(no subject)

Jul 01, 2008 21:43

I'm not gonna lie - I felt extremely smug when I went to visit the team and saw that they have no one to replace me (and never will). My smugness increased trifold when the first words out of Sanford's mouth were, "Heeeyyyy baby, COME BACK TO US MMM'KAY?" Anyways it was great seeing all of my favorite people, JOD made vegan cookies that I ate a million of and the routine looked really good. Cheer LA is looking really rough now and San Diego looked AMAZING as always, even though they still really need to get rid of the midriff tops.

Anyways, it was a nice, relaxing experience. Yvonne hung out for a while and Kevvy just happen to show up at the booth five minutes after we got there, haha. I'm kinda bummed that it was my only Pride this year, especially since the gay marriage ban was lifted...I would have loved to be more a part of it and soak up the atmosphere but I'm still feeling a little soured. In time, I guess.
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