Like, seriously. No offense to the dude from AVPM, but DNW. DNW ever. Just like Sam/Quinn dnw. Sam is cute. Quinn is unappreciative and has cried just about every scene she was in that episode.
You really, really shouldn't ship it. I don't. I just recognise that Sam is precious. And another thing: the Jason Mraz version of Lucky is 1000000x times better.
Kurt Elizabeth Hummel is a beautiful name. And Kurt is seriously my favourite character.
Yeah. I like to think that Quinn is saving those so Kurt and Sam can use them later, thanks to tumblr... idec about canon. Kurt was right about the hair dye, he is right about the gay -- even if it never becomes canon. There were loads of hints, okay. I have been stalking this episode. (See: my icon. That's flirting.)
Santana better get her shit together and admit she loves Brittany, or I will cut a bitch.
Defying Gravity is <3 (My bias is showing, and I like Kurt's version better... have you heard the solo versions?)
Also: when Rachel was being nice to Kurt at the end and when they sing together is, tbh, the only time I have ever liked her. And another thing -- I found myself finding Finn adorable this episode (at least when Brittany thought a duet was a duvet and he did this cute smile), which is weird because the episode before and ever since the beginning I have disliked him. I still have my dislike for Shue and Emma intact, though. Go me, etc.
The thing is-- Kurt is a guy, but he comes off more as a girl. And most girls like that wouldn't get a restraining order against them -- but the guy would react the same way Finn did if they weren't interested (I mean, obviously "faggy" would not have worked, but you get the idea). I really relate to Kurt because that's pretty much how I am around people I like so I would know -- never had a restraining order taken out against me. And I also realise that Kurt and Rachel are similar, but I still dislike Rachel whether I can relate to her which is actually something I've never thought about, tbh.
I'm pretty sure Kurt isn't closeted, um. If Glee is required to have 12 members or they can't compete, then there should be more than 12 people who love him for who he is. Like Shue and Burt, right? IDK, fuck math.
About the boyfriend: I SERIOUSLY UGH. DNW. Not because I don't want Kurt to have a boyfriend, because I want it to be Sam. They had chemistry, they flirted! But Chris Colfer probably didn't want him to be his boyfriend because he was afraid of being treated like KStew (this was in an interview somewhere) and since Chris gets everything he wants, they decided to give him a different boyfriend IDK. *sigh* Like I said before, IDEC about canon. Sam/Kurt OTP OTP OTP.
I'mma hit post, then reply to the Degrassi part... because I don't think it'll fit here :)
IMO, Daria did it better. They weren't matching piercings, as far as I know then again, you didn't SEE Trent's new piercing... but it was a much better scene. We saw it, they held hands. It was really the best. But it works for Clare and Eli, and also the fact that Degrassi is not animated -- so I accept it as an most probably accidental homage~
I LOVE MISS DAWES. TBH, I wouldn't mind a custody battle -- and I want her dad to win guess what -- I'm going to hell
OMG SHE'S 16. SHE CAN'T ACT IMMATURE IF SHE WANTS. It's not like she's been through this before, or much of anything -- she's sheltered. She hardly even knows what went on with Darcy. I mean, jfc, when my parents were getting divorced -- that's not something we should discuss in public, tbh. Although, in my case, divorce was clearly the better option for obvious reasons -- didn't help me feel any better about it, and it probably doesn't for her. But the only way they'll stop fighting is if they stop being around each other.
The part of the episode for me that was fake was when it cut to Eclare on their date after whatever was going on with HJ and whoever. The only words I remember specifically are "jeez, they're sociopathic" and it's not that I don't know people who speak the way they do -- it's just that clearly Munro and Aislinn are not those people. It's like in Big Time Rsuh lol reference to a show you don't watch when they make hockey references and/or analogies -- it comes off really fake and honestly hella embarrassing and just plain bad because it's obviously unnatural to the actors.
They are sooooo cute. So cute. And he really did whine. But so did Daria in Daria, but about itching not pain-- and you really, really need to see Daria. EXACTLY. THAT IS EXACTLY WHERE IT COMES FROM. And I just -- exactly.
I think Chantay's probably getting more plot next week even though, honestly, dnw. Well, dnw HJ bs, either. Needs more Clare, etc. And where the hell is Adam? They were in English class. Adam should've been in there. Fuck you, Degrassi.
Declan -- well, honestly -- I realise you're not talking about it on purpose but -- I doubt Holly J will press charges but that pretty much guarantees no more Declan/Holly J, and judging from the previews and spoilers no more Sav/Holly J (not just because of Jenna/Sav, but the "did you sleep with him?" etc) ... and while I realise there is going to be Adam/Fiona, this still gives me the hope that once HJ and Fi graduate, they uh -- well, Holly J/Fiona OTP *cough*
Are you asking if anyways is a word? Because, no, it isn't. I use lots of non-words, though, if you haven't noticed already -- but, no, it isn't.
I do not read or watch Percy Jackson, and your edits about your crazy friends confuse me so -- *ignore*
>_> See, I looked at the community and everyone is confused on if Sam is actually gay or not, saying he could and he could come out-- and the popular theory right now? Is that Kurt/Sam is end-game and Sam is bi. I like that theory. So I'm...not really bitter. I ship Puck/Quinn 10,000 times more than Sam/Quinn. Sam is just so adorkable that people say he can be shipped with everyone?
lol picking and choosing responses here, but yeah, I know Kurt's not closeted, but basically what he's doing, the hiding affection, etc. that's how closeted kids feel. A lot. And the fact that this was done a day after National Coming Out Day...idk, I do not think it was unintentional, and that message right there really, REALLY hit a personal note with me, as I'm sure it would with a lot of teens going through the same issues, closeted or not, I should've said. But it was a major It Gets Better message.
Everyone seemed to like everyone in "Duets." Like, the fandom is seriously amazed at how much they loved the episode. So am I. Fandom never agrees on anything.
Butyeah, I've wanted them to call Kurt out a bit on his stalker-ish tendencies for a long time? I lovedlovedloved that Burt's a fantastic father, but I felt like it was swept under the rug when it really should've been talked about. I do wish they'd made some kind of differentiation in "Duets" that it's not that he can't walk down the hall with someone he likes, it's that he can't come off as smothering them. It wasn't the idea that he was being really close to Finn that was the problem, it was the fact that he tried to set up their parents so he and Finn could have closer rooms, live in the same house, he tried decorating their room in a way that he knew would make Finn uncomfortable, etc. That was the part I didn't like, it got a little creepy for me, honestly.
Pfff, lol, yeah. >_>; I think Rachel was saying that since there are eleven right now, then Sam makes twelve, that's the rest of the club and Will. And like, it's saying that's twelve people at school, which is where he feels he can't be himself? idk, math isn't my strong point so I overlook it.
