Marketing Malfoy's Chapter Thirteen (Harry/Draco)

Sep 11, 2016 01:29

Title: Marketing Malfoy's, Chapter 13
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Word Count: 3910
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Warnings: Modern!Au/Muggle Au - Non magic.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Thank you, schweet_heart for the beta.


Summary: Draco visits Harry at his hotel.

"Hi!" Harry said with surprise, his Bluetooth in his ear and his pyjama bottoms hanging low on his hips. "I...uh...I gotta go." He pressed the button on the Bluetooth and took it out of his ear.

All the while, Draco stood by the door, trying not to gape.

He wasn't sure what exactly he'd expected when he knocked on the door to Harry's hotel room but a nearly naked man was not it. Maybe because it'd been a while since they'd been close together, or maybe just because it was Harry, Draco's cock stirred in his trousers.

He wasn't even going to be able to last five minutes if he kept that up. Or rather, or if it kept that up.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were room service," Harry said, getting out of the way and gesturing for Draco to enter. "I just got out of my clothes and-"

"You answer for room service naked?" Draco asked, amused.

Harry laughed softly and that gave Draco butterflies. Bloody hell, he was a grown man, why was he getting butterflies?

"I've been on Skype non-stop. Negotiations and all that. I barely had a time to take a shower and call for some food when my mobile rang and then - Sorry, you're probably not interested..." Harry paused to run a hand through his hair and Draco knew what that meant. It was a reminder of how they'd been together before.

Harry's comment on 'you're probably not interested' was code for 'it's business and private'. Draco had to give him that. He was good at keeping business and personal separated.

"Negotiations?" Draco asked, sounding interested. He was going to be okay discussing business, as long as they didn't have to talk about why he was there exactly.

"I-Just something in the works. I can't talk about it. You know how that goes..." Harry said smiling. "Shit, it's good to see you."

He closed the door behind him and took a step towards Draco. Draco instinctively took a step back, but then stopped himself. So his foot just hung in the air for a few awkward seconds before he stood his ground.

"Sorry..." Harry said. "I just..."

Draco grabbed Harry by the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. If things between them got any more awkward, Draco was going to punch something.

"I was hoping you'd do that," Harry said after they pulled apart but Draco kept his hand on Harry's neck, touching his skin, stroking gently. "I've missed you."

Harry nuzzled in Draco's neck and pulled him close. They stood there in the room, holding each other, as if they were some long lost lovers that'd finally been reunited. Maybe it was Draco who felt like that-even if that was completely bizarre.

"It was difficult seeing you today," Draco admitted when they finally broke apart and Draco took a step back. He wanted to be able to look at Harry; take him all in. "And I've missed you, too."

"In the morning? With Astoria?" Harry asked, looking slightly confused and then his expression changed. "You two aren't-"

"No, nothing like that," Draco said. "She's a friend. A good friend, at that. She's the one who told me to come by and see you."

"Even if it was already difficult?" Harry asked, grinning.

"Yeah. She made me realise what I wanted." Harry didn't reply; he continued to look at Draco expectantly. "I was upset before. Hurt. Even if I knew it wasn't your fault. Just with everything-"

"I know, and I'm so sorry about that."

"Sure," Draco said, nodding. "I shouldn't have treated you like that. And I'm happy to help in any way I can. Just that-"

"Draco, you already know I'm in love with you. You don't have to try to convince me to do anything. I'm in. I've been in for ages without even realising it. It was more than just sex for me, you know. And I'd hoped it was for you too."

Draco opened his mouth to respond but there was a knock at that door. Room service, he thought .

"Right. Sorry. I'll just-"

"Can you put a shirt on?" Draco asked, the words escaping him before he even got a chance to know he'd said them.

Harry chuckled slightly and reached into his suitcase. He put on a vintage black t-shirt with a cassette tape on it. He looked bloody sexy in it. The shirt fit him so well, all Draco could think about was taking it off him again.

The room service bloke pushed in a small cart with steel plate covers and gave Draco an odd look. Draco had no idea what Harry had ordered from room service but whatever it was, it smelled incredible. It also became evident to him he was hungry. He had been running around with Astoria all day and they had only had a light lunch, then after the dealings with Goyle, and the attorneys on the phone, and then going home to talk it all over with Astoria, he'd not eaten anything in hours.

"Cheers, mate," Harry said to the man as he handed a few bills to the man and all but pushed him out of the room.

Draco was still standing around the room uncomfortably when Harry gestured to the sofa and the small table in the corner.

"Do you want some wine?" Harry asked and Draco shrugged.

As he sat, he watched Harry open a bottle of red and bring over two glasses to him. Then, he pushed the cart of food towards Draco and sat down next to him.

"What did you order?" Draco asked casually, hoping his stomach didn't grumble with obvious interest.

