Oct 03, 2016 11:45

I've been SO busy this month (September) that I thanked the comments as I created this post. /o\ OYE VEY...! So sorry for the late replies.

Also in other news: I did more art than normal. And I listened to over 50 hours of audiobooks. (!!!)

ART: for hptimetravel better with you than alone without you a collaboration with josephinestone
ART: for severosmerta Deep BreathsAnd then for September we had....
Harry Potter
Ginny and Snape snoggin behind the Burrow
Lavender and Snape
James and Scorpius sharing a scarf
James/Albus Severus for lq_traintracks
SNAPE/HARRY: I don't have friends, I've just got one for writcraft

Mordred: Mad Eye MordredACTIVE WRITING:

Discretion Series (Draco/James S. Scorpius/Harry. Harry/Draco)
PART 11 WC 365 for hogwarts365
PART 12 WC 365 for hogwarts365
PART 13 WC 365 for hogwarts365

Tell Me... (Harry/Draco)
Tell Me When 200 WC
Tell Me How 200 WC
Tell Me Why 200 WC

Marketing Malfoy's - Chapter 13 - WC: 3910

The Bookshop - Harry/Draco - WC: 100

An Unexpected Encounter, Part 8 - Harry/Draco - WC: 730

Neville/Charlie: At First Sight WC: 200

Snape/Draco: His Favourite Student WC: 100
James/Scorpius: Worth The Wait WC: 100MERLIN
Good Business Practice - COMPLETE
For this month: 1000 WC for the last chapter.

Dealing. (The sins of Camelot, Part 6)
WC: 885Total Word Count for September 2016 in Active Writing: 7085

Compared to:
September 2015: 18.000
August 2016: 14.520I also modded: hp_drizzle and hd_familyfest along with: hogwarts365 weekly post and co-started draco100. Upcoming fests: hp_creatures and participating in hd_fan_fair so yay for that.

*phew* now that's over. This took so much of my time where I could have been writing instead.

about: audiobooks, september masterlist, about: art, masterlist, year: 2016, about: writing

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