Dec 08, 2005 08:10
Grrr finals. I'm in the mood to go xmas shopping under those twinkle lights and curling up on the couch with hot cocoa and Sean and watching movies and driving up into the mountains to picnic. NOT finishing a 20 page paper today and starting a theory paper. Which is the goal; am halfway done with the big paper and should hopefully be able to pound out the rest of it this morning and afternoon. Since this later half is going to be theory quote crazy it shouldn't be hard. The second paper, the theory paper, is what is going to kill me in the end. At least it's only 5 gut-renching pages, which in normal paper speak shouldn't even make me blink but when it's theory.... there's something in my brain that shuts off.
At 9, once the stores open, I have some quick errands to run, so that gives me a good goal to start with. I've printed off some photos of people down here to bring with me over break. I'm now starting to wonder if I need to ship my xmas presents I've bought down here home, or take them as a carry-on... decisions. I should quit museums and build a teleport machine.
Well, this paper isn't writing itself. So back to that.