I've always wondered...

May 26, 2014 19:51

Why there's a rule that something has to taste nasty to be effective. At least, it seems that way with meds I have to take for my lupus. I started a Solu Medrol dose pack today and the first day is always the loading dose of Prednisone. Then, for the next five days I'll taper down from that first heavy dose to nothing.

My mobility has been getting worse, especially from pain in my lower back from the nerve damage I've got there. The packs aren't as effective as they used to be but they still help, even if it's just a little. WonderFest is next weekend and I'm supposed to work it, like I do every year. As it is right now I don't know if I can do it, mainly because of the standing I'll have to do. So, the dose pack. If we can suppress my immune system it should help the inflammation and improve my stamina. That's sure what I'm hoping any way.

Hope everyone has had a nice memorial day. Today I've remembered my dad and my older brother, Jimmy. Even though missing them hurts, just like missing mom does, it's been good to remember all the love and laughter we had today, too. :)


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