Aug 05, 2017 15:16


Hello there,

I am looking for an HD lover with free time who is *not* participating in hd_erised to beta for me for the fest. Is anyone available?

The assignments get sent out tomorrow (I think) so I've no idea who I am going to get, whether this person is a friend or a stranger, so I'd love to recruit someone who isn't participating in the fest.

This is basically my game plan for the fest, so you know my timetable.

Get assignment tomorrow, 6th August.
Do some research on the person.
Maybe write a few notes.
I am offline in September so the writing won't happen until late August and then in October. Fics are due November...something. But I'll just make it Nov. 1st for me, and we'll see how it is.

If there is a kind soul available to throw ideas back and forth and read my shitty writing, let me know! I prefer to work with someone who does GOOGLE DOCS, but if that doesn't work for you, then we can try to come up with something.

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about: come be my friend, about: what is this life?, about: harry potter, about: when dig writes, about: dig should be writing instead, about: dig needs your help yo, about: writing

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