
Mar 19, 2009 13:08

Last night I had really cool dreams about Bear Grylls and eating free thai food. Also a ship that broke in half and the people who were running the ship knew it was going to happen so they separated passengers into PURPLE and GREEN groups .You were given colored tags for all your luggage and name tags were either green or purple so everyone could be easily identified as one or the other.

The purpose of this was that the ppl knew the ship was going to split in half and they made it so that purple passengers assembled on one half and green on the other. However, everyone who was green was going to die, and they knew this. Green passengers were primarily old people and people with diseases or people who were otherwise unfit to arrive at whatever destination we were going to. Like they didn't want these people to contaminate the place or w/e i don't know.

Anyway it was weird but I was purple and I was relieved to know that all my friends were as well and then we had adventures that included Bear Grylls and Thai food the end.

omg, what, dreams ok, bear grylls

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