I would gladly kiss a polar bear

Feb 04, 2005 18:31

ATTENTION: I need suggestions for fun things for two people to do in LA for a day. The night is planned from 8PM on, but before that I would truly like any ideas you have. Thank you!

As a testament to the fact that this quarter has been absolutely crazy, here are the long delayed photos from my baptism and earlier.

Photos from winter break (OLD, I KNOW)
Photos from my baptism!!

I was going through a really dry spot in my faith lately and it was driving me nuts. However, during a discipleship meeting with some of the guys in my bible study, I finally realized why. First of all, with 8 AM classes this quarter, I have not been getting up early enough to have a good quiet time with God in the morning. However, Nick (one of my leaders) and I have decided to become accountability partners and hold each other to having daily quiet times, even though we both need to wake up at 6 or 6:30 AM to manage it. I stuck with it this week except for Friday (I went to bed at 2 AM, but thats no excuse). Anyways, its been a challenge so far but it has really been blessing me and my days. I realized that if God is truly the most important thing in my life, I need to make sacrifices for Him to keep Him as my number one priority. This means that I will be eating or sleeping or studying or visiting friends less than I am comfortable with, to make time for Him. I guess I consider it a fasting of my life outside of God.

Secondly, I have already been placing a girl ahead of Christ in my life. I can feel myself spending more time thinking about her, or catch myself not even considering doing something after graduation (like a missions trip) if it might risk taking me away. We aren't even officially dating or anything and I am already making compromises in what I have to offer God so I can offer her more. All I can say is forget that. This doesn't mean I'm doing anything drastic, but it does mean that I am working to detach myself from all things until I truly would be ready to give them up in a heartbeat should Christ call for me to serve in that way.

"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple."
"In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple."
Luke 14:26 & 33

So... yes. I am happier right now than I have been in five weeks and it can only get better. God is good and He wants only the best for my life.

In other news, you should check out Ryan Lunde's band, a midday atlantic, HERE. I think they're really good and I've listened to the song pretty much non-stop since I heard it. Love to all of my friends, and I will be down in Carlsbad for the weekend of the 19th. It's my little brother's birthday and a three day weekend. Out.
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