(and yes, I've heard Defying Gravity + solos, it was one of the reasons why I started watching Glee.)
What is "the community"? Aren't there 600+ Glee comms? Unless you mean the Sam/Kurt comm >.> Also, I honestly don't want to get involved in, like, the main Glee fandom because I doubt they agree with my opinions and I refuse to let another fandom ruin my love for a show -- specific ship comms are safe enough, though. I think I've seen a "Sam is bi" theory, though -- "embracing the male and female sides" during Kurt's, uh, performance of Le Jazz Hot couldn't have been a throwaway line, IDR. He definitely seemed interested in Kurt -- and he's really shifty when people say things like "just tell me" and "does this work on girls where you come from?" I hope they are endgame -- especially since Ryan Murphy was all "lol Idina Menzel isn't going to be Rachel's mom" and then she was. But it's always okay to have multiple gay characters on a show. Oh another thing about bi -- even if Brittana are each other's exceptions to the "straight" rule, a lot of people will see that as them being "bi" -- and it really seems like at least Brittany is (or pansexual -- either way, not straight). "Coach Beiste didn't touch my boobs. Actually, I really want to touch her boobs." lol oops got off track. I really don't ship much in Glee. Brittana, Tina/Artie, Sam/Kurt, Sue/Shue, and uh-- Burt/Kurt brb hell And I am prepared to back that up. If you wanted to get into why. Loads of people have been telling me things like "it's impossible to not ship everything" but I do not ship everything so it can be done. But, yeah, Sam is rally precious but the characters on the show are not so appreciative of that, it seems to me. THAT WAS SORT OF POLITE.
It was really well done -- even though things happened that I didn't like; Santana needs to stop saying wants/we's, etc.
lol why is that a question. Yeah, setting their parents up was ridiculous -- I admit when Finn went downstairs and they did that hella closeup on Kurt with the glass of champagne? That was a manic crazy face and I woulda been scared pantsless. You're right, it was swept under the rug, by Kurt -- on purpose. He was being defensive because, really, I'm sure he knew at that point that he was wrong but he was feeling hurt -- his face when he realised Burt knew and the fact that he ran to the kitchen and snapped? That's a realistic response, honestly, especially that he turned it around on his dad -- and characters in Glee tend to do the more realistic thing and/or the worst choice rather than the good one -- because it's real. And, yes, Kurt is smothering -- and Burt's right, maybe he was pushing this kid Sam around -- but Sam isn't Finn and he seems to be okay with saying no when he wants to, and he genuinely seemed to want to sing with Kurt and he wasn't going to back out, even when Finn was explaining it would be social suicide. But Kurt did a really brave, amazing thing when he told Sam he didn't have to sing with him -- even though, you know, I would've liked for them to sing together -- that shows character growth and also it shows that maybe he really does like that kid Sam and the rest of the Glee club and was doing something selfless, and that is truly a great thing. IDU what was wrong his room to begin with. It was very gender-neutral. But, uh, IDK what to say about redecorating the room because I thought it looked fine before and I don't know where you're getting the "in a way he knew would make Finn uncomfortable" bit. Finn living in the same room as Kurt made him uncomfortable enough. Kurt has a really strong, overbearing personality and a lot of people can't handle that. It's not that Kurt wants to walk down the hall with someone he likes; he wants to walk down the hall with someone that likes him, too -- hence "holding hands." He wants to be in a relationship -- and he can't do that. It really doesn't matter that he smothers people -- even if he didn't, there's no boy at WMHS who would hold hands with him, especially not in a romantic way.
I still say he is himself, but, yes, he does get bullied for it -- and I appreciate that Rachel told him he isn't alone and people love him just as he is -- but it's still not the kind of love he wants, but he seemed to be sort of accepting of that, at least at the end of the episode.
Also, uh. I feel the need to irrationally stand up for Kurt, though I realise why his actions come across as stalker-ish (though, uh -- Finn had some pretty stalker-ish tendencies, as did Jessie St. James) -- it's just, I, uh -- I am usually on the Kurt side of things so I understand his POV better than Finn's. I do agree, though, that setting up their parents was crazy, mainly because of his reason for doing so -- and that is something I would never do -- and it was meant to be seen as him being, uh -- not quite so great even though that was mostly ignored to focus on Finn and his acceptance of Kurt (which is apparently when people who didn't ship Finn/Kurt started shipping it) and this season Kurt was called out on it, but he turned it around on his father like anyone would -- or at least, I would. Regardless of what needs to be handled, plot-wise, it was a realistic move, and I still think they were both in the wrong. I'm not saying Kurt isn't wrong -- I'm saying I understand why he's like that. It's hard to not be who you are.
Ah, sorry, I mean gleeclub. I just go there for the fanfic/icons/watch-along. I don't really like hanging out in fandoms too, tbh, but you know this already. It's not that bad, I just ignore the majority of it. Lol, I'm hesitant to label anyone anything nowadays, ever since discussions in my college's LGBT support group made me realize that sometimes there are no labels, but I seriously think Sam is bi, or at least that he's some kind of queer or just...doesn't know what he is yet. I think watching him discover his sexuality could be amazing and fantastic and shipping in Glee is different for everyone, but still fun, idk.
Oh, yeah, I always disagree with some things that happen in Glee, but I still like the episodes, it's a very odd relationship I have with it.
idk why it's a question. ;; -- I think I phrased part of that wrong, it was more like...Finn was already uncomfortable with living with Kurt, and redecorating I gotta watch these episodes again, it just made it worse, it was one thing after another. And lots of phrasing wrong, I was tired, @_@ But I think we're actually mostly on the same page here, I just...I dunno, I liked how they brought everything up, it's steps not sudden acceptance from everyone, though I think it would've been cool if Sam could've decided for himself what he wanted to do, it was also big of Kurt to choose for himself as well. Don't feel the need to explain (oh yes, all the guys have stalker-ish qualities), I tend to irrationally stand up for Rachel, but well, not many really DO stand up for her, which may be why I feel that. I understand Kurt's POV as well, I've been there before (not in his exact case, but in some ways), though I've made other choices so I suppose I see other alternatives as well.
Everyone on this show is in the wrong sometimes, is I think the point. I understand as well, I just thought that it needed to be brought up -- and the way it was the way the plot's going, I like it. I'd love if Sam/Kurt had a built up thing and then a pay-off. It's my ideal.
