Everything (Harry/Draco) - Drabble.

Feb 05, 2018 00:34

Title: Everything
Notes: Written for FEBRUARY prompt for hd_fluff: "blank for two." I wrote this very very very very very drunk on Saturday night. I don't even REMEMBER writing it. Totally unbetaed, and ran through spell check.
Word Count: 200

Harry took in a deep breath, trying not to remember how easy life is when he's drinking wine alone at home. Because, really, wine for one is so much better than wine for two.

When he's alone, he doesn't have to worry about what others might think. He doesn't have to worry about how others might judge him. He's in his own space, and in that moment, everything is beautiful.

And then, Draco walks into the room. And this is his life. Draco, his lover, and at times, his best friend (no he won't discuss the times when he's Harry's worse enemy).

It's everything Draco gets, and it's everything Harry loves. He loves Draco and calls him sweet and special and sensual; and Draco would rather Harry call him mean, and impatient, and demanding. He is all of those things, still, he's everything. Everything perfect for Harry.

Everything Harry could have ever dreamed of.

Draco is perfection personified.

Okay, well not really, because Draco is definitely a drama queen; he's demanding and mean, and downright uncompromisable. But, for Harry, he's perfect. Harry knows how to deal with uncompromising people.

He might just be an expert in dealing with Draco Malfoy.

This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/574198.html. Thanks for reading

about: drunk posts, community: hd_fluff, rating: pg-13, pairing: harry/draco

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