October Writing Masterlist

Nov 01, 2013 13:21

FIC CLAIMING (Harry/Draco)
Our Relationship Quantified in Five Boxes for hp_silencio
A Favor For Blaise for hp_drizzle
The Time of My Life for hp_drizzle
Besom Buddies for hp_drizzle

FANDOM: Harry Potter

Title: Spying for Pleasure
Pairing: Harry/Draco for hogwarts365
Word Count: 365

Title: Spilled Ink
Pairing: Harry/Draco for hogwarts365
Word Count: 365

Title: The Show
Pairing: Harry/Draco for hp_humpdrabbles
Word Count: 500

Title: Routine
Pairing: Harry/Draco for dracoharry100
Word Count: 100

Title: Tricking Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco for hp_humpdrabbles
Word Count: 455

Title: Meddling
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione, Dean/Seamus for hogwarts365
Word Count: 365

Title: Involved
Pairing: Harry/Ron for hogwarts365
Word Count: 365

Title: A Pirate and a Vampire
Pairing: Harry/Draco for hp_halloween
Word Count: 200

And One Haiku


Title: The Love that We Deserve for merlin_writers
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Word Count: 3050

Title: The Sins of Camelot for camelot_drabble
  • Lust      Word Count: 600
  • Greed   Word Count: 820
  • Wrath   Word Count: 1000
  • Pride    Word Count: 735
Total words written and published (not counting the fic claiming): 8920.

Ongoing projects (worked on), and other fic submissions for October: interhouse_fest, samhain_smut, kink_n_squick, merlin_horror, merlin_sexstars, hp_darkarts, hd_erised, hd_owlpost, hpholiday, hp_creatures, mini_fest

Half of this could not have been achieved if it wasn't for the support of awesome members from hd_writers and merlin_writers! Make sure to join the community and be inspired!

year: 2013, october masterlist, masterlist, about: writing

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