Smoke, ugh.

Jun 24, 2008 09:27

I hate how everything smells like smoke everywhere here because the whole goddamn state is on fire. It's a constant olfactory reminder that the cabin is at risk and puts me on edge all day.

Great Things:

- seeing Meryl this past weekend!
- oh god food
- Get Smart is hilarious

And the most amazing overheard conversation at Borders...I was standing near a very very pregnant woman and her spouse while they looked at pregnancy books. She was babbling on about this pregnancy cook book and it's like, Ma'am I'm pretty sure you're only going to be pregnant for about another month AT MOST so why are you still buying books on it? So she picks out a couple of books and turns to her husband and asks, "Did you want anything to read? I mean aside from all these books 'cause you're going to have to read them to." And he perfectly deadpans, "Where are the books on committing suicide?"

Speaking of committing suicide, I had a migraine this weekend. LAME.


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