And Now It's A Party - Neville/Charlie + Harry/Draco

Jul 07, 2016 13:19

Title: And Now It's A Party
Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100x3
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU/EWE. Background: Harry/Draco. Hogwarts!Professors
Challenge: Prompt 334: Not Again for
A/N: Part 30 of " Fantastic Beasts" Story. AO3 LINK

"It's one thing when we're here, almost as if we're secluded away from the world, but to take this next step..." Draco trailed off and Neville found himself thinking, not again.

He'd already had this conversation with Draco earlier tonight but it was obvious that whatever Neville had said hadn't sunk in. He understood Draco's fear, as irrational as he thought it to be, but he was supportive of him nonetheless.

"It'll be all right, Draco," Charlie tried to console him. He placed his hand around Draco's shoulder and pulled him close. Of course, it was a friendly gesture, but the slight pang of jealousy that shot through Neville was still unavoidable.

Charlie was supposed to be his tonight. All he wanted was to be alone with the man. It was selfish of him to think of how their date had been ruined, given how much Draco was struggling with this decision, but Neville couldn't help but be annoyed at his own predicament.

"Harry loves you," he said; he'd said the exact words earlier also. "The world knows that. More or less. And don't you think that it's a decision he should make on his own and not have you make it for him? Maybe you should talk about your future and--"

There was a knock on the door and Neville heard Charlie sigh out, "Not again." He totally related to that sentiment. Why was everyone in this world out to speak to them?

When Charlie returned to the room, Harry was right behind him.

"I figured I'd find you here, Draco," Harry said, and then he looked at Neville, obviously confused. "Well, I checked Neville's first but no one was there."

Harry looked at the three men in the room and his expression grew more perplexed. "Is everything okay?" NEXT PART

community: neville100, pairing: neville/charlie, series: fantastic beasts, rating: pg-13

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