...why did I put an I in Jesse. I blame Pokemon. Anyways -- haha, I'm sorry. I don't really have anyone to talk to about Glee ^^;
OH. Yeah, I'm part of that comm, too, I think :) There's really just too much wank in fandom, tbh, and I'm not really good about, uh, accepting other people's opinions... -_-; That's true -- but there are people who feel the need to label everyone and it's going to happen in fandom. And Sam is definitely not straight, whatever he is. YES. That might possibly be the best storyline they could do -- Glee is just a fun show :)
Ah. That makes sense -- because I didn't get the feeling Kurt redecorated the way he did to piss Finn off -- it actually seemed like he was surprised that he hated it so much, but it was just a last-straw for Finn and yeah. Yes. Continuity nods and things are cool, too -- it's always good when they bring up past occurrences and -- right, explanations are good instead of just -- I mean, you could see Rachel's face and all the compassion and realisation but having her explain it to Kurt and then them singing -- but, yes. Baby steps. Me too, honestly -- because I do think he would've chosen to sing with Kurt if Kurt hadn't made it seem like he was doing both of them a favour. That's understandable -- she has a lot of haters. Of course, now that I've slept on it I realise that loads of people dislike her for the same reason they dislike me -- constant need to express opinions, incessant chattering, etc. It's even canon in-show that people like Kurt better than Rachel -- which happens in fandom, too -- even though they are so similar. The main difference, to me, isn't actually their talent level or personality -- it's that Rachel gets all of the solos and Kurt doesn't. Kurt is upset because he never gets a solo and Rachel is upset when one solo is "taken away from her" -- even though it's unfair that she gets all of them, but this show is real (despite all the camp and ridiculous moments) in that aspect because when I was in chorus (which isn't exactly the same, mind you), there were people who got all of the solos -- though the boy who got all of the solos was more of a Kurt than a Finn... but yeah. Mr. Shue has favourites and that's real, too. He's a very relatable character -- even though the, uh, setting up the parents, etc., was very extreme.
Yes. It's good that it was brought up, because parents do gossip about their children -- as long as their is pay-off, I will like where the plot is going :)
lol, I honestly don't know which one it is, it may be Jessie, idk.
Always too much wank in fandom. Butyeah, everyone IS obsessed with labels, but I just am not really into it anymore. Or rather, that they don't quite matter, that sometimes it's more than just straight or bi or gay. So like, if he likes Kurt eventually, then that's okay with me. ...idk, it makes sense to me. I'm just ~~~EXCITED~~~.
Yeah-- I gotta watch the episodes all again, tbh, to look at them and be able to analyze more and stuff, but yeah, continuity is always SO amazing whenever they bring it up. I think that the pay-off for anything, Kurt getting acceptance, Sam/Kurt, anything, I'll be happy. [nod] I know that people want more distribution of solos, but, idk, it makes sense, and well, it's sort of a petty reason to hate Rachel and love Kurt, if that's the only difference -- which, for some people, it is. It's just annoying to see them chastising her for the same things they praise him for, ya know? But yes, more solos for everyone, and I think they're starting to realize that, hopefully. Shue's favortism, lol, that's extremely existing. I love how relatable all the characters are, in some way! Seriously, they make mistakes, but that makes them better, so bring on the mistakes!!
Apparently Jessie St. James is a porn actress, soo... I'm guessing it's Jesse.
If he likes Kurt eventually, it would mean the world to me -- and everyone else. See:
Yeah, me too. There was a really big gap between when I watched the first seven episodes and when I watched everything else. Continuity FTW -- even though I must admit, Glee is one of those shows that, uh, I would prefer didn't have continuity and a lot of the time it doesn't (see: Sue euthanised her mom, yet Carol Burnett is guest-starring as her mom; uh, what), but for the most part continuity is cool -- also Sue lies a lot. Yeahhh. I understand that -- but since I don't ship very many things in Glee, and the only other Kurt ship I have will never be "canon" -- I, uh, am sad to say I will not be happy. It makes sense in Glee club, but not in-show since the music is much more involved than just in Glee club. Well, there probably are other differences -- Kurt is all about fashion, Rachel is all about Rachel... and Kurt would never send someone to a crackhouse. Well, since I'm not actually in fandom (or, at least, I'm new to it), I'm not sure what it is that happens and such -- but, yeah, lots of people on whatever that glee secrets tumblog is -- well, actually it was just one secret -- but it was all "I hate that people don't chastise Artie and Kurt for the same things they chastise others for just because Kurt is gay and Artie is in a wheelchair" or something that basically means that. Personally, I don't think I say things like "Kurt was chasing after Finn, cool" and "Rachel was chasing after Finn, boo" because lol I don't ship either of those and they were both crazy and wrong, and, if anything, Rachel was less wrong or at least wrong-together-with-Finn because Finn was actually interested in her... but even though they are similar, they do come off as different on-screen -- even the characters feel that way. I understand why you feel that way (because that happens in all fandom - one character getting shit for doing the same thing another character was praised for), but I can't help that I don't like her and I do like Kurt, it just happened. Maybe if Rachel had scenes with her two gay dads like Kurt has with Burt, that might help? IDK. Right. Because, again, the music isn't just about glee club -- the whole show is about music. I mean, there are random scenes with them singing and a lot of people were upset that Rachel was singing "Papa Can You Hear Me?" to Burt, and honestly -- that is upsetting, because Burt is not her father -- not to mention Kurt asked (well, told) them not to and it is his father and his right and IDC if they were doing what they think is the nice and/or right thing to do, he said no and it isn't their place to go to the hospital and -- lol sorry off-topic. Shue -- actually that reminds me of something. Sometimes, the circumstances are different, so even though the actions are the same -- not talking about Glee, though. God, I hate looking at the TV while I'm on the computer. It hurts so much and I don't know why. But anyway. Yes, they are. Yes, they do -- and it does -- because real people make mistakes and that's what makes them relatable. According to spellcheck, I never spell that right -- whether it's relatable or relateable or relatible. I'm pretty sure it actually is relatable, and spellcheck is just a little cunt.
... you probably do. I have so many -- well as many as I can have with so few icon spaces. Obviously, you can have probably about 20 and I wouldn't be surprised if you did eventually xD
lol, my brain is dyingdyingdying, but i'll try and respond, finally. LOL, no one can trust anything Sue says nowadays except if it's about her sister, but yes, continuity~~ and well, I really do hope Kurt and Sam are end-game too. Yeah, I understand that -- and the differences and such. I'm glad that you see the logic in somethings, though, fandom's a bit of a double-standard, and I don't pretend that I'm perfect in it, but it's like, you should love your favorites for their faults too, ya know? I DO want Rachel to have some family time too -- soon as characters get that it seems like I can relate to them more or at least understand them more. The singing was somewhat upsetting, yeah, though everyone was doing that and just because we only saw Rachel she's the only one who got blamed by fandom-- lol, yes, topic, oops. I think it is relatable, firefox, what you doing?
