Hi guys! Please forgive any typos as I'm dictating this to my phone. Typing is pretty much out of the question right now, as I sit here with my left arm propped up on a pillow. I'm home, my surgery went fine yesterday, thank you all so much for all the your kind notes and amazing support. I promise it means the world to me!
I'm a little more bionic than I was before with my snazzy new dual chamber pacemaker. Lee has been doing a fantastic job of helping me. I'm mostly just trying to rest and heal. I already feel world's better than I did. It's amazing what a huge difference just having a normal pulse rate again can do for you!
I promise to do my best to keep you guys posted on everything. Thank you again so much for all the kind thoughts, love and support. They truly, truly mean the world to me! 😊💕
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