Okay, so I doubt I'll get much sleep due to...suitemate trouble. Nothing too bad, just...things are gonna be loud.
So, brief Degrassi post. Really brief, actually.
I'm pleased with the Chantay plot, actually. There wasn't much too it, but enough to actually have some substance, and enough for it not to feel like it got in the way, like last time.
Declan/Holly J...mmm, well, I knew it couldn't end well. Conflicted. I'm sort of unhappy that Landon got a role on a CW show. :/ It means...farewell, Declan, forever. But...well, I dunno. I'm glad that they talked, definitely, but I still see the arguments that it was rape that happened to Holly J, just because she's saying it's not doesn't mean it isn't, etc. ...And yet... I don't know. I didn't want them to get back together, god no, not after all that. I like the idea of the future being open. Maybe we can see single Holly J again for a bit? I just hope he doesn't suddenly DISAPPEAR forever, like Darcy and Mia.
Clare? Oh man, LOVED Clare. So much. I mean, what she did to Eli was horrible here -- but at the end? She made me CRY, man. Her plot brought up feelings I didn't even know I still had. Feelings from when my parents were fighting a ton. I wanted to hug her, when she promised to be good if her parents stayed together? It broke me. And when she realized that they'd been listening to her all along...that the reason why they're getting a divorce is...for her. So she can have a better life. It was the most depressing look ever. I really loved where they ended the episode -- I think anything else would take away from the last scene they had, so I like the set-up. Despite the fact that I know Eli and Clare make up, even if I didn't, I'd still love it.
So, their first few scenes? Cute. Cute-tastic. I loved Eli's little worry/surprise about her suggesting tattoos -- and then Clare's ever-so-cute stunned expression at his talk about a six month anniversary thing. Please be a premonition? Ms. Dawes continues to make me grin like an idiot, fantastic teacher. |D
Cannot WAIT for Umbrella. And the minis too. :D
Need to icon more Degrassi! And get more icons in general.