I'll go looking when I'm not a) falling asleep or b) drowning in homework
Yep :) I'm just worried that, uh -- well, Chris gets a lot of what he wants, as far as the show goes. Rose's Turn, having involvement with Vogue, Time Warp, getting to be Riff Raff -- I mean, Kurt was even written for him. So I'm just worried that because he doesn't want Kurt's love interest to be more attractive than he (which I think is ridiculous, because Chord and Chris have some very similar attributes) and he basically said he doesn't want girls writing to him like the do to KStew (i.e., "back offa our man" etc)... and that, you know, he'll get his way and Sam will end up not being his love interest. But, you know, the dude from AVPM said that his character was sort of Kurt's mentor -- he didn't say boyfriend -- so there's still a chance, and I cling to that hope.
YES. Faults are good things. I mean, not good things, but important things for a character to have! Exactly. I understand that we met her mother, but Shelby didn't raise her and I think it's really important that we meet her two gay dads. As it is right now, she reminds me somewhat of Liberty (not a lot, though) -- with the threatening to get the government involved (ala, "my dad says that if one more squeegie kid tries to dirty up his windows, he'll call the mayor -- he knows the mayor" -- that's not an exact quote) and such. That's true -- it was a poor song choice, at any rate, but that's how Rachel is -- Mercedes and whoever, was it Quinn? IDR. Anyway, you're right, they were just as wrong -- and even Kurt and Sue were wrong, but I won't lie and tell you that it was their right to complain, because Kurt did feel awkward about it even though he wouldn't have said so without Sue's involvement, and I sympathise more with him than the others. They had every right to be offended, but so did Kurt, and it's not their place to ask him why he doesn't believe in God. Most people believe in God because they were raised that way. Actually, this has nothing to do with Glee but it reminds me of something -- some person on tumblr was like "HA! ELI'S ATHEIST! TAKE THAT, EVERYONE WHO THOUGHT HE WAS JEWISH." I just wanted to point out that this person is dumb. Being Jewish only partly has to do with religion -- it also has to do with heritage, and whether or not they are aware of this fact, Goldsworthy is a Jewish name. I just needed to get that out, it's been bothering me.
Is it just me, or do I type way more than you? And, uh -- why you so tired? Get some sleep, guh.
He DID say mentor, so we got a lot of hope -- I don't think Chris would be that petty, though, he seems like a wonderful person. I really hope hope hope that he ships Sam and Kurt or something, because if he gets a lot of what he wants, then Weeeee, we are in business, bitches, yay. I'm hoping like craaaazy. Um but. Yeah, Darren Criss did say mentor, not boyfriend. Gao. I'm talking in circles.
Yes! Characters CANNOT be perfect! That makes the most sense. You know, that makes a lot of sense, the comparison to Liberty (and that quote was pretty dead-on >> ) but uh, yes, I WANT SO BAD to meet her dads. I might punch something if we go through this season without meeting them. :/ And yes, ha, th-that is just Rachel. Yeah, it was Mercedes and Quinn. Everyone had some part of the problem, I think, and everyone did something wrong, and that's kidna what I like about the show. It isn't really their place to ask why he doesn't believe in God. I mean, talking with him about it reasonably would've been better, but not at that moment. Like, if he wanted to talk about it, or offer, "hey, if you ever want to talk about [etc etc]" because I don't think automatically talking with someone is offensive but-- OH GOSH YEAH, I HEARD ABOUT THAT. Seriously, we were talking on FanFourms how we thought he was either atheist or Jewish and now it's like "oh, well, he still might be Jewish in heritage, that'd make sense," I hate people who are dumb like that.
lol sometimes you do. ;; I was just reeeeeally tired then.
No! No, I meant -- he mentioned it in an interview, and Ryan is like in love with him and caters to his wants and needs and might get that idea -- I don't think he'd actually tell Ryan or anyone that Sam absolutely cannot be Kurt's boyfriend! Chris really does seem like the sweetest person. It really would make me happy, but IDK if he does ship Sam/Kurt or not -- he thinks Chord is attractive, though, I can tell you that -- but neither of them are squashing our hopes and dreams about it. Both Chord and Chris said in interviews that it may or may not still be happening -- which pretty much insinuates that when they did the search and Chord got a part that it was originally intended to be so and, knowing Ryan is a sneaky liar-face, it is very much possible. That's his name, Darren Criss. Also, I'm not sure how much more attractive Chord or Darren is, compared to the other, but neither are hideous so no matter what, Chris -- well, honestly, Chris is just ridiculous because he is a very attractive little dude and any guy would be lucky to have him, especially since he's got this precious little personality to boot! TALKING IN CIRCLES IS TOTALLY OKAY. But, yes, he did -- and that gives us hope! Especially since homeboy is practically a Jesse St. James expy... senior from an opposing glee club >.> *cough*
Haha, I'm glad you think so! Yes, I agree. We haven't actually gotten to know a lot of people's parents -- sure, we've seen Puck's sister or mom or something in front of the TV, but we've only really gotten to know Carole, Quinn's parents when they kicked her out, and Burt who has gotten the most, uh, screentime and development. Right, exactly. IKR. "My dad's in a coma, he could be dying." "KURT Y U NO BELIEVE IN GOD." Bro, didn't you just hear what he said about his dad what is this. Personally, I think it's wrong for people to assume that just because they believe in God their BFF does, too (i.e., "I don't know how to act around you anymore" -- um, why the hell not?) ORLY? Well, yeah -- because they're two different things. I mean, his parents don't seem to be very Jewish, which makes me wonder about those lace curtains... IDEC I am going to pretend his very Jewish grandmother lives with them or it was her house or something because nothing else would explain those curtains in the window on the door. In the door? Whatever. But, yeah, there were hints earlier that he isn't a big fan of Jesus which doesn't necessarily point to either -- just a non-Christian background -- and now that we officially know he's atheist, again, it doesn't mean he isn't Jewish in heritage. They don't even need to bring it up, because the name is enough, but that would be a nice way to BOOYAH~ in that little -- uh, in that person's face.
I AM SO VERBOSE. I COULD TAKE OVER THE WORLD WITH MY VERBOSITY. Actually, it kind of bothers me that Ms. Dawes said "wordy" instead of "verbose" because my 11th grade Englsih teacher would've been all over that opportunity, and I realise she's not my English teacher but she's still an English teacher -- but probably the majority of the audience would've been like "WHA?" like they are when Eli uses words like machismo and acuity -- actually, someone said "why didn't he just say macho?" I'll tell you why, person IDR -- because he's Eli. Also, I don't think macho is a noun, so if he said "macho" he would've been wrong... But, uh. Well, I'm glad it was just a one-time deal then :)
P.S. Did you get my text about the school colours in Daria being the same as the ones in Degrassi? That's probably true for loads of shows, but I just have to compare Daria and Degrassi now -- things are just. IDK if I'm hallucinating these but the similarities are getting out of hand -- in a good way.
