Jan 17, 2004 04:47
couldn't think of a subject. thanks, chris rock.
tonight we hung out with wadell and jake. blasts from the past of last semester. it was surprisingly a really cool time. i miss wadell. i am going to make it a point to hang out with him some more this comming semester.
i'm making my amazing little brother, sam, a sweet mix cd cuz he deserves it. he's going to be stoked. he loves good music. i feel a special bond with sam, i don't know why. he's just a super sweet little bro.
i need to get things right with God and stop screwing with people's heads because of my stupidity or selfishness.
i am planning on going to the rec with brian tommorrow when i wake up. i must.
i took 3 metabolife and drank 5 cups o coffee. i'll be up for awhile and it's 5 a.m. and i didn't sleep last night. college = unhealthy lifestyle.
i like writing in lowercase. it's so easy.