Title: so much for childhood dreams
Summary: The Island has more than one monster. [AU fusion crossover between "Lost" and the "Digital Monsters/Digimon" series, season 3/'Tamers.' Told in a series of drabbles]
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Impmon, Antylamon, ensemble [Digimon]. Juliet, Richard, Ben, ensemble, minor Juliet/Richard, Juliet/Jack
Genre: gen
Rating: PG-13
Notes/ETA: For
missy_useless's prompt, 'crossover' at the 2010
lostsquee Luau. I've been wanting to write something like this, so thanks for the prompt; this was rather fun to write, hope you enjoy. Check out these links
for important digimon character images and information directly in the fanfic below, and here is the
Digimon Wiki for even more general information. The above icon has Impmon pictured above with a caption that appropriately says 'Lost.' Thank you
aurilly for this helpful and encouraging
crossover meta.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Lost.
"You did say I would see amazing things on this Island," Juliet reminded him in a dazed voice.