"They recommended this garlic chicken dish with rice, I didn't have much time to think it over. I was busy on my mobile reading emails." Harry grabbed for two forks and held the plate in between them. He sat facing Draco. "I hope you'll have some," he said.

"It smells delicious," was all Draco said before he forked up some rice with the sauce.

They ate in companionable silence, and it was strange how it didn't feel unusual. Draco had easily slipped back into his life-picked up exactly where they'd left off-as if all those weeks of anguish, pain, and betrayal and never happened.

"This is nice," Harry said when they'd all but licked the plate off and he'd reached over for the small carrot cake. "Share this with me too?"

"How are things in London?" Draco asked, taking a bite of the carrot cake, and then sipping the wine.

Harry shifted on the sofa to get more comfortable and his knee bumped with Draco's. Draco didn't react to that so Harry rested it against Draco's knee. Draco wasn't sure if he should think it was weird at how easy this was. But then he reflected back to the first night he'd spent with Harry; it had been just as relaxed. Maybe it would just be like this for them. Maybe Harry just brought that out in people.

"Same old. Just chasing after leads to put this whole Zacharias thing behind us. It was really a blow for the company and everyone involved. One of our own-cheating us out like that."

"Well, your company doesn't seem to be suffering. I saw the stock for Potter and Friends actually went up under the new adverti-"

"You've been keeping tabs on me?" Harry asked with an eyebrow quirked.

Draco shrugged. "It's business. I read the papers. Watch the stock market. It's not something I didn't do before. How'd you think we'd decided to approach you the first time?"

"Hmm..." Harry said, finishing the last piece of the cake and getting a bottle of water. "I don't know. I kind of like the idea of you knowing what we're doing."

"Why?" Draco asked, chuckling lightly.

Harry ran a hand through his hair again and looked nervous. "Makes me hope you forgave us. Me. For what happened. And-"

"It's okay, Harry," Draco said, reaching down and placing a hand on Harry's knee. "I know it wasn't your fault. And now...what you're doing here in Barcelona.. It's obvious you're doing something about it. I mean, I'd like to think it isn't just the fact that Smith betrayed you and you're going after him. You're doing this for me too."

"You get that?" Harry asked, looking slightly uplifted.

"Well, is it? Are you doing this because you promised me-"

"Yes!" Harry said raising his hands in his air as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "You get it. Why don't they-"

"Who's they?"

"My friends. My business partners. They don't get it. I mean...there's so only so much I can's about my word. My promise to you and-I know you told me to stop saying it but yeah... I promised you that. And I'm going to deliver it."

Draco smiled at him and squeezed Harry's knee. "You have a bit of a saving people thing, don't you?"

"Ugh," Harry groaned with frustration, and it made Draco think perhaps this wasn't the first time someone had told him that.

Harry started to stack all the plates together and placed them on the cart again. A few moments later, when he looked as though he'd calmed down, he returned to his seat next to Draco and sat beside him. This time, they weren't face to face anymore and Harry didn't leave any distance between them.

Harry grabbed Draco's left hand with his right and laced their fingers together. He took a big gulp of wine, threw his head back against the back of the sofa, and closed his eyes. "I'm glad you're here."

"Yeah?" Draco asked, finishing the last of his wine. He reached over put his glass on the table and as he settled back, he looked at Harry. Harry opened his eyes to look at Draco. It was obvious that he was exhausted.

"I didn't mean to intrude on your evening," Draco said, brushing his thumb against Harry's lower lip. "Just when I saw you earlier today, and then later with Goyle..."

"When I saw you this afternoon, Draco, it took every fibre of self-control for me not to cancel my meeting with Goyle. All I wanted to do was sit there and have you look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"I didn't want to be presumptuous, but the way you looked at me, I felt as if I wasn't crazy. You did care for me. Maybe even missed me. That's why I gave you my card. I don't want you to-"

Whatever Harry was going to say was cut off when his mobile rang. "Fucking hell," he grumbled and gave Draco an apologetic look before letting go of his hand. He got up off the sofa to go and answer it. As he looked at the screen to see who was calling, Harry increased the distance between himself and Draco. He was all the way into the other corner of the room before he picked up.

Oh hey, yeah. Did you get my email about-
Yes. But I can't-

Listen, I can't talk right now.
Draco is here. Yes. The same Draco Malfoy.

No I'm not going to fuck it up.
For crying out l-
I've gotta go. Okay? Stop calling me. And tell everyone to not disturb me for the night.
I'm going to turn it off.

Fine. I'll see you-
Yeah. Yeah. Always did."

As Harry turned, Draco grabbed for the wine bottle and started to pour. He did his best to pretend he hadn't just heard Harry's conversation. But he was sure it was obvious since he couldn't hide his smile.

