Making the Glee-part of this post as I watch. :)
- The fact that this episode was out right after National Coming Out Day says something. I'm only fifteen minutes into it as I say that, but I don't want to believe that did that by accident.
- Brittany/Santana OTP. That is all.
- Rachel's attempt at doing something non-selfish. Knowing that she has that flaw. And then Finn saying she's technically still being selfish. XD I think I loved that.
- ...I do sort of like that they're bringing up the fact that Kurt was too stalker-ish to Finn last season. I mean, they let that slide. A lot. And while Finn was out of line calling Kurt a fag (like, WAY out of line), it was too much of a double-standard, as Finn was right, him acting like that to a girl would get him a restraining order.
- Sam is using the language of the Na'vi to Quinn. LOL. Sam, you're a dork. ...But I ship Puck and Quinn. >_> Conflict.
- :( Dammit, everyone has points in this episode. Finn, be a bit less harsh with some of yours. Kurt, try and see your dad's prospective. Burt...damn, everyone has points in this episode.
- Kurt, you should be able to sing with Sam still, but-- gao. :/ Don't let it get out and don't act like a stalker towards him? Maybe? GAO.
- Little late, but. Mike and Tina's arguments, LOL. "I don't think I CAN sing. Everyone knows I'm just here to dance." LOL. "We should go to Asian couples counseling." "Why does it have to be Asian couples...?"
- Rachel and Finn trying to figure out how to loose. [DIES]
- ...Tina and Artie duet partners? fdsjijfiewa SHIPPING. ...Brit, just tell Artie you wanna bang Santana instead. And sort this out.
- Kurt singing a duet with himself? H-how?
- (But, but, but, Kurt, you don't HAVE to be alone, that's not what your dad's saying, bb.)
- :) I always love it when the rest of the club has positive reactions when others are performing.
- ...Saaam, are you checking Kurt ouuuut? (The answer is likely no, I am aware that he's getting a different boyfriend through spoilers.)
- Wait. Waaait, I want Puck and Quinn instead, wait, Sam, you're cute and all, but- but- but, BAKING. BETH.
- ...Quinn. :( "I know this feeling. Like-- like I need you. Duets don't work for me. And I don't need you. What I need is a way to keep Santana off my heels, what I need is to find a way to torture Rachel, and I need to start...learning to ignore people." QUINN. ;A; QUIIIIINN.
- "I'm mad at you. But you're still so hot." BRITTANY.
- ...Wait now I realize that JUST ABOUT EVERYONE IS GETTING SCREENTIME IN THIS EPISODE except Puck who is in juvie. Wow.
- Mike, you're wrong. You can sing. At least you can do it in this song. The fake-singing. XD; He sounds like he's doin' hip-hop. ...and I can't stop looking at their dancing. I think I adore this song. XD; Mike's fake-singing is my favorite part. It's my FAVORITE part.
- Tina, you want to get back with Artie. I know you do.
- lol, finn. "she's shorter than Quinn and she talks a lot, but I'm in love with her." Making short, mouth-running people feel better all the time.
- QUINN AND RACHEL SCENE. ...I wanted more.
- oh, Rachel and Finn being all manipulative is amusing. And their fist-bump is hilarious.
- ...Rachel and Finn. Their duet. It sounds pretty. But they look so lame performing it. [dying] Everyone's reactions. "This isn't happening. :|" "[cla-- Tina grabs hand]"
- "I'm--" "Shocked!" "We're shocked." lol.
- ......THIS SONG. OMG. I KNOW THIS SONG. AND I LIKE IT. QUINN AND SAM SOUND GOOD TOGETHER. ...crap, don't ship it, don't ship it, don't ship it. (may cry)
- Santana, you're meeeean. But. Artie lost his virginity to Brittany. And. Artie. [hug] And Brittany. EVERYONE GETS HUGS.
- "Hey. I need to talk to you." "Oh, please not another pregnancy." Kurt, you ARE the Head Bitch In Charge.
- ......Kurt-Rachel friendship? Like we wanted a season ago? Is that where this is going? IS THAT WHERE THIS IS GOING? SHOW. DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME.
