10 FACTS about me, most probably will not shock you.
1. I am obsessed with jewelry.
2. I hate hugging most people, but those that I like to hug, I love to hug.
3. I have the worst insomnia in the world.
4. I kind of have a drinking problem.
5. About 12 years ago, I got obsessed with working out and lost 45 pounds in less than 9 months. It took about 5 years but I gained it all back. I've kind of become obsessed with exercise again but I can never see myself losing more than 10 pounds.
6. I'm petrified of fish, and most sea creatures. I can't even watch a cartoon show with fish in it. When people don't take it seriously, I get very upset, and start crying, and then I'll have nightmare for DAYS about it. It's my one paralyzing weakness.
7. I have struggled with self-esteem issues almost my entire life. I never think I'm good enough, but when I look at my pictures from years ago, I get upset because I used to look good and do not know what's wrong with me.
8. I really really really really very STRONGLY believe in KARMA.
9. Karma has kicked my ass quite a few times. I'm also kind of (see: mostly) a bitch.
10. Every couple of years I go through a phase of when I think I'm going to start wearing more makeup. It lasts about a week or two, and then I go make up free for years again. I waste a lot of money and make up like this. It's sad.
If you'd like to do it - feel free to! I'd love to read about you.
This entry was originally posted at
https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/574374.html. Thanks for reading