If Harry noticed, he didn't say anything. He made a gesture of turning his mobile off and placing it on the coffee table. "Wait..."

"In case of emergencies?"

"Yeah," Harry said and turned it back on again.

Draco laughed. "I know exactly what you mean."

Before he took another sip of his wine, Harry let out a yawn.

"I shouldn't have disturbed you-"

"No," Harry said, stern. "Don't say that. I'm glad you're here. I want you to be here."

"We can see each other when we're back in London-"

"No, Draco. Tell me you'll stay the night," Harry said, holding Draco's hand and edging himself closer. "I sound pathetic, don't I? I always did when it came to you."

"You told...people about us?" Draco ask, head nodding towards the mobile.

"You've told Astoria," Harry said, but not in a defensive tone. "I mean, it makes sense if you'd told Neville and that one conversation with your Mum about it. But, you came here to see Astoria-to get away from me-and-"

"Who told you that?"

"I figured as such. I tried your mobile for days. I called your office and your secretary nearly bit my head off..." Harry stopped when Draco started laughing. "I had to talk to Neville who told me to stop calling. And then I saw you today; on the streets of bloody Barcelona!"

"And what? You want to try and give it a go then?"

"Don't you?" Harry asked.

Of course he did. He was stupid to have walked away from it in the first place.

"Maybe. I don't know how it'll work out. I mean, aren't you scared?" Draco asked.

Harry reached over and cupped Draco's face. He smiled in that Harry way that always got to Draco, and shook his head. "No. I'm not scared."

Before Draco to could respond, Harry pressed himself against Draco and kissed him. Draco was pushed back against the sofa, the wine glass still dangling in his hands when Harry started to grind their hips together.

Harry was all about climbing on top of him, unbuttoning Draco's shirt, pulling on the tie. "God, you're wearing too many clothes," he said and settled back on his haunches as he straddled Draco's lap.

"Well, I didn't exactly have time to change into casuals before I thought about coming to see you. If I'd dwelt on it too much, I wouldn't have come altogether," Draco said, and handed his glass to Harry who finished the last of it and placed it on the table behind him.

As Draco took his suit jacket and tie off, it seemed as though Harry had lost his patience. He started to work on Draco's belt and trousers.

"Come on!" he whined.

"Bloody hell, you're impatient," Draco teased, pushing Harry off him so he could calmly remove his clothes. "I still have to put these clothes back on when I leave toni-"

"Say you'll spend the night," Harry said, visibly stifling another yawn.

"You're knackered."

"So? You'll have to sleep somewhere. Just sleep here with me," Harry said shrugging.

Draco didn't reply. He'd never spent the night with Harry before. When he was nearly naked, in nothing but his pants, Harry pulled him on top.

"Don't answer if you don't want to," he said, "just come here."

He wrapped his legs around Draco's waist and held him tight. They were back to the kissing, and Draco smiled into the kiss, feeling how desperate and needy and hot Harry was for him.

Harry's hands reached down to grab Draco's arse as he increased the friction between them. Draco felt like he was on fire. He'd gone on longer than this for a dry spell, but being with Harry again was something he'd missed so desperately. He hadn't allowed himself to think about how good it felt to be with him. How comforting his touches had been, even if at times they'd been nothing but desperate, and just to get them off.

"God, Draco..." Harry arched up and Draco grabbed the elastic of Harry's trousers, pulling them down. He pulled down his own pants so they could be closer to each other. Any barrier in between them was proving to be too much. He pushed up Harry's shirt to bend down and kiss his stomach, making his way up to Harry's left nipple and gently biting it.

Harry shivered underneath him, and moved to remove his t-shirt before his hands were back on Draco's arse. Draco grabbed their erections in one hand and started to stroke. He thought it weird that they were in a huge hotel suite and yet they were doing this on a small sofa in the corner. Harry's king sized bed lay unoccupied, but Draco knew he couldn't move. He needed to have Harry and he wasn't going to waste any more time.

Harry came quietly, biting down on his lower lip, fucking Draco's hand. Draco wasn't far behind and he would have been satisfied with Harry's hand on him, but Harry surprised him by pushing him against the back of the sofa again and sliding down to his knees.

He took Draco in his mouth, remnants of his own come still on Draco's cock, and swirled his tongue around. "God, you're..." Draco moaned and then involuntarily shared, "Fuck, I have missed you..."

Harry stopped what he was doing and looked up at Draco. He smiled with Draco's cock still comfortable down his throat and returned to his task.

It didn't take Draco long to give in and he grabbed Harry's hair; sweat glistened down the back of Harry's neck as Draco set the rhythm, then held Harry tight against him as he spilled himself on Harry's tongue. Harry took his time licking and sucking Draco dry and as he was finished, Draco felt every single muscle in his body relax, and he was ready to crash right there.