OHHHH. OH I AM LAME WHOOPS. >_> But uh. Yeah, Ryan is a little fucker, but I think I like it that he deceives us, because well, I dunno, it makes for more of a shock/payoff, I think, and I like that and I really hope hope hope that that's the case, I love that Darren's on the show ( &hearts &hearts &hearts ) but I ship Sam and Kurt and stuff, and YES YOU ARE BUT THAT'S OKAY.
I want all of them to have parents, homelife is awesome and stuff. And Yeeeees, gao. :/ Yes, me too, THAT WAS WEIRD, MERCEDES :| and all that stuff, and-- lol lace curtains, I still gotta write something about that, but I feel like since we're gonna see his house soon it'd be a waste to write something about it now. I think I'll wait until after Umbrella to do anything, but I wanna write the thing about them studying in Morty more than ever now, especially if she does end up living with them. I'd like it if he was atheist with a Jewish background, it'd be cool, but yeah, we can all kinda get that, so it doesn't need to be brought up except for gloating.
LOL, yes, she must use more huge words! >>;; I love when Eli uses big words, though, it's cute, and-- yes, because he's ELI, and that's all that matters. He's Eli. And that's how Eli is. and. yes.
I don't think I did but omg that's amazing, I love you making connections.
<3 lol right? No, yeah, I agree -- yeah, about all of that. I mean, I haven't seen AVPM, but good for him, you know? And Kurt getting a mentor is cool, as long as Sam/Kurt is endgame <3 LOL THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH TALKING IN CIRCLES. I'M MOVING OUT BECAUSE I'M MOVING OUT /tbbt
RIGHT. Well, homelife isn't always awesome -- Craig's homelife wasn't awesome. But it's important for characters to have a homelife and I know what you meant, I'm just being silly. IT WAS, RIGHT -- HE'S STILL KURT. IT'S NOT LIKE YOU TALKED ABOUT GOD EVERY DAY OR SOMETHING AND SUDDENLY HE CHANGED HIS MIND IDU. They were though! Also, Behind Lace Curtains was the title of, uh, some thing I wrote IDK what to call it -- did you read that? You should. I doubt they'll explain the curtains, but, uh -- a little more information about his home life won't hurt before you start. YOU NEED TO DO THAT, TOO <3 Right, especially if she does. IDK, it all depends on -- I mean, his parents are probably going to offer that -- but it all depends on what's happening with her parents, whether or not I approve -- and how Eli takes it, because clearly Clare is insinuating, uh, that and, uh. IDK what I'm saying I still want her to live with her dad because I am going to hell. Me, too -- it would, uh, bring some kind of depth to his character, in a way, and -- lol mte. I really just want to rub it in that person's face, like Mia rubbed that ice cream cone on Lana's cheerleading outfit in The Princess Diaries. Ohhhh yeah.
IKR <3 Me, too -- it suits him. I really don't think Eli would've have, uh, been able to handle making the mistake of using a verb where a noun should be, so it's really a good thing they went with machismo :)
Haha, thanks :) I'd really like it if, some day, you took it upon yourself to watch Daria. I'm pretty sure you can watch it on the MTV website... idk if all the episodes are there, though.
Like, seriously. No offense to the dude from AVPM, but DNW. DNW ever. Just like Sam/Quinn dnw. Sam is cute. Quinn is unappreciative and has cried just about every scene she was in that episode.
You really, really shouldn't ship it. I don't. I just recognise that Sam is precious. And another thing: the Jason Mraz version of Lucky is 1000000x times better.
Kurt Elizabeth Hummel is a beautiful name. And Kurt is seriously my favourite character.
Yeah. I like to think that Quinn is saving those so Kurt and Sam can use them later, thanks to tumblr... idec about canon. Kurt was right about the hair dye, he is right about the gay -- even if it never becomes canon. There were loads of hints, okay. I have been stalking this episode. (See: my icon. That's flirting.)
Santana better get her shit together and admit she loves Brittany, or I will cut a bitch.
Defying Gravity is <3 (My bias is showing, and I like Kurt's version better... have you heard the solo versions?)
Also: when Rachel was being nice to Kurt at the end and when they sing together is, tbh, the only time I have ever liked her. And another thing -- I found myself finding Finn adorable this episode (at least when Brittany thought a duet was a duvet and he did this cute smile), which is weird because the episode before and ever since the beginning I have disliked him. I still have my dislike for Shue and Emma intact, though. Go me, etc.
The thing is-- Kurt is a guy, but he comes off more as a girl. And most girls like that wouldn't get a restraining order against them -- but the guy would react the same way Finn did if they weren't interested (I mean, obviously "faggy" would not have worked, but you get the idea). I really relate to Kurt because that's pretty much how I am around people I like so I would know -- never had a restraining order taken out against me. And I also realise that Kurt and Rachel are similar, but I still dislike Rachel whether I can relate to her which is actually something I've never thought about, tbh.
I'm pretty sure Kurt isn't closeted, um. If Glee is required to have 12 members or they can't compete, then there should be more than 12 people who love him for who he is. Like Shue and Burt, right? IDK, fuck math.
About the boyfriend: I SERIOUSLY UGH. DNW. Not because I don't want Kurt to have a boyfriend, because I want it to be Sam. They had chemistry, they flirted! But Chris Colfer probably didn't want him to be his boyfriend because he was afraid of being treated like KStew (this was in an interview somewhere) and since Chris gets everything he wants, they decided to give him a different boyfriend IDK. *sigh* Like I said before, IDEC about canon. Sam/Kurt OTP OTP OTP.
I'mma hit post, then reply to the Degrassi part... because I don't think it'll fit here :)
I LOVE MISS DAWES. TBH, I wouldn't mind a custody battle -- and I want her dad to win guess what -- I'm going to hell
OMG SHE'S 16. SHE CAN'T ACT IMMATURE IF SHE WANTS. It's not like she's been through this before, or much of anything -- she's sheltered. She hardly even knows what went on with Darcy. I mean, jfc, when my parents were getting divorced -- that's not something we should discuss in public, tbh. Although, in my case, divorce was clearly the better option for obvious reasons -- didn't help me feel any better about it, and it probably doesn't for her. But the only way they'll stop fighting is if they stop being around each other.
The part of the episode for me that was fake was when it cut to Eclare on their date after whatever was going on with HJ and whoever. The only words I remember specifically are "jeez, they're sociopathic" and it's not that I don't know people who speak the way they do -- it's just that clearly Munro and Aislinn are not those people. It's like in Big Time Rsuh lol reference to a show you don't watch when they make hockey references and/or analogies -- it comes off really fake and honestly hella embarrassing and just plain bad because it's obviously unnatural to the actors.
They are sooooo cute. So cute. And he really did whine. But so did Daria in Daria, but about itching not pain-- and you really, really need to see Daria. EXACTLY. THAT IS EXACTLY WHERE IT COMES FROM. And I just -- exactly.
