Oct 18, 2007 01:18
The rumours of my untimely demise have been greatly exaggerated.
Okay, so there were no rumours and I'm not even close to dead, but it sounded like a nice dramatic opening line. (What can I say? It's the writer in me. ^_^ )
Anyways, just an FYI to let anyone who's still haunting the boards know that I invited a couple of visitors to the forums. I made some friends on a browser game and we're going to try RPing in a private forum to see how well it goes. (The in-game messaging system is only one-on-one, so it makes RPing with more than two people rather awkward.) It'll be a hidden forum, so it shouldn't get in anybody's way if anyone's still out there.
Just wanted to give a heads-up in case people started wondering at a slight pick-up in activity. (And I mean slight. Three new users will barely be a blip on the radar.)
Speaking of RPs, I've been putting it off, but Jack's been hassling me (to the point of being an annoying ass) and I know everybody's been waiting for it for almost a year (or have given up waiting for it, whatever the case may be), so I've started working on the FIs again. I wanted to flesh out some rules for it first, but a) that's too much for one person to figure out, and b) according to Jack, the lack of rules makes it more fun. (Personally, I think it just leads to plot-holes, chaos and lack of continuity, but that's just me.)
So I'll figure the rules out later (if I ever do). Just give me 'til this weekend to get some introductory and registration instructions up in the FI Zone, then I'll open it up for our traditional RP free-for-all.
Figured it wouldn't be fair to open the board for a new RP, while the old RP stayed closed.
(Hmmm... lots of parentheses in this news post...)
And lastly, the spammers and spambots have exploded the memberlist again, so I'm going to be wading through that again over the next few days.
In case there's an actual human being in that mess somewhere.
That's all that's new for now.
I'll keep you all posted with some newer developments soon. Hopefully.