For the Wheel's Still in Spin: Art Masterpost (Cap Iron Man BB)

Nov 27, 2014 08:27

Title: For the Wheel's Still in Spin
Author name: Arukou (AO3 user name)
Artist Name: digitalwave
Characters/Pairing: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 56,961
Warnings: PTSD, passing mention of suicidal thoughts and alcoholism, depression
Summary: Steve Rogers is a man of action, but in this brave new century, there's no action to be had. A man without a mission, all he has to linger on are the people he let down and the lives he failed to save, and he is so very alone. Nights eat at him and days pass in a blur, and Tony Stark is the only person who seems to notice just how badly the Captain is suffering.

Link to Fic AO3: Story Masterpost
Link to Fic on LJ: Story Masterpost
Link to art AO3: Art Masterpost
Link to art LJ: Art Masterpost

Artist's notes: I did it! I made it through all five Big bangs I signed up for. Even with everything going on in our real lives, I managed to not let any of my authors down, that was hugely important to me. Once again, I can't give enough thanks to my partner, Arukou! She wrote a great story and I really enjoyed working with her. I was so happy that she liked how her artwork turned out.

I also want to give a huge thank you to the mods of cap_ironman for all their incredible work. I know how hard it is to run any kind of challenge like this. Thank you for giving me the chance to add my art to something I've loved so much over the years. :)

So, here we go, I hope you guys enjoy how everything turned out. I sure had fun working on it. Don't forget, the artwork will contain spoilers for the story. Enjoy! :)

Click on Main Story Artwork images to enlarge (Then click again to bring to full size)

Main Story Artwork:

Chapter Divider:



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avengers art, big bang art, artwork, captain america art

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