May 04, 2005 01:47 have this massive need to put a list on here. Like those top ten things that were so popular about four years ago.
Signs that your final isn’t going so well:
1. Your strongest reference for the majority of questions is that cereal commercial you saw part of last week.
2. A question asks for the “heme” source of something. You can only hope this is a typo for the word “best.”
3. You aren’t sure you just filled in the right answer line for the question you are on, but figure it doesn’t really matter.
4. Answer option “c” is “Vitamin E” and answer option “e” is “Vitamin C,” and your brain doesn’t want to understand this.
5. You can’t answer the top part of the sheet. Where it asks which course you are in.
6. There are two words in the matching category that you think your instructor might have made up. At least, you hope he made them up.
7. Everytime you see the word “glucose” the song “Intergalactic Planetary” starts playing. Only with the words changed to “Interglucose Planetation.”
I'm sure someone out there in LJ land has number 8.