- "I know you're lonely. I can't even imagine how hard it must be in high school to have feelings you can't act on for fear of being...humiliated, ridiculed, or...worse. We're gonna win Nationals this year, and you know how we're gonna do that? Because we have you." "...That's true." "That's twelve people who love you for being exactly who you are. Look, I know you're lonely,'re not alone." ... [cries a little. with joy.] a-and they're singing a duet. like we wanted a season ago. d-did ryan murphy answer a prayer?
- no seriously, that made me cry a little.
- ...So I guess nothing's coming of Sam/Quinn interaction. I'd like him, he's a dork. [snugs] --or wait, maybe something IS coming of it? "Date" -- oh no, Puck's gonna kick his a-- LOL BRITTANY.
- ...jkfjeiwajfdkfjewai RACHEL AND KURT DUET. I AM IN LOVE WITH IT.
- Life is sad for Brittany. :( Fix that.
Okay. So I can see why some people might find this episode displeasing, based on...well, Kurt was told not to do something because he's gay. But it was also because...well, he does have a habit of coming on strong, and-- it was intentional, the airing, I'm not making sense. Rachel's speech at the end. That he's got 12 people who love him for exactly who he is? That's what a lot of closeted LGBT teens need to hear. At least, the ones who are out to a few people, afraid of doing things to get them bullied, etc. That's really what they need to know, that there ARE people who love them. Maybe I'm not as upset because I know Kurt's getting a boyfriend, through spoilers. But...It Gets Better. National Coming Out Day did wonders for me, I think, in my terms of thinking. Like may be hard in high school, but It Gets Better.
(If I had watched this episode last week when I was depressed, that would've made things so much better, actually. Why did I not do that, stupid self.)
OKAY. Glee-view done, even though it was mostly reactions, I wanted to be different. Now: Degrassi. I'm still digesting Holly J/Declan stuff, to be honest. I just...i-if they go the rape storyline on that plot, I just don't know. That whole scene was blurry and-- and they were my ship for season 9. I returned for Alli, but I stayed and really REALLY watched, got caught up for THEM. They were my ship. My OTP. "Try Honesty" hurt, but this...if they make that loving, beautiful relationship what can be akin to a rape plotline? I hope the promos are being misleading. I'm not jumping on the "it's not rape!" or "it's definitely rape!" bandwagons. I'm denial. In shock. Angry, a bit. A lot. I don't know. For awhile my ship was back and then...gao.
I'm focusing on Eli and Clare, which was great, as usual. Three weeks of off-screen silent treatment...yes, that's something, but I betya when Fitz returns we'll be getting more of Clare and Eli talking about Vegas Night. And Eli was TOTALLY trying to make Vegas Night up to her with that date. Totally. Every single little thing was great, their date was to a reading of Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk, they are such NERDS. I think my favorite thing was Eli getting dragged across the stage though. His face, his FACE. I love that both of them are lit nerds, really. I've met all kinds of people who love literature. Just 'cause he's goth/emo/whatever, he's Eli, that's all that matters, doesn't mean he can't like literature. Bit ridiculous, that is. Anyway, ahem. The matching piercings? Eli finding that it hurt? LOL.
But ah. Ms. Dawes snarking with Eli? She totally loves them, her students. And ships them. [ahem] I love the comparisons to Eli and a cat when he holds up the tickets. This is all out of order. CLARE SAYING YOINK. SHE IS PRECIOUS. I am totally rewatching while I watch, can you tell? (Declan's "you're with SAV?!" face, hehe-- no, no self, skip those parts, it'll only hurt in the end.) Clare's parents are...I smell custody battle. Her dad getting stuff for her... I smell custody battle. :( Oh no.
