October 2014 MASTERLIST - Harry Potter + Merlin

Nov 02, 2014 21:57

I've officially been writing as digthewriter for a year now. CHECK OUT MY OCTOBER 2013 Writing MASTERLIST (and word count)

Fandom: Harry Potter

Fic/Art Claiming:
Look At Me - James/Albus - for hp_drizzle
The First Kiss - Harry/Draco - for hp_drizzleDrabbles:
Harry/Draco - dracoharry100
New Information - WC: 100
Silly Doubts - Wc: 100

Harry/Draco -
Someone Old - WC: 100
Revelation - WC: 100

Sirius/Harry -
He Likes It - WC: 100
He Wants It - WC: 100

Not A Scary Costume - WC: 365 - Harry/Draco
FIC Writing:
Mark Me Yours - 45,000

MAGIC WITHOUT A WAND - created for a fic that was written for my prompt

sirius_black fest: FANDOM: MERLIN

Expressions - WC: 1000 for camelot_drabble
Unkept Promises - WC: 900 for camelot_drabble

Bad For Business - WC: 1180 for camelot_drabble

ARTHUR: I CAME FOR YOU - created for merlin_writersTOTAL WORD COUNT for OCTOBER 2014 (not counting already published words for fic-claiming): 48,680

As always none of this could have happened if I weren't so involved with hd_writers and merlin_writers, the members help has really helped a lot!

Things I am writing/arting for, or waiting to be published: hd_fanart, samhain_smut, hd_owlpost, hd_erised, merlin_holidays, hrholidays.

Please look forward to in 2015: hprare_cliche, and ron_draco_fest, and hdotp's FAIRY TALE FEST

year: 2014, october masterlist, masterlist, about: writing

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