What I'm learning

Sep 29, 2010 00:37

 Today someone asked me what I've learned since I've been working with a campus ministry.

It seems to me that I'm learning A LOT about life just as I live... and yes, working with a campus ministry highlights some different elements, but I'm also just learning about me.  What I enjoy, what I don't enjoy and so forth.

In efforts to prevent forgetting these lessons I feel I should document them here.  Why here?  I don't know.  I just know this is where it's happening.

About Me:
My name is Kim.  Some people call me Kimberly and there are a variety of other nicknames to which I respond dependent on who is saying them.  Not everybody can call me Kimmie and there are a rare few that have permission to call me "Kim Kim."  I don't know where these nicknames have come from but I generally introduce myself as Kim and it goes from there.

I'm 23 years old and living in Oregon.  I'm single and live in a house with four other young women.  Being friends with mostly men in my life and living in co-ed housing for several years it was a change to move in with a house full of girls.  I've shied away from being friends with a lot of men for a variety of reasons so I appreciate living with women (for now).  In this living situation I've realized that my thick-skin and insensitive nature makes it easy for me to say things that may hurt others.  I need to be cautious in my word choices and intentional in communicating clarity for anybody that I may have hurt.  Confrontation is not a bad thing - it is not a fun thing either - but it's muuuuch better to confront than to let it sit.  I've seen that I'm often the initiator for confrontation and I don't like that role - it goes both ways.  I'm stubborn and when I am tired of initiating I choose ignorance until another approaches me.

I'm really indecisive and really appreciate it when others are there to make decisions for me.  I find myself extremely thankful when someone can make a good, direct choice for me without wasting time.  There are few people in my life that I've met that do this so it stands out to me when they exist.  I sometimes wonder if it is their pride and arrogance that gives them the confidence to do such a thing, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

I love working behind the scenes.  Delegating and encouraging other people to do footwork is a comfortable place for me.  Simultaneously I love relationships... but I would rather they not be "work" and more a time to be social, have fun, and develop depth.  I hate approaching people with an agenda unless it is someone I plan on delegating and encouraging to accomplish a task.  Maybe I like being "the brain" of an operation rather than a limb.

While I generally don't like to be acknowledged, I do enjoy being recognized at times and thanked for my work.  There are a lot of thankless jobs in this world and it's a shame those people may feel as I do at times: forgotten.

I appreciate honesty and communication an incredible amount.  I feel that any conflict can be resolved if people are willing to talk and work through a problem.  It is essential to make commitments to the important people in life - especially for me, since I know that if I don't I will most likely sever from them when the timing is right.

I have no idea what I want to do with my life other than care about people and encourage and help them to do the same.  I don't know how that fits into the large scheme of things so I generally take things one day at a time.  That said, I'm really impulsive at times and I'm sure if I wasn't committed to something I would be all over the place.

The only things I think I know are that in every situation in which I can possibly see myself in the future: 1. God at the center.  2.  Health/Beauty and 3.  A Family.

I still don't know what that means... but I know I love kids and I'll either need to have my own someday (and/or adopt) or I'll need to find a teammate that will want to work with kids at times.  I've always had a soft spot for youth pastors...

In my current view the future has three options for "jobs":  1. Something involving music.  2.  Something involving ministry.  3.  Housewife.  It's a weird array.  Perhaps there will be some combination of those but I certainly don't see myself working any other type of job.  Not even sure how well I see myself working those jobs but... who knows what will happen?

I absolutely love laughing.  If there is no laughter in my life something is very wrong.  I hope other people can find joy in laughter as well.

I sometimes play dumb in order to force other people to use their brains.  Sometimes I wonder if they really think I'm an idiot but I'm glad it's causing them to think for themselves rather than rely on my thoughts.  I also sometimes find a reason to miss something or not be involved so that others are put in a position where they must work together to accomplish a goal.

I'm generally pretty chill but I'm also very energetic and enthusiastic.  I love running around outside, being silly, and going on imaginative adventures but I also love sitting in a room with talking or silence.  Nature is a beautiful thing... and can house all varieties of activities.

The more people push me, the more I resist.  I somewhat mentioned stubborn earlier, but let me mention it again.  I'm stubborn and strong-willed.  I feel like Black Beauty not wanting to cross that old rickety bridge but after a lot of coaxing sometimes I'll give in.  Sometimes.

Ahh... so much more to mention, but another thing I know: I cherish sleeping and dreaming.  I need to allow myself to do that right about now.  Hurray.
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