--little thing here, Clare-haters are starting to annoy me a tad, saying constantly that "she's too perfect, has no flaws, never gets in trouble," ummmm, some people aren't really bad-bad, "doesn't get consequences for the things she does," that's gonna change reeeeeal soon, have they seen the promos? No, sorry, they're too busy criticizing her in them, even though she's finally, ya know, breaking rules, but then she's "acting immature" to a situation that she can't control, where she's acting out because she feels like her life is spiraling out of control, they're allowed to be a little harsh on her, I'm allowed to be a little harsh on THEM. Parental problems make you act differently. They make you do stupid things. Haters say she should do things that have more consequences. Looks like she'll have a hell of a lot of consequences up coming. But she gets hated on for "acting immature," when she's supposed to be Little Miss Perfect? And don't those who also hate her relationship with Eli say that she's living in a fantasy world? Isn't THAT not perfect? They call her a hypocrite, but if they could see themselves... They just want to hate her. Seriously. And she got consequences, she's not perfect, everyone had a fault in "All Falls Down," Fitz and Eli were stupid for the feud, Clare could've handled things better, not tried to fix it all on her own, and look, suddenly Fitz has a knife, Eli and Clare get the crap scared out of them, and the school gets hardcore rules, but Clare didn't get punished directly, so it's not consequences. Ugh. >_> Can't even talk on FanForums, because I can't look at the thread and then cite what's invalid about their argument, but at least that mod is being kinder now, even stopped by the positive threads.
Okay, back to the show. Eli cheering Clare up after she won and her parents were horrible? Loved. Entirely. And his clapping. And "You little devil," jfdksfiewa XD >> I will say the "teenagers don't talk like that" thing isn't true. lol, I talked like that in high school. And so did some of my friends. I go to a liberal arts college, I can cite about half the campus that probably talked like that, try again later, haters-- no, wait, will not make comments like that. OKAY. "What's next? Sneaking into an R-Rated movie?" LOL Eli. And then of course, "What, scared to keep with me?" "[consideriiiiing, ilovethisgirl, little jump-skip, runs after]" AAAAHHHH. ♥
ELI IS WHINING WHEN CLARE IS TRYING TO LOOK AT HIS PIERCING. HE IS LEGIT WHINING. [yes rewatching] "Lemme see it." "Nooo." "C'mon--" "No, pleeease--" "C'mon, I wanna see--" "Okay, okay." "Oh my god. [laugh]" "Why didn't you tell me it would hurt so much? :(" So cute. And then when he's all worried her parents won't like him because she's staying out past her curfew? "Won't she be worried?" "Who cares? Let them." "I guess, I care. I really like you, ergo, I want them to like me." He said ergo. Oh my gosh, they are such nerds. x3 Indignant Clare when she got back to her house? Oh dear. Well, Aislinn was AMAZING in this scene when is she not amazing, but maaaan, Clare, this is gonna come back to bite you. The "You're both mad a me for a change instead of each other. [pause] Refreshing." Oh dear. I can SEE the look of realization on her face. Anyone wanna guess where Clare-who-wears-slut-clothes comes from? Yeah. Yeah, right there. Sweetie, it doesn't work, trust me.
Chantay plot? Mmmm, it was weak. Too little time, but that may be the fault of attempting to put a third plot in this episode that really seemed designed for only two plots. I wanna see some fighting the power, but only if they actually give it time.
Overall...I am worried about Declan for next week. I am worried that his character development will go "poof" for a...I can't even say it fdskjfe >< But I cannot WAIT to see Clare's breakdown. Been a long time coming. Lemme see your pain, girl.
Let's see...what else can I cram into this post? No classes Wednesday. Time to choose classes for Winter Term, yaaaaay, oh boy. All I know is: Japanese 102, Beginning Fiction Writing. Suppose I'll have to look at that tomorrow. Good news is besides the usual FP movie, no real classes until Thursday. I am LOVING Japanese, by the way. It's clicking with me so much. I'm worried because we're going to start conjugating verbs, but I bet it'll make more sense in a few days after we actually talk about it in class.
As of yesterday, I have been in a relationship for a month. Wow. There's...some rough patches, of course, but I didn't expect everything to be ~~~rainbows~~~ though we do need to talk about a few things, but communication is of course the basis to any good relationship.
I think I've finally almost balanced my life. It's weird.
LARP is fantastic. I'm going to say now that I think it'll make me a better actor. I'm not much of one anyway, but Saturday night I had an amazing scene with one of the STs (storytellers), and my character's going down a daaaark path, but I love it. I'm taking every horrible thing in stride. Completely. If this game goes under I'll be super depressed.
