Marketing Malfoy's, Chapter 6

Dec 07, 2015 00:37

Title: Marketing Malfoy's, Chapter 6
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Word Count: 2935 - this chapter
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Warnings: Modern!Au/Muggle Au - Non magic.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Sorry about the delay, I wanted to post this chapter way sooner but this weekend got too busy. READ CHAPTER ONE, CHAPTER TWO, CHAPTER THREE, CHAPTER FOUR, CHAPTER FIVE.
Summary: Harry has a surprise for Draco

Draco waited at the bar at the Royale Hotel for only ten minutes when he received a text message from Harry stating he was outside. He quickly finished his gin in one go, paid the bartender, and left.

When he arrived outside, he didn't see Harry's car anywhere. Confused, Draco looked at his phone again. Had he misunderstood? There was a rumble of a motorbike to his left and Draco's gaze drifted there. The man on the bike waved at Draco.

Draco shook his head. "Are you seri-" Then the bike rumbled again. He couldn't believe it. Fantastic blowjobs and rides a motorcycle.

Draco stood there partially from shock, and partially just laughing when Harry rode up in front of him, stopped his bike, and removed the visor of his helmet. "Hi," he said.

"Hello," Draco said, sceptic. Was Harry expecting him to ride behind him?

"I brought you a helmet. Don't worry it's not girly," Harry said, reassuring, and handed Draco a dark green helmet with a dragon design on it.

"A bit cliché, no?" Draco said joking and attempted to put it on his head.

Harry turned the bike off and parked it before took off his helmet, turned towards Draco, and helped him. "It's only cliché if you use it trying to pull," Harry said, biting his lower lip.

"And you're not trying to pull tonight?" Draco teased.

Harry mocked confusion. "I thought you needed a friend tonight?"

Draco threw his head back and laughed. "You take all your friends on bike rides?"

"Only the ones I try to pull," Harry quipped back. "Now hop on and hold onto me."

Draco did as he was told. It took him a moment to settle behind Harry and Harry insisted on Draco wrapping his arms around his waist. "Tight!" Harry said and Draco obliged. He inadvertently took in a whiff of Harry's cologne and smiled. It was a reminder. A reminder of their first night and the night that followed.

Draco knew he didn't need to hold Harry so close, really, but he liked the idea that Harry liked feeling him. Having Harry like that in his arms wasn't all bad, after all. Already, his presence had helped Draco nearly forget his present troubles.

Harry didn't hold back any punches as he drove off and away from the Royale Hotel. Draco instinctively grabbed the front of Harry's jacket as they picked up speed. He wasn't sure but Draco thought he heard Harry chuckle-feeling his body vibrate under Draco. Harry was a skilled rider, not that Draco had any sort of experience being on a motorbike. He like the easy way Harry manoeuvred in and out of traffic in between cars and buses and no one seemed to stop them.

This was a different side of Harry Draco was learning and he liked it.

"All right there?" Harry turned his head and asked, his voice muffled through the helmet and Draco nodded. "Want to go to any particular place?" he asked and Draco shook his head.

"Anywhere," Draco said and when the light turned green, Harry took off again.


Draco had no idea how long they'd gone riding for but eventually, he was starting to recognise the streets and the houses. He had no idea how, given he had no idea where they were.

Eventually, Harry slowed down and then they drove down a small alleyway, and it looked like Harry was heading towards a house. There was an open garage door and Harry pulled in. Finally, when the bike was turned off, and Harry had removed his helmet, he turned to face Draco again.

"Welcome to Islington," he said.

"I knew it all looked familiar," Draco said and waited for Harry to hop off the bike first. When Harry did, he helped Draco remove his helmet.

"Liked the ride?" Harry asked, looking smug.

"It was brilliant. You were right, you know. It did take my mind off-"

Harry leaned in and kissed Draco then. Draco was still on the bike and he felt as though his knees wobbled still and the bike shook with him. Harry only pressed against him and Draco wound up wrapping his arms around Harry again, feeling his warmth .

When the broke apart, Harry was grinning, and Draco caught his reflection on one of the side mirrors of the bike. His hair was ridiculous-all over the place and staticy.

"What the-"

"You just looked too darn cute for me to not kiss," Harry said. Draco shook his head at Harry's comment and started to fix his hair. "It looks fine."

"Just because you can pull off that look of messy hair doesn't mean we all have the luxury," Draco said and got up off the bike. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco to steady him, even though, Draco didn't need the help. He leaned into him, still. There was just something about the warmth of Harry's body, the feel of his strong arms that Draco liked too much.

"Thanks," Draco whispered as he brushed his lips against Harry's.

"For what?" Harry asked, doing the same.

Harry led Draco to the house in the dark. He seemed to know where he was going so Draco didn't mind. Still, the familiarity of where he was-was too strong to ignore. Why did he think that he'd been there before?

"Do you want a drink?" Harry asked as they entered the house and Harry closed the door behind them first before he switched the lights on.