I think Chantay's probably getting more plot next week even though, honestly, dnw. Well, dnw HJ bs, either. Needs more Clare, etc. And where the hell is Adam? They were in English class. Adam should've been in there. Fuck you, Degrassi.
Declan -- well, honestly -- I realise you're not talking about it on purpose but -- I doubt Holly J will press charges but that pretty much guarantees no more Declan/Holly J, and judging from the previews and spoilers no more Sav/Holly J (not just because of Jenna/Sav, but the "did you sleep with him?" etc) ... and while I realise there is going to be Adam/Fiona, this still gives me the hope that once HJ and Fi graduate, they uh -- well, Holly J/Fiona OTP *cough*
Are you asking if anyways is a word? Because, no, it isn't. I use lots of non-words, though, if you haven't noticed already -- but, no, it isn't.
I do not read or watch Percy Jackson, and your edits about your crazy friends confuse me so -- *ignore*
>_> See, I looked at the community and everyone is confused on if Sam is actually gay or not, saying he could and he could come out-- and the popular theory right now? Is that Kurt/Sam is end-game and Sam is bi. I like that theory. So I'm...not really bitter. I ship Puck/Quinn 10,000 times more than Sam/Quinn. Sam is just so adorkable that people say he can be shipped with everyone?
lol picking and choosing responses here, but yeah, I know Kurt's not closeted, but basically what he's doing, the hiding affection, etc. that's how closeted kids feel. A lot. And the fact that this was done a day after National Coming Out Day...idk, I do not think it was unintentional, and that message right there really, REALLY hit a personal note with me, as I'm sure it would with a lot of teens going through the same issues, closeted or not, I should've said. But it was a major It Gets Better message.
Everyone seemed to like everyone in "Duets." Like, the fandom is seriously amazed at how much they loved the episode. So am I. Fandom never agrees on anything.
Butyeah, I've wanted them to call Kurt out a bit on his stalker-ish tendencies for a long time? I lovedlovedloved that Burt's a fantastic father, but I felt like it was swept under the rug when it really should've been talked about. I do wish they'd made some kind of differentiation in "Duets" that it's not that he can't walk down the hall with someone he likes, it's that he can't come off as smothering them. It wasn't the idea that he was being really close to Finn that was the problem, it was the fact that he tried to set up their parents so he and Finn could have closer rooms, live in the same house, he tried decorating their room in a way that he knew would make Finn uncomfortable, etc. That was the part I didn't like, it got a little creepy for me, honestly.
Pfff, lol, yeah. >_>; I think Rachel was saying that since there are eleven right now, then Sam makes twelve, that's the rest of the club and Will. And like, it's saying that's twelve people at school, which is where he feels he can't be himself? idk, math isn't my strong point so I overlook it.
(and yes, I've heard Defying Gravity + solos, it was one of the reasons why I started watching Glee.)
It was really well done -- even though things happened that I didn't like; Santana needs to stop saying wants/we's, etc.
lol why is that a question. Yeah, setting their parents up was ridiculous -- I admit when Finn went downstairs and they did that hella closeup on Kurt with the glass of champagne? That was a manic crazy face and I woulda been scared pantsless. You're right, it was swept under the rug, by Kurt -- on purpose. He was being defensive because, really, I'm sure he knew at that point that he was wrong but he was feeling hurt -- his face when he realised Burt knew and the fact that he ran to the kitchen and snapped? That's a realistic response, honestly, especially that he turned it around on his dad -- and characters in Glee tend to do the more realistic thing and/or the worst choice rather than the good one -- because it's real. And, yes, Kurt is smothering -- and Burt's right, maybe he was pushing this kid Sam around -- but Sam isn't Finn and he seems to be okay with saying no when he wants to, and he genuinely seemed to want to sing with Kurt and he wasn't going to back out, even when Finn was explaining it would be social suicide. But Kurt did a really brave, amazing thing when he told Sam he didn't have to sing with him -- even though, you know, I would've liked for them to sing together -- that shows character growth and also it shows that maybe he really does like that kid Sam and the rest of the Glee club and was doing something selfless, and that is truly a great thing. IDU what was wrong his room to begin with. It was very gender-neutral. But, uh, IDK what to say about redecorating the room because I thought it looked fine before and I don't know where you're getting the "in a way he knew would make Finn uncomfortable" bit. Finn living in the same room as Kurt made him uncomfortable enough. Kurt has a really strong, overbearing personality and a lot of people can't handle that. It's not that Kurt wants to walk down the hall with someone he likes; he wants to walk down the hall with someone that likes him, too -- hence "holding hands." He wants to be in a relationship -- and he can't do that. It really doesn't matter that he smothers people -- even if he didn't, there's no boy at WMHS who would hold hands with him, especially not in a romantic way.
I still say he is himself, but, yes, he does get bullied for it -- and I appreciate that Rachel told him he isn't alone and people love him just as he is -- but it's still not the kind of love he wants, but he seemed to be sort of accepting of that, at least at the end of the episode.
Ah, sorry, I mean gleeclub. I just go there for the fanfic/icons/watch-along. I don't really like hanging out in fandoms too, tbh, but you know this already. It's not that bad, I just ignore the majority of it. Lol, I'm hesitant to label anyone anything nowadays, ever since discussions in my college's LGBT support group made me realize that sometimes there are no labels, but I seriously think Sam is bi, or at least that he's some kind of queer or just...doesn't know what he is yet. I think watching him discover his sexuality could be amazing and fantastic and shipping in Glee is different for everyone, but still fun, idk.
Oh, yeah, I always disagree with some things that happen in Glee, but I still like the episodes, it's a very odd relationship I have with it.
idk why it's a question. ;; -- I think I phrased part of that wrong, it was more like...Finn was already uncomfortable with living with Kurt, and redecorating I gotta watch these episodes again, it just made it worse, it was one thing after another. And lots of phrasing wrong, I was tired, @_@ But I think we're actually mostly on the same page here, I just...I dunno, I liked how they brought everything up, it's steps not sudden acceptance from everyone, though I think it would've been cool if Sam could've decided for himself what he wanted to do, it was also big of Kurt to choose for himself as well. Don't feel the need to explain (oh yes, all the guys have stalker-ish qualities), I tend to irrationally stand up for Rachel, but well, not many really DO stand up for her, which may be why I feel that. I understand Kurt's POV as well, I've been there before (not in his exact case, but in some ways), though I've made other choices so I suppose I see other alternatives as well.
Everyone on this show is in the wrong sometimes, is I think the point. I understand as well, I just thought that it needed to be brought up -- and the way it was the way the plot's going, I like it. I'd love if Sam/Kurt had a built up thing and then a pay-off. It's my ideal.
