Jan 27, 2010 02:10
Ever feel like you can't sleep because you spent nearly the whole day before sleeping?
In other news, while I thought I would feel well enough to go back to school tomorrow (god, five hours O.o), I am suddenly...eh, not sharing the gory details, but it's not fun. @.@ I'm sorry for everyone thinking I'd be on today, I just felt so miserable when I woke up. ;A;
Only bright part of the day? While I was laying in bed I had my laptop and, because I felt a desire to write about as strong as a desire to step in front of a car, I watched through the rest of a series I'd started the other day on youtube. Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning. Good. I recommend it, but you'll have to read the manga after, since the anime finished at episode 25 when they were nowhere near finding answers to all the plotlines in the manga. Not that that's a bad thing, the manga's only 77 chapters (I say only because the last manga I recommended was 393 chapters, aha). Only weird thing is I watched the dub and now I'm reading the fan-translated manga, so I have to get used to the little things, like the honorifics and changes in what characters call each other (though I also recommend the dub - the voices are really good, though since it's dubbed by Funimation, I had no doubt they would be). Maybe I'll swing by the bookstore when I feel better and pick up a few volumes, hm?
Off to try (keyword, TRY) and get more sleep. Who knows if I'll be at school tomorrow.
animanga: spiral,
paper-thin immune system,
school: meh high school,
gao: =_=,
obsession is a fickle thing,
life: status update,