"Sure," Draco said, taking in the surroundings.

"Wine, okay?"


The colours of the walls had been changed but everything else seemed to be as Draco had remembered. Including the family portraits. He thought there was a slight moment that he'd been dreaming. He took a few steps to the right and twisted the knob of a closed door.

"Oh, you found the bathroom," Harry said from behind him, and Draco knew before he'd even opened the door that's what the room was.

"You inherited this place from your godfather, you'd said?" Draco said turning towards Harry and Harry looked confused by whatever Draco's expression was. Draco was sure he had a wild look in his eyes.

"Yeah," Harry said sceptically.

"This house belongs to the Black family," Draco said, as he walked down the hallway and found another set of pictures on the mantle. One of them was undeniably his mother as a child with her two sisters.

"How-how did you know that?"

"What's your godfather's name?" Draco asked.

"Sirius. Sirius Black."

"Right," Draco said, now understanding the best he could. "He died about a dozen years ago in a motorcycle accident. I thought everything was too familiar."

"What do you mean?" Harry walked up to him and handed him a glass of wine. He joined Draco as they looked at the family portraits together. Draco found one of what was surely Harry with what he assumed was Sirius.

"The fireplace used to be there," Draco said pointing at a corner where a large flat screen TV had been placed.

"Yeah," Harry said, sounding completely freaked out. "I had to make some modifications to the place a few years ago when we had that really bad blizzard. I didn't want to put it all back together in exactly the same way and I know Sirius used to hate the fireplace so... Draco, you're real-"

Draco laughed and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. "I haven't been to this house in almost twenty years," he said, squeezing Harry's shoulder and taking a sip of the wine. "My mother is Narcissa Black, well she was before she became Narcissa Malfoy, and now, Narcissa Malfoy-Parkinson. She was related-I'm related to Sirius, the whole Black family. It's weird to be here and I didn't think my night could get any more strange."

"When I came to live here with Sirius, I thought he was the only one of the Black descendants that was alive. Well, that and Aunt Andy, but she passed away last year, losing her battle to cancer."

"The last time I'd seen Aunt Andromeda was when she'd come to my mother's wedding with Dale. And she'd missed the funeral because..." Draco took in a deep breath and then shook his head. It's been Pansy's fault why his mother had missed the funeral and it was the most ridiculous reason ever.

"Don't you think that's strange?" Harry asked, sipping his wine and he returned back to the sitting room as Draco followed.

"What's strange?" Draco asked, taking a seat on the sofa, next to Harry.

"Just how connected we are," Harry said, grabbed Draco's wrist and pulling it to his mouth. He kissed it lightly and started to move up Draco's arm, kissing every bit of skin he could find.

Draco bit his lip as he tried not to laugh.

"What?" Harry asked, reading his face.

"It's a coincidence, Potter," Draco said, chuckling lightly.

"It's decidedly the strangest thing I've ever experienced. I've never had mind-blowing sex with anyone that was so close to me. My family. I mean, I know Sirius was my godfather, but he was like my Dad. My parents died when I was just a baby and Sirius had always been there for me."

"We haven't had that much sex," Draco tried to argue but he couldn't ignore what Harry was doing as his hand went up Draco's thigh and he couldn't ignore Harry's words of mind-blowing sex.

"We can always change that," Harry said, pushing Draco back into the sofa as he settled himself in his lap. He started to sway his hips lightly, making Draco aware of every nerve inside him, aroused with need. Need for Harry.

"What do you suggest?" Draco said, unbuttoning Harry's shirt and then pulling him in for a kiss.

Harry moaned around Draco's tongue and his hand started to stroke Draco from above his trousers. "Come to the bedroom with me, and I'll give you another ride." This time, Draco didn't hold his laugh back and Harry joined him, realising just how incredibly clichéd he sounded. "Sorry, I just-I can't think straight when you're around," Harry admitted.

"There's no need to think," Draco said, as he urged Harry to stand up and then took his time undressing Harry. As he removed each piece of clothing, he kissed Harry's skin; deeper each time. "There's a rule in marketing that works wonders sometimes," he added, pulling Harry's trousers and pants down.

"What's that?" Harry said stepping out of his trousers and pulling Draco up for another kiss.

"Less is more." Draco said right before kissing him, biting his lower lip, and then sucking on it.


They held hands as they went up the stairs to Harry's bedroom. Draco felt like a blushing virgin being led into unknown territory, being guided by someone who said all the right things. Even if Harry hadn't, Draco didn't know how long he would have been able to resist.

Harry spread naked on the bed as Draco watched him. Draco was still almost fully dressed as Harry's clothes lay on the floor of the sitting room. It was the man's house and he lived in the mansion alone so Draco didn't feel too bad about leaving a mess. He purposely undressed himself slowly, painfully slowly, and Harry was almost writhing on the bed, moaning with need. Need for Draco. It was unbelievable. Draco hadn't met anyone who made him feel so desired.