OH. Yeah, I'm part of that comm, too, I think :) There's really just too much wank in fandom, tbh, and I'm not really good about, uh, accepting other people's opinions... -_-; That's true -- but there are people who feel the need to label everyone and it's going to happen in fandom. And Sam is definitely not straight, whatever he is. YES. That might possibly be the best storyline they could do -- Glee is just a fun show :)
Ah. That makes sense -- because I didn't get the feeling Kurt redecorated the way he did to piss Finn off -- it actually seemed like he was surprised that he hated it so much, but it was just a last-straw for Finn and yeah. Yes. Continuity nods and things are cool, too -- it's always good when they bring up past occurrences and -- right, explanations are good instead of just -- I mean, you could see Rachel's face and all the compassion and realisation but having her explain it to Kurt and then them singing -- but, yes. Baby steps. Me too, honestly -- because I do think he would've chosen to sing with Kurt if Kurt hadn't made it seem like he was doing both of them a favour. That's understandable -- she has a lot of haters. Of course, now that I've slept on it I realise that loads of people dislike her for the same reason they dislike me -- constant need to express opinions, incessant chattering, etc. It's even canon in-show that people like Kurt better than Rachel -- which happens in fandom, too -- even though they are so similar. The main difference, to me, isn't actually their talent level or personality -- it's that Rachel gets all of the solos and Kurt doesn't. Kurt is upset because he never gets a solo and Rachel is upset when one solo is "taken away from her" -- even though it's unfair that she gets all of them, but this show is real (despite all the camp and ridiculous moments) in that aspect because when I was in chorus (which isn't exactly the same, mind you), there were people who got all of the solos -- though the boy who got all of the solos was more of a Kurt than a Finn... but yeah. Mr. Shue has favourites and that's real, too. He's a very relatable character -- even though the, uh, setting up the parents, etc., was very extreme.
Yes. It's good that it was brought up, because parents do gossip about their children -- as long as their is pay-off, I will like where the plot is going :)
Always too much wank in fandom. Butyeah, everyone IS obsessed with labels, but I just am not really into it anymore. Or rather, that they don't quite matter, that sometimes it's more than just straight or bi or gay. So like, if he likes Kurt eventually, then that's okay with me. ...idk, it makes sense to me. I'm just ~~~EXCITED~~~.
Yeah-- I gotta watch the episodes all again, tbh, to look at them and be able to analyze more and stuff, but yeah, continuity is always SO amazing whenever they bring it up. I think that the pay-off for anything, Kurt getting acceptance, Sam/Kurt, anything, I'll be happy. [nod] I know that people want more distribution of solos, but, idk, it makes sense, and well, it's sort of a petty reason to hate Rachel and love Kurt, if that's the only difference -- which, for some people, it is. It's just annoying to see them chastising her for the same things they praise him for, ya know? But yes, more solos for everyone, and I think they're starting to realize that, hopefully. Shue's favortism, lol, that's extremely existing. I love how relatable all the characters are, in some way! Seriously, they make mistakes, but that makes them better, so bring on the mistakes!!
I need more Glee icons too.
If he likes Kurt eventually, it would mean the world to me -- and everyone else. See:
Yeah, me too. There was a really big gap between when I watched the first seven episodes and when I watched everything else. Continuity FTW -- even though I must admit, Glee is one of those shows that, uh, I would prefer didn't have continuity and a lot of the time it doesn't (see: Sue euthanised her mom, yet Carol Burnett is guest-starring as her mom; uh, what), but for the most part continuity is cool -- also Sue lies a lot. Yeahhh. I understand that -- but since I don't ship very many things in Glee, and the only other Kurt ship I have will never be "canon" -- I, uh, am sad to say I will not be happy. It makes sense in Glee club, but not in-show since the music is much more involved than just in Glee club. Well, there probably are other differences -- Kurt is all about fashion, Rachel is all about Rachel... and Kurt would never send someone to a crackhouse. Well, since I'm not actually in fandom (or, at least, I'm new to it), I'm not sure what it is that happens and such -- but, yeah, lots of people on whatever that glee secrets tumblog is -- well, actually it was just one secret -- but it was all "I hate that people don't chastise Artie and Kurt for the same things they chastise others for just because Kurt is gay and Artie is in a wheelchair" or something that basically means that. Personally, I don't think I say things like "Kurt was chasing after Finn, cool" and "Rachel was chasing after Finn, boo" because lol I don't ship either of those and they were both crazy and wrong, and, if anything, Rachel was less wrong or at least wrong-together-with-Finn because Finn was actually interested in her... but even though they are similar, they do come off as different on-screen -- even the characters feel that way. I understand why you feel that way (because that happens in all fandom - one character getting shit for doing the same thing another character was praised for), but I can't help that I don't like her and I do like Kurt, it just happened. Maybe if Rachel had scenes with her two gay dads like Kurt has with Burt, that might help? IDK. Right. Because, again, the music isn't just about glee club -- the whole show is about music. I mean, there are random scenes with them singing and a lot of people were upset that Rachel was singing "Papa Can You Hear Me?" to Burt, and honestly -- that is upsetting, because Burt is not her father -- not to mention Kurt asked (well, told) them not to and it is his father and his right and IDC if they were doing what they think is the nice and/or right thing to do, he said no and it isn't their place to go to the hospital and -- lol sorry off-topic. Shue -- actually that reminds me of something. Sometimes, the circumstances are different, so even though the actions are the same -- not talking about Glee, though. God, I hate looking at the TV while I'm on the computer. It hurts so much and I don't know why. But anyway. Yes, they are. Yes, they do -- and it does -- because real people make mistakes and that's what makes them relatable. According to spellcheck, I never spell that right -- whether it's relatable or relateable or relatible. I'm pretty sure it actually is relatable, and spellcheck is just a little cunt.
... you probably do. I have so many -- well as many as I can have with so few icon spaces. Obviously, you can have probably about 20 and I wouldn't be surprised if you did eventually xD
Yeah, everyone loves it~ |D
lol, my brain is dyingdyingdying, but i'll try and respond, finally. LOL, no one can trust anything Sue says nowadays except if it's about her sister, but yes, continuity~~ and well, I really do hope Kurt and Sam are end-game too. Yeah, I understand that -- and the differences and such. I'm glad that you see the logic in somethings, though, fandom's a bit of a double-standard, and I don't pretend that I'm perfect in it, but it's like, you should love your favorites for their faults too, ya know? I DO want Rachel to have some family time too -- soon as characters get that it seems like I can relate to them more or at least understand them more. The singing was somewhat upsetting, yeah, though everyone was doing that and just because we only saw Rachel she's the only one who got blamed by fandom-- lol, yes, topic, oops. I think it is relatable, firefox, what you doing?