Oh, -- anyways. That's not a real word, right? Grammatically? I need to prove someone ( >_> ) wrong, help me out F-list.
Okay, so, shoot me, but I loved the Jason/Piper stuff. Yes, Jason is a bit bland sometimes, but well, he had his memories sucked out, wouldn't a lot of his chapters be wondering about his past, wondering if anything was different, etc. I really enjoyed Piper. I get that her Jason-thoughts were a bit overdone. Yeah, Riordan laid it on thick. Very true. was good. I dunno, I liked it. Had they kissed so soon, I would've been unhappy. But it looks like there will be a bump in the road with his maybe-girlfriend from the Roman Camp. Cannot WAIT to see that played out, by the way. the Roman Camp. Percy narration next book? PLEASE? If he has a Roman Girlfriend, I will cut a bitch. So will Annabeth. With her knife. Or maybe she'll just fire that shotgun off at her, GOD ANNABETH, BE MORE BADASS, WHY DON'T YOU? OH, YOU CAN'T, THE WORLD WILL EXPLODE. See, without Percy around to provide a match for her, she couldn't be in the book much. Or else she would've melted everyone's brains. That's why. That and she had more important things to worry about. That's right -- a quest to save the world is beneath Annabeth, she's off being badass somewhere else. Her and Rachel being new BFFs? LOVE THAT. --OH SPEAKING OF CHARACTER RELATIONS. JASON GRACE. Jason and Thalia being siblings? SHIT WOW. The reason why Thalia ran away makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE NOW. I looooove it.
Know what else I love? Leo. Seriously, I think he may be my favorite of the new kids, but I like all of them, so that's a very hard graph. XD Seriously, though, I thought I wouldn't like him, but I love him. His narration chapters were some of my favorites. I can't help but find myself wanting to hug him like crazy and laughing at him all the same.
I think people need to stop comparing the old books to the new ones. That's what I've learned with Warriors (WHICH I GOTTA CATCH UP ON) -- they're all their own characters. No one is supposed to be "like this character in this book" or whatever. Stop the comparisons, and you will enjoy it. That's what I did. It's gonna suck waiting a year, though. And that title? "The Son of Neptune." Don't be playing with us, Riordan. DON'T BE FUCKING PLAYING. :(
Read the first Percy Jackson graphic novel. There were some things I liked, like seeing the ending played out. But.......too much was cut. Seriously, all the reasons the fans would want it were gone. It was too rushed. They didn't even have Medusa! Or mention of Percy and Grover's empathy-link, which is vital for the second book. OR "YOU DROOL WHEN YOU SLEEP" OR "NO LOVE MAGIC FOR YOU" OR THE CONVERSATIONS WHEN STOWING AWAAAAY. And the kids looked too old. Just sayin'. They're supposed to be 12. But I did love seeing the cabins... I'm being harsh, I enjoyed what they had, I just think that if they were gonna do a graphic novel it should've kept more parts of the quest. I wanted Percy and Luke's confrontation at the end, dammit, not Percy hearing about it. And Annabeth's "Seaweed Brain" nickname came out of nowhere at the end, gotta back that up. ...idk, I guess I just thought it would be more faithful. It was faithful to a fault for what they had, but they cut too much out.
And last but not least: I got coerced into joining another roleplay,
singularity_rpg , which is the slowest rp ever, and there's Narutaru and Bokurano there. ...It's all us from the usual place, but still. I gotta download the rest of Narutaru now, even though it ripped my brain out when I read part of it. Never re-reading volume 6, by the way. Or looking at the RAWs again, GOD, HIROKO. [ahem] But yeah, I'm playing at Dive and Trans_9 now. Gotta go and tag around more, though.
EDIT: Re-watching one of the season 3 episodes of Degrassi. Knowing what happens in season 4 (the shooting), ohhh man, it's kinda freaking me out. XD; Rick and the way he acts when he gets angry.... O_O
EDIT the SECOND: Apparently my friends are crazy. And I'm dating a katamari......?
Also, the rest of the world liked this episode of Glee as much as I did. Naturally, there will be implosions soon.