When Draco reached the bed and knelt down in it, Harry pulled him towards the middle immediately. He turned sideways for a brief moment as he grabbed for lube and condoms and Draco enjoyed the view of Harry's arse, knowing that he'd get to do more than just gaze at it. When Harry caught him, realising what Draco was doing, he turned some more, as if he was offering himself to Draco.

Draco turned Harry's body around, pressing his chest and stomach to the mattress so he could finally get a good look. The few nights that they had been together, it'd not been like this. The first night they weren't all that sober, and then the following morning, Draco's fear of who Harry was and how far they could take it made him hesitate. Now Draco knew that he didn't want to resist, didn't want to stop himself. He wanted Harry.

He spread Harry's legs apart and settled himself in-between them. His face mere centimetres away from Harry's hole. He bit his lower lip before he gave a tentative lick. Harry groaned beneath him. So Draco did it again. He liked the reactions elicited from Harry so he continued pushing. Shoving his tongue deep in Harry, making him squirm and twist about on the bed as he humped the mattress, made Draco laugh. Meanwhile, every other word from Harry had been either a "Yes," or a "Don't stop."

Finally, when it sounded as though Harry was on the brink of an orgasm, Draco pulled back. He settled on his knees and pulled Harry towards him. Getting up on his knees, Harry grabbed for the condoms and lube, and handed them to Draco.

"I don't know how long I can manage without you inside me, Draco," Harry breathed out, and turned his face to the side to they could kiss again.

"You're fucking amazing," Draco said as he put on the condom and opened the bottle of lube. He slicked two fingers before he pressed them against Harry's entrance and Harry hung his head down and moaned again.

"More," Harry said and Draco pushed the fingers in.

He wanted to make sure this would be good for Harry as he was certain that it'd be brilliant for him. Eventually, he lined the head of his cock against Harry's hole and pushed in. "So fucking tight," Draco mumbled, pushing in and out of Harry with his grip tight on Harry's hips and his chest pressed flat against Harry's back. "So... Good."

"I'm so close," Harry said, dropping his head back and resting it on Draco's shoulder. He was pumping his cock with his hand, matching with the rhythm of Draco's thrusts.

Draco picked up the pace, determined that he wanted to come with Harry, mix their moans together was they were both pushed over the edge. He rested his head on the back of Harry's neck and arched his back. Watching himself, fuck Harry, pulling in and out of Harry's hole was enough. He came right then and there, spilling himself inside as Harry cried out his orgasm and came all over his hand.

"Fuck. That was..." Draco panted as Harry reached for a box of tissues to clean himself up.

"God, I'm going to need a shower," Harry said as Draco pulled out of him slowly, and Harry collapsed on the bed.

Draco grabbed a few of the tissues to wrap the condom and chucked it into the rubbish bin under the bedside table. A shower sounded good.

"Do you want to join me?" Harry asked when Draco crashed on the bed too and rubbed his face. He was exhausted.

"I can't," Draco said, hoping he didn't sound distant. "I should be heading home-"

"You could spend the night," Harry said, turning to his side and running a hand against Draco's chest. "God, you're fucking hot."

Draco laughed. "Thanks. But, I don't think I should-"

"Of course," Harry said, but he didn't remove his touch; not right away for it to be awkward.

It was evident that having a casual fling wasn't foreign to Harry and he knew how to handle these situations. Except, Draco found himself wishing that Harry had maybe pushed him just a bit more. Then maybe he would have stayed the night.

He closed his eyes just for a moment and when he opened them, Draco noticed there was a blanket on top of him, and Harry was just coming out of the shower with a towel around his waist. His clothes were folded and placed on the floor by his side of the bed. He hadn't intended on taking a nap.

"I'll just get out of your hair then," Draco said, standing up and making a grab for his pants.

"There's no rush," Harry said and he came and sat beside Draco. "I'll call you a taxi when you're ready."

"Thanks," Draco said and dressed in silence as Harry watched him.

They walked down the stairs to the sitting room where the glasses of wines were still on the table, and Harry's clothes were scattered about.

"Do you need help cleaning up?" Draco asked and Harry shook his head.

It looked like Harry was going to say something when there was a honking sound coming from the front door of the house. They'd come from the other side earlier that night when Harry had brought him through the garage so the noise startled Draco.

"Looks like your lift is here," Harry said and Draco nodded. In lieu of things becoming awkward, Draco walked up to Harry, grabbed him by the back of his neck, and kissed him.

"Thanks for everything tonight," he said when they pulled apart. Still, he felt Harry's warm breath on him and he wasn't ready to let go yet.

Harry grinned and nodded. "We still didn't talk about whatever was troubling you-"

"Trust me, this was loads better than that," Draco said.

"But I was being serious," Harry said, his face grim. "If you need a friend..."

Draco smiled and quickly kissed Harry again. "I will call you." CHAPTER SEVEN

rating: nc-17, story: marketing malfoy's, pairing: harry/draco

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