Title: The Possibilities...Are Enough.
digthewriterFandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ginny/Hermione
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Possibilities for
femslashficlets + Alternatives for
Word Count: 365
Summary: The end.
Notes: This is part 32 of the "Twisted Secrets" Story (
AO3 LINK). Thank you all for reading. Now, this is the end.
"Is it possible? You could forgive me?" Hermione asked, tentative. As if she was scared for Ginny to break her heart after that kiss.
Ginny smiled kissing Hermione's forehead.
"I never stopped loving you," she said. "I wanted more from us. I didn't want us to be a secret. A secret from Ron, the rest of my family, my teammates. What you did in that interview… it's what I was waiting for. And now…" Ginny trailed off, nervous.
"And now?"
"I don't know if you actually want me. I mean, you came out for you, you know? I don't want to assume it was to show-"
"It was. It was to show you that I made a mistake. I don't know what I was thinking putting my career before love. It's crazy for me to even think like that. I mean, we were all in war. We know what matters and what doesn't. Career? Money? That'll come and go. There's no alternative for love."
Ginny smiled and kissed Hermione again. "You're always so right when you're right."
At that Hermione laughed.
"Where does this… I mean… I don't know what to think."
"We can take it one step at a time," replied Ginny. "We don't have to figure everything out tonight."
"But, you'll stay? With me?"
"Tonight. And you know, forever," Hermione said shrugging. "It'd be nice if you came to visit me during your breaks. And maybe we can go to visit your parents together some day. As you know… whatever the possibilities allow us to be."
"Yes," Ginny said, threading her fingers through Hermione's and then pulling her in for another kiss. "Then we can also make fun of Ron together."
They both laughed. "It's absolutely bizarre how our lives have come full circle. Malfoy and Harry. Me and Ron, and now… them!"
"Just another twisted secret after another," Ginny said, pulling Hermione away from the study and towards her bedroom.
"We should know, we're the experts at them."
That night, as Hermione slept soundly in Ginny's arms, she was glad. She was glad she'd left and even though she'd been miserable for a while, she now had everything.
It was enough.
This entry was originally posted at
https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/708471.html. Thanks for reading