Back To Square One...

Aug 08, 2017 23:29

Title: Back to Square One
Pairing: James, Teddy, Scorpius
Word Count: 100 x 2
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: NA
Challenge: # 123: Crossed Wires for
A/N: Unbetaed. Harry/Draco background. Continuation of Worth The Wait Series.

James returned to the cave where Teddy stayed with his arm around Scorpius's shoulder. If anything, Scorpius was certain James was trying to prevent him from running away. That, and the lecture Scorpius received about getting his wires crossed, and always freaking out.

"I wasn't freaking out..." Scorpius said in a small voice when James frowned.

"Right, you saw me, panicked and disappeared. Totally not the definition of freaking out.

"You are so annoying," Scorpius replied and then he turned his attention way from James to Teddy who seemed absolutely surprised to see him.

"Hi..." Scorpius said, in that same small voice.

"You're back."

"Yeah. Sorry about earlier...I didn't know..."

"Just go and kiss him," James said, interrupting them.

Scorpius made a face at him and James started to laugh looking between him and Teddy. "You two make the same unimpressed face. Oh, this is going to be fun!"

"Merlin, you're too much sometimes," Teddy said, shaking his head. "Whatever, it's time to take my potion."

As Teddy opened the phial, James nudged Scorpius to get closer to Teddy. He obeyed. He wasn't going to be daft about this anymore. He wanted to be there. And they wanted him.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

series: worth the wait, pairing: james sirius/scorpius, community: hp_nextgen100, rating: pg-13, -threesome, pairing: teddy/scorpius, pairing: teddy/james

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