Hi! I wanted to let you guys know that I'm having surgery tomorrow. My Lupus has attacked my heart and has been causing me to have severe bradycardia the last few weeks. It's been getting progressively worse. My normal pulse is in the 60s and 70s, it's been running in the 30s and 40s.
The Cardiologist thinks that my lupus has attacked my heart, causing lupus myocarditis, which means that it's been damaged due to inflammation. The damage can affect the heart's ability to conduct electrical impulses correctly.
I have to be at the hospital at 8am and they're going to implant a dual chamber pacemaker.
Plus, in two weeks, after this incision heals, I have to have a needle biopsy of my left breast done because of a mass there. It'll, hopefully, end up being benign. One step at a time, right?
It scary to think how much this is all going to cost, especially if I end up needing both the pacemaker and a lumpectomy. Any good thoughts would be much appreciated tomorrow.
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