"Come to bed," Harry said, pulling gently on Draco's arm and Draco allowed himself to be led away.

He was settled in the bed, comforters around him, when Harry whispered, "I'll be right back."

Draco watched as Harry went into the bathroom. He didn't close the door, so Draco watched as Harry took out his contact lenses and washed his face. When he returned to bed, he was wearing glasses that he took off and placed on the side-table.

"I'd almost forgotten about your glasses," Draco lied; every time he'd fantasised about Harry, it was in his business suit and glasses. Sometimes it was in the motorcycle gear, but that was rare.

Harry had settled himself next to Draco and propped himself up on his elbow with his hand under his head. He watched Draco intently. "That's too bad," he said. "Because I remember every curve of your face and every twist of your body." He traced his finger down Draco's chest and then leaned down to kiss on Draco's shoulder.

Draco took a hold of Harry's hand and kissed his fingers. He released a satisfied moan and turned as Harry held him from behind and they both fell asleep.


When Draco woke up the next day, he was on his stomach with Harry all but pinned underneath him.

He opened his eyes to see Harry looking up at him and smiling.

"Nice sleep?" Harry asked.

Draco nodded and got up off Harry. "Yeah. You?"

"Best I've had in a while," Harry said with a smile and they looked at each other, lying on their sides. "I'm glad you came by."

"Me too. I'm glad we ran into each other at Passeig de Gràcia- as unexpected as it was."

"Yeah. When I told Hermione I'd seen you, she said if I hadn't given you my card to try to get in touch with me again, she would have had my head."

"Hermione? Your solicitor?" Draco asked.

"She's also my best friend," Harry said. "She was the one who called last night. She knows how mad I've been over you. If you weren't so hard to get a hold of, she would have been more than willing to find you and scream at you for-"

"Scream at me? What did I do?"

Harry shrugged. "She has a bit of a habit of seeing right through people. That's why she makes a damned good lawyer. Anyway, she knew I liked you, and she was sure you felt the same way-even if I wasn’t and- Well, she thinks she can just yell at everyone and make them do her bidding."

"That's an interesting way to live your life," Draco said.

"Well, you don't know Hermione," Harry said.

"I get the feeling I'm going to meet her soon," Draco said, relaxing on his back as he stared at the ceiling.

"Is that all right? With us being a thing and all..." Harry paused and Draco turned his head to look at him. "I mean, that's still happening, isn't it?"

Draco quirked an eyebrow and looked at Harry. "I still can't get over how insecure you can be. I mean, when you were in the bloody interview, you were so fucking stoic, and that encounter with Goyle...and here you are. Who would've thought?"

"You're not answering the question."

Draco rolled his eyes and pulled Harry close to him. "Yeah. We're making a go of it or something. It'll have to be slow though, because I need to catch up on work when I get back and-"

"I know... I might end up taking a trip to Argentina for fuck sake."

"You're going to do that? Chase him all over the globe?"

"No...I won't. I have other plans too," Harry said, sounding slightly reluctant.

"Other plans?" Draco asked, curious, then added, "let me guess I'm probably not interested."

"I-" Harry paused, looking as if he were struggling for words. "I'll tell you soon. I promise. Just with all those non-disclosures..."

"I know," Draco said, squeezing Harry's shoulder and then rolling over so he could stand up. "I've gotta go. I need to have breakfast with- I've got a plane to catch. Well, a flight to book, and then a plane to catch."

"Oh?" Harry said, visibly disappointed. "I was hoping we could have breakfast together."

"Sorry. I just...I've other plans."

"With Astoria?" Harry asked, and there was a look in his eyes Draco had only seen once before. It was from the night before when Harry had seen Draco and Goyle holding hands. So that's what he looks like when he's jealous.

"Yeah. But it's complicated. I'll...I promise to tell you all about it soon. Okay? Just...slow steps."

"You don't trust me," Harry said, and his tone was light, as if he were simply reminding himself of the fact.

"Hey..." Draco closed the distance between them and cupped Harry's face, "it's not that easy. And you know that. But, I'd like to see you in London. As soon as possible."

Harry leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. Draco smiled for a brief moment before he leaned down and captured Harry's lips. The kiss was soft, promising, and it made Draco's heart flutter. Like he were seventeen years old.

"So you're like my boyfriend now," Harry said and Draco laughed. Evidently, Harry was a seventeen year old.

"Going steady and everything, I reckon."

Harry shook his head looking annoyed. "I'll call you as soon as I'm there. I've got to fly out of here for a business meeting and then I'll be in London in a few days."

"Very well. I'll see you then," Draco said and started to get dressed.

rating: nc-17, story: marketing malfoy's, challenge: jmdc, pairing: harry/draco

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