I'll go looking when I'm not a) falling asleep or b) drowning in homework
YES. Faults are good things. I mean, not good things, but important things for a character to have! Exactly. I understand that we met her mother, but Shelby didn't raise her and I think it's really important that we meet her two gay dads. As it is right now, she reminds me somewhat of Liberty (not a lot, though) -- with the threatening to get the government involved (ala, "my dad says that if one more squeegie kid tries to dirty up his windows, he'll call the mayor -- he knows the mayor" -- that's not an exact quote) and such. That's true -- it was a poor song choice, at any rate, but that's how Rachel is -- Mercedes and whoever, was it Quinn? IDR. Anyway, you're right, they were just as wrong -- and even Kurt and Sue were wrong, but I won't lie and tell you that it was their right to complain, because Kurt did feel awkward about it even though he wouldn't have said so without Sue's involvement, and I sympathise more with him than the others. They had every right to be offended, but so did Kurt, and it's not their place to ask him why he doesn't believe in God. Most people believe in God because they were raised that way. Actually, this has nothing to do with Glee but it reminds me of something -- some person on tumblr was like "HA! ELI'S ATHEIST! TAKE THAT, EVERYONE WHO THOUGHT HE WAS JEWISH." I just wanted to point out that this person is dumb. Being Jewish only partly has to do with religion -- it also has to do with heritage, and whether or not they are aware of this fact, Goldsworthy is a Jewish name. I just needed to get that out, it's been bothering me.
Is it just me, or do I type way more than you? And, uh -- why you so tired? Get some sleep, guh.
Yes! Characters CANNOT be perfect! That makes the most sense. You know, that makes a lot of sense, the comparison to Liberty (and that quote was pretty dead-on >> ) but uh, yes, I WANT SO BAD to meet her dads. I might punch something if we go through this season without meeting them. :/ And yes, ha, th-that is just Rachel. Yeah, it was Mercedes and Quinn. Everyone had some part of the problem, I think, and everyone did something wrong, and that's kidna what I like about the show. It isn't really their place to ask why he doesn't believe in God. I mean, talking with him about it reasonably would've been better, but not at that moment. Like, if he wanted to talk about it, or offer, "hey, if you ever want to talk about [etc etc]" because I don't think automatically talking with someone is offensive but-- OH GOSH YEAH, I HEARD ABOUT THAT. Seriously, we were talking on FanFourms how we thought he was either atheist or Jewish and now it's like "oh, well, he still might be Jewish in heritage, that'd make sense," I hate people who are dumb like that.
lol sometimes you do. ;; I was just reeeeeally tired then.
Haha, I'm glad you think so! Yes, I agree. We haven't actually gotten to know a lot of people's parents -- sure, we've seen Puck's sister or mom or something in front of the TV, but we've only really gotten to know Carole, Quinn's parents when they kicked her out, and Burt who has gotten the most, uh, screentime and development. Right, exactly. IKR. "My dad's in a coma, he could be dying." "KURT Y U NO BELIEVE IN GOD." Bro, didn't you just hear what he said about his dad what is this. Personally, I think it's wrong for people to assume that just because they believe in God their BFF does, too (i.e., "I don't know how to act around you anymore" -- um, why the hell not?) ORLY? Well, yeah -- because they're two different things. I mean, his parents don't seem to be very Jewish, which makes me wonder about those lace curtains... IDEC I am going to pretend his very Jewish grandmother lives with them or it was her house or something because nothing else would explain those curtains in the window on the door. In the door? Whatever. But, yeah, there were hints earlier that he isn't a big fan of Jesus which doesn't necessarily point to either -- just a non-Christian background -- and now that we officially know he's atheist, again, it doesn't mean he isn't Jewish in heritage. They don't even need to bring it up, because the name is enough, but that would be a nice way to BOOYAH~ in that little -- uh, in that person's face.
I AM SO VERBOSE. I COULD TAKE OVER THE WORLD WITH MY VERBOSITY. Actually, it kind of bothers me that Ms. Dawes said "wordy" instead of "verbose" because my 11th grade Englsih teacher would've been all over that opportunity, and I realise she's not my English teacher but she's still an English teacher -- but probably the majority of the audience would've been like "WHA?" like they are when Eli uses words like machismo and acuity -- actually, someone said "why didn't he just say macho?" I'll tell you why, person IDR -- because he's Eli. Also, I don't think macho is a noun, so if he said "macho" he would've been wrong... But, uh. Well, I'm glad it was just a one-time deal then :)
P.S. Did you get my text about the school colours in Daria being the same as the ones in Degrassi? That's probably true for loads of shows, but I just have to compare Daria and Degrassi now -- things are just. IDK if I'm hallucinating these but the similarities are getting out of hand -- in a good way.
I want all of them to have parents, homelife is awesome and stuff. And Yeeeees, gao. :/ Yes, me too, THAT WAS WEIRD, MERCEDES :| and all that stuff, and-- lol lace curtains, I still gotta write something about that, but I feel like since we're gonna see his house soon it'd be a waste to write something about it now. I think I'll wait until after Umbrella to do anything, but I wanna write the thing about them studying in Morty more than ever now, especially if she does end up living with them. I'd like it if he was atheist with a Jewish background, it'd be cool, but yeah, we can all kinda get that, so it doesn't need to be brought up except for gloating.
LOL, yes, she must use more huge words! >>;; I love when Eli uses big words, though, it's cute, and-- yes, because he's ELI, and that's all that matters. He's Eli. And that's how Eli is. and. yes.
I don't think I did but omg that's amazing, I love you making connections.
RIGHT. Well, homelife isn't always awesome -- Craig's homelife wasn't awesome. But it's important for characters to have a homelife and I know what you meant, I'm just being silly. IT WAS, RIGHT -- HE'S STILL KURT. IT'S NOT LIKE YOU TALKED ABOUT GOD EVERY DAY OR SOMETHING AND SUDDENLY HE CHANGED HIS MIND IDU. They were though! Also, Behind Lace Curtains was the title of, uh, some thing I wrote IDK what to call it -- did you read that? You should. I doubt they'll explain the curtains, but, uh -- a little more information about his home life won't hurt before you start. YOU NEED TO DO THAT, TOO <3 Right, especially if she does. IDK, it all depends on -- I mean, his parents are probably going to offer that -- but it all depends on what's happening with her parents, whether or not I approve -- and how Eli takes it, because clearly Clare is insinuating, uh, that and, uh. IDK what I'm saying I still want her to live with her dad because I am going to hell. Me, too -- it would, uh, bring some kind of depth to his character, in a way, and -- lol mte. I really just want to rub it in that person's face, like Mia rubbed that ice cream cone on Lana's cheerleading outfit in The Princess Diaries. Ohhhh yeah.
IKR <3 Me, too -- it suits him. I really don't think Eli would've have, uh, been able to handle making the mistake of using a verb where a noun should be, so it's really a good thing they went with machismo :)
Haha, thanks :) I'd really like it if, some day, you took it upon yourself to watch Daria. I'm pretty sure you can watch it on the MTV website... idk if all the episodes are there, though.
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