Title: A is for Atomic Bomb
Summer 2008 Alphabet Challenge
Character: Charlie (and various background characters)
Rating: K+
Summary: One action can change everything.
Author's Notes: This contains possible spoilers to 'When Worlds Collide'. This is a possible behind the scenes. This was originally posted 2008 on Fanrush.
Disclaimer: I do not own Numb3rs. They belong to Cheryl and Nick.
“Dr. Eppes, You have the right to remain silent ...” said the agent who had handcuffed Charlie. Don and Alan just stood at the front door, in shock, as he was being escorted to the waiting car. His attorney would be following in his own.
Charlie just set in the back, looking out the window, watching the city go by. They were heading Downtown, to the Federal Processing Center. He had some idea as to what was going to happen. He wasn't worried; he wasn't unhappy; he was, for lack of a better word, numb. Replaying the last few hours over and over in his mind. All the while, hoping Larry and Amita do not get any more involved than they already are for witnessing the sending of the email.
As they pulled into the garage, Charlie finally came back to this dimension and escorted out of the car.
On the way up to Processing, a few other agents joined him. Charlie just gave them a sad, little smile to let them know he understood the seriousness of the situation. He knew sending the rest of Sanjrani's research was illegal, but didn't considered it as a National Security threat.
“This way, Dr. Eppes,” the arresting agent said. His hand was on Charlie's arm, guiding him through the door.
First stop, mug shot.
“Face forward, Dr. Eppes.” Click. “Now, turn left, please.” Click.
Second, finger-printing.
“I need your right hand, Dr. Eppes. Thank you. Now your left.”
All that was left, for the moment, was Charlie's formal statement. “We need to get your statement.” And with that, the agents, Charlie's attorney, and Charlie went toward the interrogation rooms.
“Have a set Dr. Eppes, we'll be back in a moment.”
Charlie sat there next to his attorney, just shaking his head. The attorney looked at him in confusion. Dr. Eppes ... ?”
Charlie took a deep breath, “It's been said that the creation of the Atomic Bomb changed the world. Scientists ... Physicists, worked on a project whose whole purpose was destruction. Ten's of thousands died immediately; ten's of thousands more from the after effects. Two bombs, that changed everything. Created by scientists who thought they were doing the right thing at the time.
“Now, an email, whose whole purpose is to save the lives of millions, is considered just as deadly. This email is my personal “Atomic Bomb”. My work, my life, will never be the same again.”