um. HELLO.

Jul 01, 2010 20:26

Okay, so I finished reading thenyxie's BigBang last night ( Who Watches Over Me?) and norahy and I have come to an agreement. This fic is intense. You actually have to have a few minutes to yourself to just breathe after reading it (j2, lots of angry sex, misunderstandings, Jensen as an ex-Navy Seal and Jared as an action film star, yay).

So yeah. There's that.

The Sam 'n Jess fic (newly titled the hunger never ends) is looking to be a pretty long fic, so far. Basically, at a little under 2k, they've only had a date. What can I say, the kids want to take it slow :D (although I already have the ending written, bwahahahahaha).

Snippet #2:

They talk over salad, over dinner, and Sam's eyes skate along the edges of her face, pretending to be so caught up in her (purposefully stupid, vapid, meaningless) words that his meatloaf gets cold, so when he finally takes a bite, he winces, slowly puts knife and fork neatly on the edge of the plate.

I'm always unsure writing from a female POV - I find it much, much easier to use a male perspective, so writing Jess? Is an experience, and hopefully I won't botch it all to hell (I think in my fandom writing history, I've written...8?...female-centric stories. And they were all rather short, if memory serves).

We'll see, I guess. Anywhoo, BigBang is still rocking, and I'm so proud of myself for my commenting prowess! I'm leaving feedback! And although it might be kind of mindnumbing feedback (as in the "OMG I LURV THIS SO MUCH!!!11!! LOL" variety. Okay, not that bad, I told thenyxie that her fic was like getting run over by a really poetic Mack truck. Hey! She said it was unique!), at least I'm doing it :DDDD

bigbang, spn, pointless, rec

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