Apr 08, 2008 20:19

Player Information
Player Name/Alias: Joy
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: AIM: clouded here
Former/Other Characters in the RP: Gaara Sabaku

Character Information
Character's Name: Rabi
Character's Canon Origin/Series: D. Gray-Man
Character's School Year/Teaching Position: 5th

Character's Background (in relation to the RP):

The clan of Bookman is neither Wizard nor Muggle. They consider themselves as neutral, their purpose? To record both Muggle and Wizard history, secret and not so, they are known to only a few as recorders, those who watch from the side. Those that record History are unbiased, not allowed to hold favor to either side, no matter the situation. The lineage of the Bookman is a sacred one. It is rare to find those suitable for the position of Bookman, related or not. To be chosen as a Successor is a right, a gift that you cannot decline. After being chosen there is no other path for you, but one of recording.

Rabi doesn’t remember his parents. Whoever they were, they must have found it suitable to abandon their son inside of a market. An old woman found him as an infant and raised him until her death. Born with one eye blind, Rabi grew up after that on the streets of Jammu City in Kashmir, India. Unbeknownst to anyone, Rabi was gifted with an incredible memory and envious intelligence for one so young. One day in an alleyway, a stray dog suddenly attacked him for the meat he had snitched. It mauled his arm and ran with the food. Too weak to move, Rabi lay in the alleyway and would have surely bled to death if it were not for one person to have saved him.

It is said that Bookmen do not have a heart. They abandon all emotion once they assume their role, but whether they can fully kill the instinctual humane nature within, is uncertain for all. A Bookman’s actions can either be defined for the sake of History or out of emotion. This was one such situation.

Whether the Bookman considered Rabi, bloody and dying, a valuable piece in History or whether whatever was left of his heart ached at the sight of the child, it was never explained. Saving Rabi, he returned to the Clan.

It was quickly realized Rabi’s height of intelligence once he was living with the Clan. From there, he was chosen as the next Successor, Bookman’s apprentice. Still very young, the Clan’s ideals were pressed heavily upon him, the road of neutrality one he considered the only one suitable for himself. He traveled alongside the Bookman and recorded as he was told. Exposed to war and the evil of human nature, Rabi began to lose hope in humanity very quickly.

On his 11th birthday, Rabi received a letter of invitation to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was decided that as the next Bookman, attending Hogwarts would be an ideal spot to record the Wizard’s side of history. He accepted.

Because of his incredible memory Rabi has had to assume many aliases over the years traveling with Bookman to record certain spots of history. These ‘faces’ allow him to watch incognito without suspicion or inquiries. After one alias’s duty is fulfilled, it is abandoned and another is taken up. To hold onto each alias is to hold a bond that connects to emotions and the heart, tipping the neutrality scale a Bookman must uphold. In Hogwarts, Rabi has taken up the alias “Rabi” (lol, duhr). How long he will keep this alias is uncertain, for now. Rabi tends to alternate his accents. Although he is well adept at speaking English (and a multitude of many other languages) he chooses different accents just to be obnoxious to Bookman (and anyone else).

And, I am so nabbing the previous Rabi-mun’s idea on his canon weapon, Ōzuchi Kozuchi (I hope no one minds o__o). During his travels, Rabi came about an enchanted hammer that can enlarge and extend to his command. Its normal size is small and striped black and white on the head. The rest is black.

Rabi is a shameless flirt. Gender holds no concern for him. All humans are the same to him, in his mindset.

Sample Interaction Post in First Person:

Oiii, has anyone seen a chi’ken ‘round here, mayhaps? Thing is a necessity to my Transfiguration project an’ it isn’t too good if I don’t have my chi’ken.

Oh, firs’ years: it seems to fancy you smaller lot so don’t make eye contact. An’ Lord up above, don’t run or it’ll chase ya down quicker than a fat kid on a Thanksgivin’ turkey.

Shouldn’t be too hard ta catch tho’. Th’ silly git is pretty lackin’ in noodle power, but it sure is annoyin’ as all sin, still.

Ah, woe is I!


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