To Rekall, From Youkohiei ♥

Mar 04, 2008 22:11

Title: Four-Leaf Clover
Author: youkohiei_fan
Series: Legal Drug
Characters/Pairing: Saiga/Kakei
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes/Warnings [if any]: mentions of sex, brief language, yaoi

"Saiga, it's time to wake up, I have a favor to ask." Kakei's soothing voice drifted to his ears as he felt familiar fingers brush through his hair. Adjusting his glasses the taller man sits up and stretches, before making himself comfortable beside the dark blonde.

"A favor? You never ask for just a favor, love."

"Kudo-kun and Rikou-kun are on a job now and you're the only one that can do this."

"Is it that important of a job?" Kakei leaned into the face nuzzling his cheek.

"Actually, it's for me."

"Then if it's for you, I guess I can make an exception just this once." Kakei smiled as he felt Saiga brush his lips against his ear.

"How very kind of you."

"So what is it you want?" Kakei trailed his fingers against his lover's jaw, long nails scrapping lightly against the skin.

"A four-leaf clover."

"In the middle of the city?"

"Yes, but it has to be a special kind of clover, what I need you to find is a strawberry clover. It has a beautiful red hue to it."

"And where exactly would I find one?"

"You're the one who can find anything, Saiga-kun." Saiga ran a hand through his hair and stood, dragging the blonde into a kiss before straightening his clothes and heading out in search of the clover.


It had been three hours and after stopping at that flower shop, he knew what he was looking for now, but after scouring the park he had come up empty handed. It hadn't helped when the girl in the flower shop had told him that for every ten-thousand regular clovers there was only one four-leaf clover.

"Damn it, if I didn't know any better I'd say he was messing with me." Saiga mumbled around his cigarette. The dark haired man stood and scratched the side of his head in thought, before he stopped to look around for anyone close by. Seeing no one around, he lifted his shades up for a few seconds and smiled before fixing them back.

"Gottcha." Saiga put out his cigarette before walking in the direction of a group of shade trees around a river. The same one the kid had fallen in before.


Kakei looked up just in time to see Saiga open the door to the drugstore.

"Saiga dear, could you stand outside for just a moment?" Confused, the taller man simply obliged. Kakei moved from behind the counter, a thumb tack in hand.

"Here's your clover, babe." Digging out from his pocket, Saiga pulled out a four-leaf clover with several red flowers, proof that it was the right kind.

"Thank you, now stand back while I hang it up." Saiga watched as the lithe blonde stood and tacked the clover to the doorway.

"What's it suppose to do?"

"Do you know what the leaves stand for?"


"The first is for hope, the second for faith, the third for love, and the fourth is for happiness."

"So it's a lucky charm for the store?"

"Not really. It's more a lucky charm for me. It's said when you hang a four-leaf clover on a door, the next man to come in is their husband." A predatory gleam, that never ceased to cause Saiga to shiver, crossed the store owner's face.

"Can I step through now?"

"I don't know, it's a great responsibility if you do and you know a bond made like this can't be broken." Saiga grinned before taking the two steps into the store and pulling the blonde to him.

"So I guess that means you're the wife now? Does this mean we get to consummate our marriage now?" Kakei picked at a button on the other man's coat.

"When we close shop tonight we can."

"I like the sound of that, but for now I think we take a lunch break." Kakei laughed and pushed the other away so he could lock up for the next hour.

"Let's just hope Rikou-kun and Kudo-kun, don't come back early."Kakei had to stifle his laughs as Saiga swept him up and carried him to the back room. Saiga had to admit Kakei did come up with some of the best jobs.

series: lawful drug, author: youkohiei_fan, round two

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