibbled his ear. "Oh…" Hands moved under his sweater and Kazahaya gasped. "Your hands are cold!!"

"Oh. Sorry." All contact was removed, leaving the smaller boy blinking and disorientated.

"Hey! I didn't say stop!"

Rikuo shrugged, leaning back against the wall and closing his eyes again. Even in the darkness Kazahaya saw him smirk.

"Get some sleep. Sun will be up soon."

Fuming, the other boy crossed his legs and arms and glared.


series: lawful drug, round two, author: meledea

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