so here's another rather random post \o/

Jun 30, 2010 20:41

Just got done reading queenklu's Due Supernatural, and wow. Loved it. It's a "Sam and Dean aren't related" story, and it's based off of, you guessed it, dueSouth (which I've never seen - but I have read fanfic for it. That has to count for something).

I have, like, the best ability to confuse the hell out of people. It's not even a skill, guys. It's a superpower. And I know this because I even have a mortal weakness (fascination, infatuation, obsession, whatever): Chuck Norris jokes. I kid you not.

I'm the super(wo)man of very confusing things, apparently. YAY! ;DDDDD (brought to you by: fandom, too little sleep, too much coffee, and my brain).

Anyway, after having apparently traumatized lavinialavender last night with talk about incorporating Brady into the MoD 'verse, I settled down to try to get some work done with a Stanford Sam 'n Jess fic.


I've got words but stuff like style and good writing? Not so much. I have the idea, but the words aren't arranging themselves nicely. Just so you can judge for yourselves, here's a snippet:

She watches Sam cut his food up - small even squares, equal-sized lumps of mashed potatoes or coleslaw or whatever they're having. It's almost hypnotical, the way the bones of his wrist flex and move with his knife and fork. He never does anything like it when they're out - he always seems so painfully aware of how weird it is to the point he'll just forget to eat. She feels kind of honored, now, that he shows her this side of him. Of course, she's not quite sure what it means, but they'll get to that conversation, maybe.

...and yes. If I have my way, this will be in Jess's POV >:DDDDDDDD

Blargh. The end.

bigbang, spn, pointless, rec

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