Panik/KiPi Photos

Oct 29, 2011 21:06

Long story short, I've only ever been able to find two pictures and one non-concert video inculcating Panik and Killerpilze with each other for all that they toured together in Russia. Both pictures, for unknown reasons, involve Frank and one of the Halbig brothers (the video, which I can no longer find, shows some bonding between Fabi and Jan, and Jo being curious as all hell, so I'm not completely crazy). This is one of them:

I'm pretty sure this is a Russia picture because a) that looks like Schlagi (and Mäx) in the background and b) why the fuck else are these two playing with a squirt gun?, but Fabi looks way too old for that. So anyone got a clue what this is from?

This is the other picture, btw:

Maybe Frank's just got a super secret friendship with the Halbigs.

fandom: panik/nevada tan, fandom: killerpilze

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